Search terms reports

Search terms reports provide the ability to identify documents containing specific keywords or terms. You can enter multiple terms and generate a report listing the number of hits for each term in a document. You can also select an option to create a multiple object field for the search terms report to use in your persistent highlight sets. When you select a search terms report for use with a persistent highlight set, the report determines which terms or phrases to highlight in the documents through the Review Interface.

Note: For information on how to calculate and store the number of terms in a Search Terms Reports (STR) that hit on a document, see Search terms report hit count.

Guidelines for using search terms reports

Use the following guidelines to ensure that your search terms report properly highlights the required terms:

  • Define a saved search using conditions that return the required group of documents for the Searchable Set. Persistent highlighting applies only to documents in the searchable set. Relativity also only counts hits that fall within the searchable set. Related items not included in the searchable set will not be searched for search terms.
  • Confirm that your dtSearch index includes all documents in the Searchable Set of the search terms report.
  • Select the Tag Hits toggle to create a multiple object field for the search terms report. If this field is not created you cannot select it in the Highlight Fields option when creating a persistent highlights set. See Persistent highlight sets.
  • When using a search terms report as a highlight source in a persistent highlight set, only the terms in documents associated with the current reports appear highlighted. If you add new search terms to the reports, you must run pending terms so that they appear highlighted in documents.
  • The system automatically preserves the precise order in which the terms were entered when generating a report.
    Note: Fuzzy searching is not supported in Search Terms Reports (STR). You must use the Dictionary function to perform fuzzy searching. You would then add the desired terms to the STR. For information on how to use the Dictionary, see Running a Dictionary search.

Creating a search terms report

To create a new search terms report, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to the Search Terms Reports tab.
  2. Click New Search Terms Report.
  3. Complete the fields on the form. See Fields.
  4. Click Save.

After saving the search terms report, the Search Terms Report Status section and Search Terms Report console appear. As the status section indicates, you must add terms to your new report. See Adding terms and highlight colors.


Search terms reports contain the following fields:

Search terms reports layout

  • Name—the search terms reports name. This value cannot exceed 75 characters.
  • Index—the dtSearch index used to create the report.
  • Searchable set—a saved search that includes a set of documents you want to use for your search terms reports. The Searchable Set Index field displays the index associated with the saved search you select. The index for the saved search may differ from the search index used to create the search terms report.
    Searchable Set Showing Saved Search Index
  • Include relational group—includes the "Documents with Hits + [Group Name]" counts for each term in the search terms results. This value counts the documents with hits for each term as well as all documents in the same relational group as the documents with hits. Include relational group only includes hits of related items in the searchable set. Relativity does not look outside of the searchable set. Click Select and then choose a relational group to include.
  • Tag Hits—if enabled, saves the results to a multiple object field named after the search terms report with the prefix STR, STR - Industry terms for example, so that the results can be reviewed later. Tags each document containing search hits using the STR multiple object field with the search terms found in each document.
  • Show in Field Tree—if enabled, automatically adds the terms to the field tree on the Documents view.
  • Calculate unique hits—if enabled, includes a unique hits value for each term in the search terms results. Unique hits is the count of documents in the searchable set returned by only that particular term. If more than one term returns a particular document, that document is not counted as a unique hit. Unique hits reflect the total number of documents returned by a particular term and only that particular term.
    Note: Unique hits can help you identify terms in your search terms report that may be overly inclusive.
  • Remove Hidden Characters—if enabled, automatically filters out hidden or non-displayable text control characters when creating or editing terms for the Search Terms Reports.
    • These hidden control characters have been known to cause issues in searching and can be unknowingly copied from Word or Excel documents.
    • The list of control characters that are filtered are the same as the default ignore section of the dtSearch alphabet file text.
  • Email notification recipients—specifies recipients to send an email notification to when your search terms report finishes running. Enter the email addresses of the recipients. Separate entries with a semicolon.
  • Notes—enter notes specific to the search terms report.

When viewing a list of search terms for a search terms report, term strings are limited to a set number of characters by default. Hover over a term to view the term string in its entirety.

Hover to View the Full Search Term String

Creating STRs through workspace templates

Additionally, you can create STRs through workspace templates using the following steps:

  1. From your active workspace, ensure that the Search Terms Reports object type setting for Copy Instances On Workspace Creation is enabled.
    Copy Instances on Workspace Creation
  2. Create a new workspace using the active workspace as your workspace template.
    The search terms reports are copied over to the new workspace.

Adding terms and highlight colors

To add terms to your search terms report:

Note: You must create a persistent highlight set for highlighted terms to appear in your documents. See Persistent highlight sets for more information.

