Known issues

The following list provides descriptions of known issues in RelativityOne for 2021 and later. For a list of RelativityOne enhancements and more details for resolved issues, see RelativityOne release notes.

Note: The table below lists known issues for 2021 and later. To view a list of known issues for 2016-2020, see Known issues archive (2016-2020).

Note: Relativity uses a number of third-party technologies to ingest, store, search for, and manipulate data. Relativity does not possess a comprehensive list of all issues ever reported in the third-party technologies, and cannot provide fixes when these application-specific issues arise. Relativity will, however, work to alert the third-party vendor if issues are uncovered.

Note: If your RelativityOne environment has not been upgraded to the latest release, known issues listed as Fixed may not be resolved in your environment yet.

Date added Defect # Feature Description Resolved?
Date added Defect # Feature Description Resolved?
2024-10-18 REL-1011586 Case Dynamics Text selected when creating a fact in Outlines doesn't become highlighted in green after the fact is saved. No
2024-10-17 REL-1015984 aiR for Review In aiR for Review when opening a document, the queue of documents in the viewer matches the page size of the 'Analysis Results' list. For example, a page size of 50 would show 50 documents in the viewer. No
2024-09-28 REL-991712 Reviewer Interface This issue is specific to the coding of documents within the Related Items card using the All option while a filter is applied to the document list in that card. This issue does not occur when coding documents using the Checked option. The result of this workflow is the potential coding of incorrect documents.

Expected outcome of this workflow: Document coding is applied to All (X) filtered documents.

Actual outcome of this workflow: Document coding is applied to the top (X) documents in the unfiltered document list where (X) is the number of documents from the filtered list.
2024-09-12 REL-997771 Import API Overlaying images with Links Only option, when the destination workspace contains the image physical file (for example, when moving documents from Review back to Repository workspace), will result in replacing the original image file with its link. And that will result in deleting the image file from our database and the data loss.

When the Integration Points job settings can lead to such scenario
* Job is configured to Copy Images
* Links Only option is used
* Job is in Append/Overlay or Overlay Only mode

then a user is displayed an UI warning

Please ensure that you do not overlay documents' images with Links Only option from Review workspace back to Repository workspace. This action may lead to overlaying the original image file with its link, that has been previously sent to Review workspace. And that will result in deleting the image file and the data loss.
2024-09-04 REL-970404 List Page When creating an advanced filter from the item list on a multiple object field , no documents would be returned, and the user would see a `No Data' message in the item list. Yes
2024-08-28 REL-913827 Review Center Choosing a Reflected field for the Rank Output field causes queue refreshes to fail. Choose a non-reflected field to resolve this. No
2024-08-16 REL-988613 Breach and PI The Excel Report can only be so big. Usually, if the report is too big, there will be an error message saying so. We aren't 100% what the edge case is here but there are instances where the report will silent fail by getting stuck "In Progress." We have only seen it for the Document Search Excel Report. There is a workaround to use the Document Centric report instead. Yes
2024-08-16 REL-982629 Review Center The Reviewer Document View is incorrect if the user accesses a saved search before entering the Review Center queue. No
2024-08-14 REL-987716 Breach and PI If you manually create a table and set it to "no headers" (via the Headers switch), the document will fail Excel Tag Stats on subsequent IF runs. Yes
2024-08-06 REL-985394 Review Center If a default layout is selected on a queue, you cannot change the layout to another layout in the viewer. You can remove the default layout in the queue settings to resolve this in the meantime. Yes
2024-07-24 REL-959231 RelativityOne Redact In RelativityOne Redact, there is a code path within the application which attempts to size-down markups if it is determined that the markup has the potential to overlap adjacent lines of text for PDFs that were generated from images. This was intended to prevent unintentionally over-redacting text from the document beyond the drawn markup. However, this can result in intentionally drawn markups being resized below the actual text height. Yes
2024-07-16 REL-978454 List Page The first search run from the search bar after logging in to Relativity may not update the document list properly. The correct number of results are displayed, e.g. 1 - 100 of 1000, but the document list may not update to reflect those 1000 documents. Reloading the page will resolve the issue and after that, subsequent searches in the same session will update the document list as expected. Yes
2024-07-15 REL-978035 List Page The new permission for inline editing is visible in Relativity, but the feature has not yet been released. Adjusting this permission will not have any affect until the feature has been released. Yes
2024-06-05 REL-941802 Relativity Lists If you have 2 search conditions separated by an 'Or' operator and combine them into a logic group, the 'Or' operator is not retained and the logic group will have an 'And' operator. Yes
2024-06-04 REL-900755 Infrastructure Structured Analytics Sets (and, less commonly, Conceptual Analytics indexes) may have incorrect field information. Extracted text will NOT be affected, but other requested fields may have incorrect and/or missing content. The specific manifestation is that these additional fields are shifted over one column. Yes
2024-06-03 REL-903746 Import Service

In the case of image or production import with extracted text there could be a situation where extracted texts get lost silently.

Necessary conditions: 1) Image or Production import, 2) Documents with multiple images with corresponding extracted texts per each image, 3) Import/Export used for import, 4) Target file share is on ADLS.

In this situation, only the first extracted text for a given image gets imported.

