RelativityOne Releases and Downtime Windows

All time frames and dates are subject to change at Relativity's sole discretion. Relativity will endeavor to provide reasonable notice of changes, except in emergencies.

Planned release cadence

We will include the most notable capabilities coming each month into one release email that is sent to our RelativityOne administrators, so you can prepare for the changes ahead of time.

We'll also share a roundup of some of the key enhancements we've released in the previous month. To stay up-to-date on the latest and greatest of what’s shipped in RelativityOne, please visit our What’s New page or review your What’s New notifications in-app.

Refer to Extended downtime windows to view the currently planned dates for upcoming RelativityOne production releases.

Refer to the Sandbox release calendar for more information on the planned release schedule for Sandbox environments.

RelativityOne data center regions

The following table breaks down all RelativityOne data centers by region.

Area Data center Primary code Primary geo location Primary city/area
Europe France FRCT France Central Paris
Germany DECT Germany West Central Frankfurt
Ireland NOEU Northern Europe Dublin
Switzerland CHNO Switzerland North Zurich
UK UKSO UK South London
West Europe WSEU Western Europe Netherlands
Americas/APAC/EMEA Australia AUEA Australia East New South Wales
Hong Kong ESAS East Asia Hong Kong
South Africa ZANO South Africa North Johannesburg
Korea KRCT Korea Central Seoul
Singapore SEAS Southeast Asia Singapore
Brazil BRSO Brazil South Sao Paulo
Canada CACT Canada Central Toronto
US - Central CTUS Central US Iowa
US - East ESUS East US Virginia
India INCT India Central Pune
Japan JPES Japan East Tokyo
United Arab Emirates AENO UAE North Dubai

Regular maintenance downtime windows

Regular maintenance for RelativityOne occur every Saturday. Please see Extended downtime windows for designated extended downtime windows. All other Saturdays will follow this schedule. The duration for regular maintenance is 2 hours.

All listed time frames are listed in the local time zone for the data center.

Frequency Americas AMEA Asia Europe Australasia FedRAMP
Every Saturday** 22:00 CST/CDT 22:00 GST 22:00 HKT 22:00 GMT/BST 22:00 AEDT/AEST 22:00 CST/CDT

** Every Saturday that is not an extended downtime window. See Extended downtime windows.

Note: Your specific tenant environment downtime may not last for the full 2 hour window. Actual downtime will be communicated via system notification emails that are sent when downtime begins and when downtime ends for your specific environment.

Extended downtime windows

RelativityOne has extended downtime, typically on a monthly basis, to perform updates and version release upgrades. Exact dates and times are listed below. All other Saturdays would be the regular maintenance downtime windows listed in Regular maintenance downtime windows.

The typical downtime window for updates is 8 hours.

  • Downtime windows are defined as scheduled time that the RelativityOne system will not be available for all or some portions of the RelativityOne system. Some sub-systems or specific items may still be updating after the downtime is complete. Some examples of the updates continuing post upgrade would be things such as individual workspaces being updated, files being updated, and other individual items that continue updating or refreshing while the system is operational.
  • Your specific tenant environment downtime may not last for the full 8 hour window. Actual downtime will be communicated via system notification emails that are sent when downtime begins and when downtime ends for your specific environment. Only individuals that are a designated RelativityOne contact within the Relativity team’s system will get notifications.

Americas (US, Canada, Brazil)

EMEA (India, United Arab Emirates)

APAC (Hong Kong, Korea, Singapore)

South Africa

Europe (UK, West Europe, Germany, Switzerland)

Australasia (Australia)

Government (FedRAMP)

Sandbox environment extended downtime windows

The RelativityOne Sandbox has extended downtime windows during which release updates are performed. See the RelativityOne Sandbox topic on the RelativityOne Platform site for more information on Sandboxes and their planned schedules.

Requesting to skip a downtime window

Deadline for submitting requests to Relativity

Requests for skipping regular maintenance or upgrade downtime must be received the Tuesday evening before the scheduled downtime by written request to Relativity Customer Success Management or Support. Exceptions to this deadline may be made under extenuating circumstances, but each request will be considered separately and must go through the proper channels for approval.

Note: Relativity will respond by Wednesday mid-day. Final approval or disapproval for skipping downtime will occur by Thursday evening.

Considerations for skipping a regular maintenance downtime window

  • For skipped regular maintenance downtime, Relativity will add on an additional 2 hours to the following Saturday’s scheduled regular maintenance downtime (to apply the skipped maintenance fixes, in addition to the current scheduled maintenance/update items).
  • Relativity does not support skipping more than 1 downtime window consecutively, and will require the following weeks’ extended downtime to apply the skipped updates.

Considerations for postponing an extended downtime window

  • Relativity cannot support a full skip of an update, but you can request to postpone your extended downtime to the following region's extended downtime window. For example, if you are a US customer and want to skip your extended downtime, the following region is the UK update extended downtime window two weeks later.
    • Exception: If there is not another region extended downtime window within a 3-week time period, Relativity will suggest alternative days/times for the update to be completed.
  • Relativity only supports postponing an extended downtime window to another region's extended downtime window once per update.