  1. Click the name of your search terms report.
  2. Click Add Terms.
  3. Enter your terms in the text box so that each term appears on a separate line.
    Alternatively, you can also click the Dictionary link to display the Dictionary Search pop-up. In the pop-up you can perform searches using fuzziness, proximity, and stemming. Click Copy to List to add the Dictionary search results to the New Terms text box.
    Note: Each line is treated as an individual dtSearch query. For more information about dtSearch, refer to dtSearch.
  4. (Optional) Select a background color and text color using the color picker. See the preview text to verify that the resulting highlighted text is readable. By default, highlighted terms appear as black text with an orange background.
  5. Click Add to add your new terms to the terms list.
    Note: A single term has a character limit of 450.

A confirmation message displays with the count of new terms added. Duplicate terms are ignored. After adding new search terms to an existing report, you must run the terms so that they appear highlighted in documents. For more information, see Running a search terms report.

Editing terms and highlight colors

To edit a term in your search terms report:

  1. Click the name of your search terms report.
  2. In the Term column, click on the term you would like to change. The field will become editable.
  3. Edit the text, then press Enter.
  4. Run Pending Terms in order to update the search terms report. For more information, see Running a search terms report.

To edit the background and text color of terms:

  1. Click the name of your search terms report.
  2. Select the checkbox next to the terms you want to change, then click Edit.
  3. Choose the new background and text color, then click Save.
    Note: Changes to background and text color apply to all terms being edited.

Deleting terms

To remove terms from the search terms report:

  1. Click the name of your search terms report.
  2. Select the checkbox next to the terms you want to edit, and then click Edit.
  3. Click Delete.
  4. Click Delete.

If you remove search terms from the reports, the terms automatically disappear from the search terms report results. You must run the report again for accurate totals in the status bar and when using View Term Report.

Copying a search terms report

You can copy an existing search terms report using the mass copy operation.

To copy a search terms report: 

  1. From the Search Terms Reports tab, click the checkbox next to the search terms report you want to copy.
  2. From the mass operations bar, select Checked. Alternatively, you can select All to copy all search terms reports.
  3. Select Copy in the drop-down menu.
    The Copy window displays.
  4. Click Ok to copy the items.

Running a search terms report

You generate a search terms report by using the options available in the search terms report console. The console appears after you save a search terms report or when you open an existing report from the Search Terms Reports tab.

The console includes the following options:

  • Run All Terms—generates counts for each term. Use this option when generating the report for the first time or if you want to regenerate counts for all terms in the report. Run all terms after adding new documents to the searchable set.
  • Run Pending Terms—updates an existing report. It runs a report on only those terms with a Pending status.
  • View Results—opens the Search Terms Results (All) page. This page displays the report results, listing the number of document hits for each term. From the Search Terms Results (All) page, click the To Report button to return to this page.
    To Report button to click to go back to the STR.
  • View Term Report—opens the report in a graphical format. You can print or save the report. To save the report, click the Export To drop-down menu at the top of the page and select a file type, such as PDF. The file export begins automatically and saves the file to your local download location.

Run Report console on the Search Terms Report page.

The Search Terms Reports > Terms table has the following columns:

  • Name—search term included in search terms report.
  • Status—shows the current status of the searched term. Options include Completed, Pending, and Error.
  • Documents with hits—the number of documents in the searchable set that contain the search term.
    Note: Documents with hits is not security-aware or influenced by permissions. This means that it includes documents the user cannot view in a basic search. For example, a user could perform a dtSearch that returns a total of five documents, including two inaccessible documents. Even though the user can only view three documents, the search terms count still includes all five documents originally tagged with the search term.
  • Documents with hits, including group—counts the documents with hits for each term as well as all documents in the same relational group as the documents with hits. The count only includes hits of related items in the searchable set. It will not look outside of the searchable set.
  • Unique hits—counts the number of documents in the searchable set returned by only that particular term. If more than one term returns a particular document, that document is not counted as a unique hit. Unique hits reflect the total number of documents returned by a particular term and only that particular term.
  • Last Run Time—time stamp when the search terms report last ran.
  • Last Updated—time stamp when the search term was last updated.
  • Error messages—displays error messages for report terms, if encountered. See Managing errors for more details on error handling in search terms reports.
  • Text Color—the font color you set when adding the term.
  • Background Color—the background color you set when adding the term.

In this page, you can also access a list of any terms that failed during the creation of the search terms report. To read these error messages, change your view to Search Terms Results (All).

Note: RelativityOne now runs up to 20 search terms reports in parallel, simultaneously, on a single instance across any number of workspaces. You can, however, queue as many reports as needed and they will run when others complete.

Search terms reports status

After running a search terms report, the search terms reports status section appears. It lists the search terms report name and status. The status indicates the current progress of the report. This field contains either Searching your terms, Completed, or Error.