2024-05-24 REL-923222 Discovery When using Slack-to-RSMF conversion in Processing, Slack messages containing a URL as part of a larger message with additional text would result in the URL not being present in the Viewer, Extracted Text viewer, or in the native when it is downloaded. Yes
2024-05-23 REL-944126 Relativity Lists Under inclusive results are returned when running an ad-hoc search with an 'Is' operator on a fixed length or long text field, if the search string contains parentheses and a comma, e.g. Email From _IS_ "Smith, John" Yes
2024-05-23 REL-947366 Relativity Lists Clicking the 'Clear All' button in the document list toolbar does not clear column sorting that has been applied. Yes
2024-05-23 REL-946647 List Page Users are currently unable to create a saved search using the 'Save Search' button from the mass operations toolbar after an advanced filter on a multiple object field has been applied to the document list. Yes
2024-05-23 REL-930591 List Page Recently implemented code around XSS prevention can cause display issues with pivot widgets with certain characters. An example is the ampersand character displaying as "&amp". Yes
2024-05-22 REL-914311 ARM From December 2023 until February 27, 2024 data grid workflows caused ARM archive jobs to exclude certain files that came from UNC file paths, resulting in data reading errors on the missing data grid documents once the restore is completed. Yes
2024-05-22 REL-904040 Relativity Integration Points (RIP) In some cases, there could be a silent data loss in the form of long-texts lost (never saved) during data synchronization between workspaces using the RIP-SYNC application. Yes
2024-04-15 REL-921885 Review Center On the Review Center dashboard, the Reviewed Documents table loads inconsistently. Refresh your browser to load the table. Yes
2024-03-25 REL-926813 Discovery A rare issue occurs when certain emails containing an RTF body may generate a different body hash if processed before 08/2022 versus after 08/2022. This may result in these emails failing to deduplicate properly. No
2024-03-13 REL-923461 Discovery When selecting native text extraction for Excel files, certain numbers may be rounded to the nearest whole number in the extracted text. No
2024-03-11 REL-922026 Breach and PI Filtering and sorting on the "Document count" column in the Entity Centric Report does not return expected results. Only rows with a document count of one are returned. No
2024-03-05 REL-920631 Production A native production with "Always use placeholders" and native redactions burned with "Burn Native Production" settings enabled on Data Source level may result in incomplete production output - for redacted files bates numbers are missing or redactions are not exported. Yes
2024-02-08 REL-909772 Case Strategy If a user creates a Fact from an Excerpt and navigates to a different version of the document (for example, creating a Fact on the Native and then navigating to Extracted Text), the user may encounter a warning banner that the Excerpt cannot be found. User should confirm that the Fact Excerpt still exists on the document, but otherwise can disregard & close the warning. No
2024-01-31 REL-909863 Relativity Lists A user without the 'Add' Search permission is still able to create and run a saved search from the root level folder if they have access to the Saved Searches browser. Yes
2023-12-20 REL-893528 RelativityOne Redact

In RelativityOne Redact, we disabled the 'hidden content' toast notification to alert reviewers when Headers or Footers are detected on native spreadsheets because re-opening the file upon navigation would often overwhelm the Viewer's ability to display the document. However, since the Viewer does not display Header/Footer information, our recommendation continues to be that reviewers always check the individual Redact viewer cards for determining coding and/or markup decisions.

Our near-term plan is to add Header/Footer information to the existing Viewer's "hidden content" toast notification.

2023-12-19 REL-900455 Case Dynamics

If a Case Dynamics user has permissions on the Excerpt object set to NONE and attempts to open a Fact Layout that contains the Fact Excerpt field, the Fact Excerpt field can look distorted.

* If the Fact Layout is in View mode, the Fact Excerpt field will appear blank.

* If the Fact Layout is in Edit mode, the Fact Excerpt field will appear very thin; no data will be displayed Can be resolved by either granting the user at least VIEW permissions on the Excerpt objects or by selecting a layout without the Fact Excerpts field.

2023-11-15 REL-891656 Case Dynamics If user navigates to Listview Fact and removes Excerpt using (x) icon and navigates back to the Document, user may need to refresh the page to update the Excerpt highlights shown Document. No
2023-11-15 REL-891499 Case Dynamics If a Fact Excerpt contains too many characters in a row without a space, the Excerpt Pill may distort and hide the (x) Icon to delete the Fact Excerpt from the Fact. To avoid this scenario, we recommend creating Fact Excerpts from text that contains spaces and/or limiting the length of a Fact Excerpt without spaces to approximately 40 characters. User can also create multiple excerpts to append to a Fact if more text is needed. If a Fact Excerpt is created where the pill (x) icon is hidden, please delete the Fact and recreate from a new, shorter Excerpt. No
2023-11-09 REL-890960 Case Dynamics User cannot add Fact Excerpts or Document Excerpts fields to a document layout or any views. Doing so will disable the Excerpt workflow and may lead to lost data. For more information, please see the Case Dynamics documentation site. No
2023-11-09 REL-884205 Case Dynamics Custom field titles may appear in slightly different font size/style when added to a Fact Layout. No
2023-11-09 REL-883904 Case Dynamics If user is creating Excerpt from the From: and To: lines of an email, additional lines may be included in the Excerpt. No
2023-11-09 REL-885662 Case Dynamics User cannot add *Fact Excerpts::Location* or *Fact Excerpts::Document Text* fields to Timeline Facts view. If the User needs those Fields included in an XLS format based on a Timeline, we recommend using the *Create Offline Report* workflow. No
2023-11-09 REL-890829 Reviewer Interface PowerPoint files with some type of embedded objects (e.g., an org chart with shadows) will have rending issue in the native viewer. The workaround is to use the image viewer (basic image) instead of the native viewer for the affected document. No
2023-11-06 REL-885028 Import Export Some zip archives are not appropriately parsed, and all files and possible paths are classified as loose files. When reading zip entries using archive-api archiveApi.getZipEntries(file) it results in validating paths in precheck as invalid and also zip structure is not displayed correctly when using unstructured import. Yes
2023-11-06 REL-882361 Import Export Importing an archive with the LZMA compression method does not work. This type of job may stop responding without a UI message to the user. No
2023-11-03 REL-889523 Automated Workflows When selected a Saved Search in the Run Set Long Text Field Size action that is not set to Public as the Owner, the workflow will fail. As a workaround, set the Saved Search to Public as the Owner to ensure the action and workflow will succeed. No
2023-10-30 REL-887507 Import Export Import/Export maps KWX profile files differently than RDC. When using RDC, more fields are mapped than by the Import/Export application.

