RelativityOne Investigations Workspace template

Note: For existing customers, new versions of our templates are available for download on the Community site. To receive a copy of an associated workflow document, go to the Community or contact Customer Support or your Customer Success Manager. For new tenants, templates are automatically deployed as part of new tenant provisioning process. If you customize your copy of a template, we do not overwrite that customized copy. We recommend deleting old versions of your templates when you are no longer using them.

Template overview
Investigations template dashboard The RelativityOne Investigations Template simplifies the process of investigations by streamlining both the case setup and investigation workflows to allow investigators to more quickly discover the truth in a document set.

Note: The Investigations Workspace Template is meant to facilitate the searching and review of documents for an investigation — all in one workspace. For an Early Case Assessment workflow (culling documents prior to review in a separate case), use the separate RelativityOne Early Case Assessment Workspace template.

The following sections correspond to sidebar tabs in the template.


All security groups have access to the Documents Tab. Through a combination of Views, Dashboards, and Saved Searches, users are able to find and interact with documents related to their task.


Search Setup

Workspace Setup


Change Log