Search terms reports status

This section also provides a summary of the search terms report and its results:

  • Number of Terms—total number of terms run in the search terms report.
  • Documents with Hits—the number of documents in the searchable set that contain the search term.
  • Documents with Hits + Relational Groups—counts the documents with hits for each term as well as all documents in the same relational group as the documents with hits.
  • Documents in Searchable Set—total documents in the designated searchable set.

Managing errors

As the search terms report runs, Relativity checks for errors. If Relativity encounters errors, you will see a red banner just above the list of terms. You will also see a message in the Error message column for each term that Relativity could not process. The Status column displays Error.

Search terms reports error column

The error messages tell you the type of error encountered. For example, you can resolve syntax errors yourself and then retry them, while support errors require customer support for resolution.

  • Syntax errors—the search index could not search for the term due to an error in the syntax. The message tells you what is wrong with the syntax and how to fix it. You can fix these errors yourself by editing the term and addressing the issue outlined in the error message. For example, the second syntax error in the image below indicates a missing parenthesis. You can edit the term and add the missing parenthesis in this case.
    Example of a STR syntax error message

    After you address syntax errors, you must rerun the report to capture the terms. Click the Run Pending Terms button in the Run Report console to run the report on the pending terms. When complete, the page updates with the new term status.

    Run pending terms button in the run report console
  • Support errors—are errors that you cannot resolve yourself. Support errors require intervention from customer support. The error message includes an expandable section with explicit details about the error, which support can use to help determine and resolve the issue.
    Example of a support error message

Accessing tagged documents using the Field Tree browser

After you run a search terms report with the Tag option enabled, Relativity creates a folder in the Field Tree browser with documents grouped by tags found by the search terms report. Each tag includes the count of documents containing that term. The folder is named after the STR multiple object field created by the search terms report. For example, if your STR is named Produced Documents, the folder in the Field Tree browser is named STR - Produced Documents.

Click a search term tag in the Field Tree browser to view documents in your searchable set tagged with the selected term. You can also email a link to the tagged documents by right-clicking the tag results and selecting Email Link.

Search terms report tag field tree

Using tagged search terms in a saved search

After you run a search terms report with the Tag option enabled, Relativity creates choices for each of the terms that you specified. You can then use these choices as criteria in a saved search.

Use this procedure to create a saved search using tagged search terms:

  1. Follow the instructions for setting fields in the Information and Search Conditions sections on a saved search. See Creating or editing a saved search.
  2. Click on the Fields tab in the Saved Search pop-up.
  3. Select the desired field in the Unselected section and move it to the Selected section using the arrow icons.
  4. Click the Condition button and select an option from the pop-op.
  5. Perform the following tasks on the Select STR dialog:
    1. Select your search terms report in the Field box.
    2. Select an Operator, such as any of these.
    3. Select the STR option from the Condition drop-down menu to select search terms on the Select Items dialog.
    4. Set any other fields as necessary.
  6. Click OK.
    For example, if you added the tagged search terms called money, crime, and oil, the Conditions section would appear as follows:
    Search terms reports conditions
  7. Repeat steps 1-3 for each tagged search terms.
  8. Click Apply and Save & Search to run your query.


You may have an occasion where you want to grant limited permissions to a group of users outside of the site administrators. For example, you want to limit users from creating new Search Terms Reports to keep your environment organized. However, at the same time, you want users to view, edit, and add to existing terms lists.

To add search terms reports permissions to a user group:

  1. Create a new user group and add it to your workspace.
    Note: If you do not know how to create a new user group, see Groups. If you need help adding the group to your workspace, see Setting workspace permissions.
  2. From the Manage Workspace Permissions modal window, click Edit Permissions.
    In the image below, the group name is Processing - STR Users.
    Edit Permissions for the Group
  3. Scroll down to locate the two entries for search terms reports—Search Terms Reports and Search Terms Result. You want to edit permissions for existing terms, so you will edit the Search Terms Result object. The Search Terms Reports object grants permissions for reports overall and not the content within the report. Click one or more icons to enable the permission level. Available levels include Disable, View, Edit, Delete, Add, or Manage Security.
    Edit and Add Object Permissions
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click the Manage Workspace Permissions link.
  6. Click the Preview button for your group.
    Preview as Group
    The workspace opens with the group permissions applied. This view is helpful if you want to see how the workspace looks and functions as a group member. A banner across the top of the page reminds you of the preview mode.
    Preview Mode Banner
  7. Open a search terms report.
    You now see buttons above the search terms list corresponding to the permissions granted. In the image below, add and edit permissions apply.
  8. Check the box next to one or more search terms.
    The permission level buttons become active.
    Add and Edit Search Term Buttons
  9. Click the appropriate button to edit the search term.
    Note: If the only permission level granted is Edit, you will not see any buttons above the list. In this case, you can click any search term to enable a text box. Complete your edits and click Enter to save and exit.
    Manually Edit Search Term