It may be a problem for users that not all fields from the KWX profile files are applied when using the Import/Export application. As a result, they may export data with less information than expected. To avoid that, a user may map missing fields manually on the Import/Export UI when configuring the job.

Another workaround would be using new Import/Export profiles (.ie file) that can be exported from the application.
2023-10-11 REL-879932 Review Center When exporting to the Review Detail table to CSV, only records matching filters on the current page are exported (not all records matching from all pages). Yes
2023-10-09 REL-882361 Import Export Importing an archive with the LZMA compression method does not work. This type of job may stop responding without a UI message to the user. No
2023-10-06 REL-882187 Review Center An error is thrown when attempting to switch a queue type from a Prioritized Review queue to a Saved Search and vice versa. This errors occurs on both the Review Library and Review Center tabs. Yes
2023-09-29 REL-880201 Customer Lockbox When the Customer's Sys Admin is a member of ONLY System Administrators group, they are able to access the workspace (as expected) but unable to perform Mass Operations. The work-around is to add this user to a non-sys admin group. No
2023-09-26 REL-877573 ARM There is an issue that prevents Legal Hold archives from Server 2021 or Server 2022 from being restored into RelativityOne. We plan to remediate this issue in the coming weeks, and we do not expect a hot fix for Server being required. Yes
2023-09-22 REL-864726 Import Export Using characters that are not supported by Windows in file/folder names during Unstructured Import causes the error: Illegal characters in path. Yes
2023-09-14 REL-873084 Review Center When clicking Complete, there is no indication that the job is being processed until the job completes. As a workaround to get the update quicker, you can wait for the dashboard to update or refresh your page. Yes
2023-09-05 REL-874001 Review Center Filtering in the document list within the viewer only filters what is on the screen, not the full list of results. To get a comprehensive list of results, filter within the Documents tab or run a search from the saved search browser or field tree. No
2023-08-30 REL-826158 Processing A failure occurs when deleting a Processing Set with document errors from the Processing Set layout. The workaround is to delete the Processing Set using the Mass Delete action from the Processing Set list view. No
2023-08-29 REL-871780 Processing Administration The Last Activity column on the Processing and Imaging queue is not updated during error record creation at the end of a job. Yes
2023-08-23 REL-860054 Discovery When processing Google Drive data, duplicate files that share the same hash values will have identical sidecar metadata propagated from the primary record. Yes
2023-08-22 REL-714910 Publish Dedupe fields are not getting populated on primary documents unless all five dedupe fields (All Custodians, Dedupe Custodians, All Paths, Dedupe Paths, Dedupe Count) are mapped. To work around the issue, map all five fields and republish the documents. This will populate the dedupe fields. No
2023-08-04 REL-864726 Import Export When saving a .IE profile for an export job and applying the profile, the original text field precedence order is not retained. Instead, text field precedence is sorted alphabetically. Yes
2023-08-04 REL-864725 Import Export When saving a .IE profile for Production Export and applying the profile, the fields default to sort alphabetically. The original sort order is not retained. Yes
2023-08-04 REL-862446 Processing Processing Set error messages do not display the relevant error messages during new set creation. Instead, a static error message is always displayed. Yes
2023-07-25 REL-851430 RelativityOne Redact In RelativityOne Redact, the underlying OCR engine that Image Projects utilize is unable to identify project rule search hits when the term, phrase, or pattern is surrounded by an equal number of dashes. For example, a project rule for the term 'Agent' would not return search hits for the text '--- Agent ---'. Relativity OCR, however, is not encumbered by this scenario. Therefore, the suggested workflow is to QC search term hits on the text generated by Relativity OCR and to manually draw redactions wherever there is a discrepancy. No
2023-07-21 REL-862203 Review Center You cannot set the Workspace Admin group as a Reviewer Group in a Review Center queue. Yes
2023-07-13 REL-834578 Files Tab

For Processing Sets that contain large amounts of data sources, clicking the File Errors link from their Processing Set page can fail to navigate to the Files tab, and instead show a 404 error. This problem occurs when a Processing Set contains approximately 140 or more Data Sources.

