Express Transfer overview

Express Transfer is an integral part of Import/Export workflows when activated for use with Import/Export. Using Express Transfer with Import/Export is the recommended method of transferring data in Relativity. The Express Transfer application is designed especially for transferring large structured and unstructured data files greater than 20 GB; however, it can be used for any data size.

Using the application with Import/Export helps reduce the time and effort it takes to transfer data in Relativity. For additional information on performance considerations when transferring data using desktop applications, see Data transfer performance considerations

Express Transfer is a separately installed desktop application that operates outside of RelativityOne. Although you are accessing and using Import/Export within RelativityOne to process transfer jobs, it is the activated Express Transfer application that is handling the actual data transfer process in the background to and from RelativityOne and the staging area or local disk. You can monitor import and export job transfers through the Express Transfer application as well as from the Import/Export Jobs page.

To ensure that you always have the most recent version of Express Transfer, it's configured to automatically update with each new version. However, you can change this setting if desired. See Installing and updating Express Transfer desktop application for more information.


To use Import/Export with Express Transfer, the following must be completed in this order:

  1. Import/Export application must be installed in the workspace from the Application Library. See Installing Import/Export for more information
  1. Express Transfer desktop application must be installed on your computer. See Installing Express Transfer for more information
  2. Express Transfer must be activated within Import/Export. See Activating Express Transfer for more information

Considerations when to use and not use Express Transfer with Import/Export

We recommend using Import/Export with Express Transfer activated whenever possible for all importing and exporting workflows, and particularly when:

  • data file size is greater than 20 GB (although Express Transfer can be used for any size data transfer).
  • processing multiple import jobs. The jobs will be queued and executed when the previous job is complete.
  • slow or unstable network connection. Express Transfers enables you to retry the upload.

Use Import/Export without activating Express Transfer when:

  • your company policy prohibits installing desktop applications.
  • your network configuration does not allow third party applications to send or receive data, such as proxy settings.
  • data file size is less than 20 GB.
  • data is in ZIP files.

Note: You need to use Express Transfer to upload and process encrypted materials, such as password-protected zip files or Case files (L01/N01) that require Password Bank functionality. If you cannot use Express Transfer for such imports, zip your encrypted materials in a single unencrypted ZIP container (the 20 GB limit for the zip file size applies). Import/Export will transfer and extract the top-level zip file, preparing your encrypted materials for Processing. Then, Processing will utilize Password Bank to decrypt materials.