Quick-create set(s)

With the quick-create set(s) feature, you can streamline the creation of data sources, custodians, and processing sets based on a specific file structure or PST from a single object. For example, if you need to create 73 data sources with a single custodian per data source, quick-create set(s) eliminates the need for you to do so on an individual basis.

You can also elect to create a single or multiple processing sets based on those custodians and data sources and specify what action you want Relativity to take, such as starting inventory or discovery, for each processing set created.

Required security permissions

In addition to the permissions required to use Processing, you need the following permissions enabled in the Workspace Security console in order to use quick-create set(s).

  • The Quick-Create Set(s) entry checked in the Tab Visibility section.
    Processing assistant permissions
  • The Edit permission on the corresponding Quick-Create Set(s) entry in the Object Security section.
    Processing assistant permission

Using quick-create set(s)

To use quick-create set(s), perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the Processing Sets sub-tab, click the New Processing Set drop-down menu, and select the Quick-Create Set(s) option.
    Quick create set drop-down button
  2. Complete the following fields on the Quick-Create Set(s) layout:
    Quick create set layout
    • Name - enter a name for the processing set. If you are creating a single processing set, the name you enter is displayed. If you are creating multiple sets, the name you enter is displayed along with the - <Custodian Name>. For example:
      • Processing Set A - Doe, John
      • Processing Set A - Jones, Dan
    • Processing Profile - select an existing profile or click Add to create a new profile.
      Processing profile drop-down
      Note: Quick-create sets do not support the use of level-based numbering. See Processing profiles for details.
    • Action on Save - select an action to launch when you save the set. The options are:
      Action on save radio buttons
      • Create processing set(s) and discover files - creates a processing set and runs the discovery job. The inventory job is skipped.
      • Create processing set(s) and inventory files - creates a processing set and runs the inventory job. The discover job is not run.
      • Create processing set(s) - creates a processing set. The inventory and discover jobs are not run.
    • Number of Processing Sets - determine the number of processing sets you wish to create through this quick-create instance. The options are:
      • Create processing set per data source - creates a processing set for every data source selected for the source path field.
      • Create single processing set - creates a single processing set.
    • Entity Type - select either Person or Other.
      • Person - Relativity matches the FirstName and LastName fields, including the Delimiter value entered and the Naming Convention selected. The matching process excludes the FullName field.
      • Other - Relativity matches the folder selected as the Source Path to the FullName field of the Entity object. The matching process excludes the FirstName, LastName, Delimeter, and Naming Convention values.
    • Naming Convention - select the naming convention to use for custodians in the folder structure. This field is only available if you select Person as the entity. The options are:
      Naming convention radio buttons
      • <Last Name><delimiter><First Name> - folder names contain the custodian last name, followed by the delimiter entered above, followed by the custodian first name.
      • <First Name><delimiter><Last Name> - folder names contain the custodian first name, followed by the delimiter entered above, followed by the custodian last name.
    • Delimiter - enter a character that separates the first and last names (in the Naming Convention format.) This field is only available if you select Person as the entity. You must enter the same character contained in the source path structure or you will see an error when trying to save the processing set. For example, if the source path structure uses a comma to separate custodian names (Last name, First name), you must also use a comma. Some common delimiters include:
      • - (hyphens)
      • . (periods)
      • _ (underscores)
      • , (commas)
      • Relativity treats a delimiter of <> as a space.
    • Source path - the location of the data you want to process. Use the following steps to specify a custodian:
      1. Click the folder icon to see a list of folders.
      2. Select a folder from the drop-down menu.
      3. Select one or more entity folders. Each folder you select acts as a data source in the processing set. You can select up to 100 folders.
        Each data source has a corresponding custodian, with the folder name serving as the custodian name. Click OK.
        Entity folder selection
    • Email notification recipients - enter the email addresses of those who should receive notifications of whether the processing set creation succeeded or failed. Use semi colons between addresses.
    • (Optional) View the number of data sources you are creating in the Entity Name Preview window. If this window is empty, confirm you have a valid delimiter entered for the source path. For example, you may have entered a hyphen (-) when the source path uses a comma (,).
      Quick-create set preview pane
    • Click Save and Create.

After Relativity creates the processing set, you are returned to the Processing Sets list page. Depending on the settings selected above, the Inventory, Discover, and Publish columns display the job status.

Success message

Validations and errors

Note the following details about validations and errors:

  • Relativity performs the same validations for quick-create set creation as it does for processing profile and set creation.
  • If the quick-create instance fails to create a set, custodian, or data source, the resulting error appears in the instance-level Errors tab. If the error occurs after the creation of those objects, it is considered a processing error where you can view it from the Job Errors or Files tab.
  • If your entity type is set to Person, Relativity validates that the names of the selected folders adhere to the selected delimiter and naming convention values.
  • If you enter a , (comma) as your delimiter, and you have one or more folder names that don't contain a comma, you will see an invalid source path error after clicking Save and Create. The Entity Name Preview window does not display any names.