To work around this issue, navigate directly to the Files tab, select the Current Errored Files view, and add a condition to filter the view by Data Source - selecting the data sources from the current Processing Set.

2023-06-21 REL-809665 Relativity Forms When the 'Save and New' button is clicked in a popup window, the popup disconnects from the parent object and is unable to save again. The initial save successfully completes, however the user will need to close the popup and reopen in order to continue. As a workaround, we recommend using the 'Save' button instead. No
2023-06-08 REL-850712 Structured Analytics Date created by SQL Generator doesn't respect culture neutral string. No
2023-05-12 REL-841288 API/Framework Support Parent fields are not working on PreSave and PostSave Event Handlers. Yes
2023-04-27 REL-840306 Reviewer Interface If a comment is added to the first row of a spreadsheet without text in any of the first row's cells, the Modern Comment will not display a notification of hidden information or display the comment in the Native Viewer for the entire Excel. Yes
2023-04-19 REL-783839 Transcripts When designations are uploaded via CSV, that CSV file is stored in a temporary file storage location and is not deleted. These files take up very little storage and can only be accessed by an administrator, so this will not impact the user experience. No
2023-04-18 REL-604868 Case Dynamics The Fact Modal date picker does not load the correct font for the *Previous* and *Next* buttons on the Calendar popup. However, this does not affect functionality and users can still click on the button area to navigate to Previous or Next month. No
2023-04-18 REL-783804 Case Dynamics The *Export Outline* button disappears during Linking or Unlinking workflows; however, user can simply refresh the page to restore the *Export Outline* button. No
2023-04-11 REL-823386 Structured Analytics Having an apostrophe in the name of a Structured Analytics Set causes the set to fail. Yes
2023-04-11 REL-835246 Mass Operations When running the "Merge" mass operation from the Entities tab or the "Assign to Entity" mass operation from the Aliases tab, the mass operation progress bar shows the following error message: "Failed to check progress of the mass operation". These operations still complete successfully despite the error message. Yes
2023-03-22 REL-831678 Assisted Review The message displayed on a blank Document Rank Distribution chart states that 5 negative and 5 positive coding decisions are always required for the model to build. However, if a pre-trained model is used, this minimum coding is not required. Yes
2023-03-20 REL-831103 Review Center When deleting a Review Center queue, the associated deletion of the tag on the Review Center document field can result in an error message: "Unable to retrieve content from Relativity. Please contact your administrator for assistance." This error message auto-resolves after a short interval (approximately 10 to 20 minutes). Yes
2023-03-16 REL-721403 Infrastructure The Worker Manager server type is still available to add as a Resource Server. This server is no longer applicable in RelativityOne environments. No
2023-03-14 REL-828539 Review Center An exception while attempting to send a notification email can cause the queue to fail to populate. Yes
2023-03-10 REL-827207 Discovery Google has made an update to their GMAIL export format. Due to this change, the automated sidecar metadata ingestion when processing GMAIL data is not functioning. Yes
2023-03-08 REL-827537 Review Center When a reviewer is in a Prioritized Queue, they will receive a "Save failed while navigating to next document" error upon saving if the queue has updated the Rank Output field on that document while they are viewing it. Yes
2023-03-01 REL-825111 Automated Workflows When performing a Copy to Workspace on a large number of workspaces (100+), the number of dependencies (missing objects, workflow already exists, etc.) could result in the job failing or appearing stuck. As a workaround, review the initial CSV created by the initial dependency check and remove the workspaces where the Copy will not succeed due to the dependency conflicts. Yes
2023-02-15 REL-817508 Automated Workflows When using the Copy to Workspaces feature on a workflow that is using the Other trigger option as the selected trigger, the Copy operation will result in an error stating "Unknown Issue". Yes
2023-02-13 REL-815444 Relativity Scripts & Utilities Service account activity from TDFE (Track Document Field Edits) for Updated By fields can show up in the "Reviewer Statistics - No System Administrators" report as a blank user. This happens if user 777 is not a system administrator in the environment, because TDFE is hard coded to use UserID 777 for Service account. No
2023-02-10 REL-818311 Discovery The roll up image text feature will not roll up inline image text to parent documents. The inline images will still be published as children to the parent documents. Yes
2023-02-07 REL-817773 Review Center The document viewer in Review Center appears to only show some documents in the document list card on the left. As a workaround, all previously reviewed documents can be accessed by changing document numbers or clicking the arrows in document navigation (located in the upper right of the viewer). No
2023-01-25 REL-732557 Review Center While coding in the viewer, you can view documents you have already coded in the Documents left-hand navigation. However, the fields displayed here are from the most recent saved search or view that the user ran/saw. Users will not be able to see any fields that were specifically secured from them. Yes
2023-01-25 REL-811101 Review Center When charts have only one data point on them, they don't display any point on the graph. You can hover over the middle and see what the data is, or you can switch to the table view. Yes
2023-01-25 REL-810545 Review Center The date/time listed in the chart/table for Coding Progress is the date/time of the beginning of the logging interval, but should be the end of the logging interval. Yes
2023-01-25 REL-811045 Review Center Read-only access to the Review Center throws an error when attempting to retrieve the hidden dashboard buttons. Additionally, we are not currently hiding the "Release Checked-out Documents" link and if you do click that link, it throws another error. Yes
2023-01-25 REL-811032 Review Center If you edit the Review Queues or Review Center tabs, you will lose the custom icon because they are not listed in the Icon Library. For example, if you re-order your tabs, you'll lose the icon and have to choose a standard one. You can choose to edit your tab order and use a standard icon that exists in the Icon Library until we add the Review Center icons to the library, or, you can keep the Review Center and Review Queues tab in place and moving the other tabs around them. Yes
2023-01-25 REL-792123 Review Center On the Review Library tab, the queue type on the template doesn't read from the queue. This occurs if a queue type is changed from one to another. It's sticky and remembers the prior one. Yes
2023-01-25 REL-785901 Review Center The Time axis on Review Center charts is currently not respecting Relativity locale/date settings. Instead, the times are all listed in 24-hour time (such as "16:35" instead of "4:35 pm"). Yes
2023-01-25 REL-747676 Review Center When entering the queue, sometimes you will see "Save and Back" instead of "Save and Next". To get around this, exit the viewer and re-enter, or, click "Cancel" on the layout and then click "Edit" again. Yes
2023-01-24 REL-810485 Discovery The mappable field for *Roll Up Image Text* contains the FileIDs of all StorageIDs that belonged to an embedded image that has been rolled up. This will appear as if more documents have been rolled up than actually have been. Yes
2023-01-19 REL-704035 Errors When top level container files are replaced using Download / Replace, the replaced record will still reside in the Processing Source Location, rather than the workspaces file repository. No
2022-12-13 REL-790557 Automated Workflows When using Import/Export and selecting the Structured (Processed) Data option, the import when completed will not trigger an Automated Workflow with the All Jobs or Relativity Desktop Client (RDC) option selected. Yes
2022-11-09 REL-757714 Case Dynamics Document viewer navigation doesn't work as expected when using layouts to review documents tied to facts or other objects. The easiest way to review the documents tied to facts or other objects is by using the standalone viewer. No
2022-10-17 REL-758670 Quick Create Sets The right-click options when creating Processing Data Sources through Quick Create Set(s) are unavailable. The workaround is to manually click each folder to make it into a Data Source. Yes
2022-10-14 REL-752888 Relativity Lists From September 23rd 2022 until October 4th 2022, if customers ran two subsequent mass actions on most pages (excluding primarily the documents and home page) the number of items edited in the second mass operation could differ from the number of items selected. The confirmation modal would show the true count regardless but this defect introduced the possibility that more items could be affected by a mass action than intended. This defect has been resolved and if you would like data restores please reach out to the support team. Yes
2022-10-10 REL-716071 Imaging Imaging PDFs using the Native Imaging profile with a specific type of native redaction can sometimes result in a full page redaction. The Basic Imaging profile does not have this issue. If you encounter a full page redaction, use the Basic Imaging profile instead. No
2022-09-30 REL-741252 Reviewer Interface Users of RelOne Mobile on iOS 16 cannot load documents. Yes
2022-09-19 REL-744566 Extensibility Points Users will encounter the following issues when manually creating Batches, manually purging Batches, or deleting a Batch Set via the Batch Set forms page: 1. The progress bar displayed will not update to reflect the progress of the operation. It will remain at 0% until the operation is complete, at which point it will jump to 100%. 2. Users will not be able to cancel the operation. Clicking the "Cancel" button will close the modal and make it appear as though the operation has been cancelled, but the operation will continue to silently run in the background. Yes
2022-09-14 REL-741574 Relativity Web Components (RWC) When using drag and drop to add a file to a File Field using Safari, the field will not visually change to show when a file has successfully moved over the drop target. This is only a visual defect only, drag and drop is still successful in all browsers. No
2022-09-08 REL-727416 RDO Framework Text Extraction Manager uses a different text extraction technology than the one used during Processing, which filters out this data in EMLs. The team will assess impact if this known issue continues to cause problems for customers. No
2022-08-17 REL-727018 Assisted Review If you restore a workspace which contains a classification index referencing a trained model and restore that workspace in a different instance, the classification index builds without error in the restored workspace. However, the contents of the model are not carried over in the restore so your new Active Learning project will not learn from that trained model. The intended behavior is to receive an error when rebuilding the classification index in the restored workspace, as you cannot ARM trained models across instances. Yes
2022-08-10 REL-596209 Audit Running a Reviewer Statistics Report in a workspace with audit installed may not generate the results in time if the workspace has a large number of audit records in DataGrid/ElasticSearch. No
2022-08-09 REL-721958 Errors You are unable to use the "All" files selection when performing Mass Ignore / Undo-Ignore in the Files tab. The workaround is to use the top check box in the upper left-hand corner of the column header within your view to check off all desired files. The view may need to be adjusted to return more documents or the process may need to be done in batches. Yes
2022-07-29 REL-716507 Transcripts Transcripts imports over 2GB will result in an error during the upload process. Yes
2022-07-13 REL-707235 Assisted Review Some Elusion with Recall tests are mistakenly being named as Elusion Only. The statistics themselves are unaffected. If your test shows recall in the Project Validation table, then it should be labeled as Elusion with Recall. Yes
2022-06-07 REL-525326 Relativity Forms Long text fields with values that end with an ellipsis cannot be edited (they become Read Only) in Relativity Forms. Yes
2022-06-03 REL-680999 Searching Carriage returns are interpreted literally rather than replaced with OR operators when performing an ad hoc search with the operators "Begins With", "Does Not Begin With", "Ends With", and "Does Not End With". Yes
2022-05-26 REL-669307 Publish The Processing Set publish status will remain Incomplete when using the Republish action on newly discovered content from resolved errors on the Files tab. No
2022-05-17 REL-682672 Discovered Files There is some performance degradation in loading the Files tab of Processing when large numbers of Entities (50K+) exist in a workspace. Yes
2022-05-17 REL-664963 Processing Dedupe fields will be propagated to child documents when the Processing Profile setting is set to 'No' for the first Data Source in the first Processing Set published in the workspace. No
2022-04-29 REL-677706 Assisted Review If a new Active Learning project does not have at least five positive and five negative documents at creation, it will not automatically sense this threshold is reached if coding is manual. To trigger the first build, documents should be coded in the queue, or model build can be initiated by setting the inactive queue timer. Yes
2022-04-29 REL-677567 Assisted Review New choices cannot be created on the Active Learning review field if the Active Learning project was created before choice mapping became available. No
2022-04-26 REL-674194 Processing Incorrect dates occur when performing Native text extraction on Microsoft Word documents that contain dynamic dates (or dates that update automatically when the document opens.) During text extraction, Relativity opens the document to process the content. While open, the processing date assumes the dynamic date value (over the original embedded date.) The extraction also results in the document not being hashed correctly, which may affect deduplication filters. No
2022-04-20 REL-663128 Discovery When processing an RSMF file with Unicode characters in the header, attachments may not be discovered. This will be identified with the error "Unable to extract an attachment from RSMF file". Yes
2022-04-05 REL-667307 Agents RelativityOne Compute anti-virus scans may quarantine native files at any time which have been determined to be potentially malicious. While this helps ensure any malware is quickly identified and cleaned up, it may result in the file appearing to go missing. No
2022-03-21 REL-657591 RelativityOne Redact In workspaces where Redact is installed, reviewers who lacked the Redact 'Native PDF Redactions' permission are unable to copy/paste content in the native viewer. However, the 'Local Access (Download, Copy Text)' permission on the Document object should determine which reviewers have the ability to copy/paste content independent of Redact permissions. Yes
2022-03-16 REL-658161 Processing Retrying publish errors associated with Extracted Text being larger than 2GB will not generate a placeholder document. Yes
2022-03-09 REL-655940 ADS Pagination in the "Workspaces Installed" of the Application Library view form may not work. The workaround is to use a large page size, filters and/or sorts to narrow into specific workspaces. No
2022-02-07 REL-641177 Discovery If a large number of Entities exist in a workspace, custom document number prefixes attached to Entities do not properly load when creating a Data Source. No
2022-01-03 REL-626653 Publish Files originally published in Relativity 9.4 cannot utilize the Republish action in the Files tab. No
2021-12-03 REL-621434 Discovery Processing OneNote files may result in additional discovery time. Yes
2021-11-24 REL-598665 Publish When either using the Republish action on the Files tab or promoting new primary records through Post-Publish Delete, the Dedupe/All Paths field will only display one unique occurrence of a file path. Yes
2021-11-18 REL-617588 Processing The PowerPoint Hidden Slides metadata field is not accurately indicating the "yes" value for files that meet the criteria of containing hidden slide(s). Please note, the extracted text field does contain the text of the hidden content. Yes
2021-11-16 REL-590214 Imaging When running Imaging jobs, the error "Failure retrieving imaging data" shows up in the Worker Monitoring tab's Thread Information section. However, there are no actual issues with documents being imaged. Yes
2021-11-15 REL-507525 Discovery When corrupted Microsoft Outlook Personal Folders (.pst files) are processed, there is a chance that the order of entries in the PST might be corrupt. If such PSTs are partially published, and then the original PST is retried to fix the corruption, run through discovery, and published, the relationships between the parent and child items can become corrupted. This results in parent and child elements appearing in an incorrect order. Yes
2021-10-20 REL-605816 Automated Workflows When selecting the Structured Analytics action, the 'Update only new documents' setting does not respect the default selection of 'Yes'. Selecting out of the action or saving the workflow will revert it to 'No'. As a workaround, if you reselect the action and update the setting to 'Yes' the appropriate selection will be applied. Yes
2021-10-14 REL-604605 Publish The republish action from the Files tab will not be performant on larger data sets (~2,000,000+ documents.) No
2021-10-14 REL-604512 Custom Applications When running Processing Duplication Workflow scripts on datasets over 1 million records in size, the scripts may timeout in the front end while still working without issue behind the scenes. Yes
2021-10-07 REL-591699 Errors Clicking the Publish button to resolve publish errors on the Processing Set page will only resolve the File Level errors that are outstanding. If Job Errors are present, they will have to be retried through the Job Errors tab. No
2021-10-07 HYDRO-15023 Reviewer Interface Duplicate View audits are created when documents are viewed in the Image Viewer. Yes
2021-10-06 REL-598481 Import API In a recent version of RDC (Relativity Desktop Client), additional instance permission is required (Object Security > Instance Settings > View permission) for any import or export operation. Yes
2021-09-21 REL-591658 Reviewer Interface In the Classic Reviewer Interface, when a relational field contains non-alphanumeric characters, such as '%', the field's icon fails to load on the page. Yes
2021-09-21 REL-596156 Short Messages When a user images an RSMF that contains a file attachment (such as Word, Excel, PPT, etc.), the imaged RSMF says the attachment is missing when it is not true. This doesn't happen for attachments that can be displayed in the Viewer, such as pictures. Yes
2021-09-09 REL-569071 ADS

When a user clicks the "Install" button in the Application Library to install an application to specific workspaces, a dialog displays the error message "There are no views." The workaround is to go to the workspace to select that application from the library.

2021-08-19 REL-414261 Structured Analytics If name normalization produces two entities that look the same, but one has an invisible character, the Entity results import phase will fail with a duplicate key exception. Yes
2021-08-19 REL-416488 Structured Analytics Structured Analytics email threading jobs fail to complete when preparing Email Threading Display data during import phase, if the content to be parsed into XML contains surrogate block characters. Yes
2021-08-10 REL-482867 Publish When deleting documents with Post Publish Delete, the associated Processing Sets will have incorrect unpublished file counts. No
2021-08-09 REL-569985 Discovery Microsoft Forms are not supported in Pre-2007 Microsoft Office Word, PowerPoint and Excel files, as they are detected as bin files and currently are not flagged with an exception. For an interim workaround, please convert to Post-2007 format. This affects all supported versions. No
2021-07-30 REL-579919 Discovered Files

When using the Export as CSV mass action button on the Files tab in the Processing application, the resultant CSV file will contain only the column headers and no data.

A fix for this defect will be applied the weekend of August 7, 2021. If you need a way to address this issue sooner, please contact Relativity customer support.

2021-07-23 REL-577521 Publish Files When a user republishes files from the Republish mass operation in the Files tab of the Processing application, the confirmation dialog may report a higher number of files to be republished than the actual number of files to be republished. Yes
2021-07-16 REL-574981 Summary Reports When deleting a Summary Report from the Summary Report page, the delete button will not function and perform the delete. As a workaround, you can delete the desired Summary Report by navigating back to the main list of Summary Reports using the delete mass operation. No
2021-06-30 REL-571089 Relativity Forms Custom Form Objects do not reflect filter view conditions set on Child or Associative Objects. Results display all field values. Yes
2021-06-29 REL-520434 Relativity Forms On a Relativity Forms enabled page, while opening an associated object in a modal which is displayed in the non-Aero older forms rendering engine, any delete action taken for a record will not appear on the initial forms page until after the page is refreshed. No
2021-06-29 REL-550994 Infrastructure GovCloud Only: Pre-2007 Word, PowerPoint and Excel files will experience errors if Native option is used for text extraction. The errors may result in missing extracted text for these files. The recommended workaround is to use the Relativity text extraction option. No
2021-05-17 REL-557436 Errors When navigating to the Files tab from a Processing Set using the "View File Errors" link, you can not place additional conditions on text based fields until the page is fully refreshed (F5). Yes
2021-05-14 REL-554383 Errors You are unable to use any of the Error Action buttons of Retry, Ignore, Edit Notes, Download File, and Upload Replacement File when viewing individual Document Errors. The recommended workaround is to use the error actions provided in the Files tab to complete error remediation. Yes
2021-05-07 REL-483620 RDO Framework After a choice hierarchy gets re-parented the order of multi-choice values displayed in the item list appears in an un-intuitive order. The order no longer corresponds to the hierarchy. There is a work around which is to manually update the order of each choice in the hierarchy. No
2021-05-06 REL-554397 RelativityOne Redact The user-experience around reverting a spreadsheet chart redaction using Relativity Redact is not intuitive. After redacting a chart, the user must reject the chart redaction in the Redact QC card and refresh the document view after being prompted by the Redact toast notification to do so. The user might intuit that they could right-click on the redacted chart and revert the markup using the 'Revert' option like other cell redactions but they cannot because the user is actually clicking on the cell underneath the chart rather than the chart itself. Yes
2021-04-29 REL-528311 Discovery Running multiple deletion jobs simultaneously may cause performance degradation across Processing and Imaging systems. Yes
2021-04-26 REL-509474 Errors The Error Category field may display 'Unknown' for some Discover or Publish errors. No
2021-04-26 REL-477440 Discovered Files Permissions in the Files tab currently do not behave properly for its Mass Actions. They will over-include the ability to perform certain actions like Retry and Export to CSV when a user should not be able to perform them. Yes
2021-04-26 REL-527800 Errors Specific FileIDs included in processing retry jobs no longer appear in the general data source audit table. The information can be found by selecting the JSON tab in the audit window. No
2021-04-26 REL-475343 Discovered Files When navigating between different views in the Files tab, the conditions from one view might still be applied to the next view you select. Refreshing the webpage will properly set the conditions. Yes
2021-04-20 REL-518133 Summary Reports When navigating to the Summary Reports page and selecting the report to navigate to, a general error can appear when trying to load the page. After receiving the first error, clicking to navigate to the same report will allow you to navigate to the desired page. No
2021-04-19 REL-537574 Mass Operations Mass Edit does not include family documents with DTSearch. Yes
2021-04-08 REL-526182 RelativityOne Redact As of today in Relativity Redact, redactions applied to native PDF annotations, attachments, links, and comments are not displayed in the Viewer and are not 'burned in' until the user runs a production preparation project. The ability to see this kind of content redacted in the Viewer for native spreadsheets exists, but not yet for native PDFs. Yes
2021-04-07 REL-513517 Imaging Some older versions of a password protected Microsoft Note may not image using native imaging. No
2021-04-07 REL-532570 Imaging Some PDF file may render incorrectly when using the native imaging profile. Yes
2021-04-01 REL-541867 RDO Framework

If someone tries to save a document that was previously coded with a user that has since been removed from the workspace, the save fails. This can also happen if the user was not mapped to a system user during an ARM restore. In either case, this works fine in classic.

This only happens if the user field is on the layout and editable. These are a few potential workarounds, in order of feasibility:

* Set the user field to read only.

* Remove the user field from the layout

* *Scenario 1 only (see below):* Add the user back to the workspace

* *Scenario 2 only*: Re-create the deleted user, add them to the workspace, then manually re-code the affected documents with that user. Mass Edit can be used to make this process easier

* *Scenario 3a only*: Create the missing user, then manually re-code the affected documents with the same user. Mass Edit can be used to make this process easier

* *Scenario 3b and 3c only*: Manually re-code the affected documents with the same user. Mass Edit can be used to make this process easier

* Code the documents with another user.

2021-03-25 REL-536835 PDF PDF downloads in a zip will produce a JSON file instead of a zip file. Yes
2021-03-24 REL-539196 RDO Framework There are several views that contain a duplicate Add condition button in the Conditions tab. Please note that both add conditions buttons will function as expected and there are no adverse effects to the workflow. Yes
2021-03-18 REL-530280 RelativityOne Redact When using Mozilla Firefox, RelativityOne Redact may fail to initialize in the Review Interface. This can be worked around by exiting and reentering the workspace or using a different browser. No
2021-03-24 REL-535019 RelativityOne Redact In workspaces with RelativityOne Redact installed, the Document List and Coding Layout cards in the Review Interface may display an error when first initializing. This can be worked around by reloading the page. Yes
2021-03-24 REL-534064 RelativityOne Redact RelativityOne Redact cards in the Review Interface may display an error when first initializing and loading data. This can be worked around by reloading the card content. Yes
2021-03-24 REL-533823 RelativityOne Redact When using the "Redact Current Sheet Name" feature in RelativityOne Redact, the sheet name is replaced with a blank string if the name entered begins with a left angle bracket (<) character. No
2021-03-24 REL-533368 RelativityOne Redact A duplicate toolbar may display if the Viewer is popped-out then popped-in while the RelativityOne Redact toolbar buttons are in an overflow menu. Yes
2021-03-24 REL-533349 RelativityOne Redact The pop-up window generated by the Convert Spreadsheet Markups mass operation does not have horizontal or vertical scroll bars if the content is too large for the window area. This can be worked around by manually resizing the pop-up window. Yes
2021-03-24 REL-532387 RelativityOne Redact The "Review Type" drop-down is always changed to "Image Quality Review" after refreshing to paging the Redact QC card in the Review Interface. Yes
2021-03-22 REL-533835 RelativityOne Redact RelativityOne Redact jobs can sometimes timeout on the "Completing Project" phase. This can be worked around by retrying the job after the timeout has occurred. Yes
2021-03-17 REL-453550 Discovery Word documents that utilize the Native text extraction method during Processing may not have the Has Hidden Data metadata field properly set. This issue is not present when processing the Word documents in dtSearch or Relativity extraction methods. Using the Relativity extraction method is the recommended workaround. Yes
2021-03-04 REL-469855 Assisted Review For an Active Learning project, on the Prioritized Review card, the box containing the values for the Family Field can look cut off. This issue isn't consistently reproducible, even when using different browsers, so there isn't a planned resolution. No
2021-02-10 REL-497226 Imaging Imaging PDFs in color may have a light hue rather than a true color match of the PDF native. No
2021-02-10 REL-518940 Mass Operations The manage button for the Mass edit popup may not appear for multi-choice field. Yes
2021-02-04 REL-511207 Imaging Native imaging of MSG and EML files with "Table of Contents" will error out. Yes
2021-01-13 REL-511187 Layout The Object Type column on the Choices list in admin is incorrectly specified as "Case" rather than "Resource Pool" for choices belonging to the "dtSearch Index Share Location" and "Processing Source Location" fields. Yes
2021-01-13 REL-482419 Extensibility Points

Deleting a folder from Review will result in the following error if the documents within the folder originated from Processing.

Error: Could not load type 'Relativity.Eca.Models.ProcessingFileInfo' from assembly 'Relativity.Eca, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublishKeyToken=null'.

Please first use the mass delete operation to delete documents originating from Processing, then delete the folder.

2021-01-07 REL-509917 Discovery OneNote 2003 documents can't be processed on workers with Office 2016 installed as Microsoft did not make their software backwards compatible with that version. No