Express Transfer Job tracking and history

You can track the progress and history of jobs that were started with Express Transfer without logging into RelativityOne.

To do so, open Express Transfer by double-clicking the shortcut on your desktop.

Note: Once the job is running using Express Transfer, you can close the Import/Export application, if desired, and the transfer job will continue and not be affected. You can monitor the job using the steps below. You do not have to be logged into RelativityOne to view information within the Express Transfer application.


In Progress Tab

The In Progress tab displays ongoing transfer information. With Express Transfer, on a single client machine you can have one import (upload) job at a time and up to five concurrent export (download) jobs at a time. For uploads, the jobs will be queued on the client machine.

Express Transfer In Progress tab

  • Job Name—displays the name of the job. Click the job name to view more information about the job on the Job Details window. Or, click the Actions button next to the transfer line, then click View details. See Viewing and copying details of Express Transfer jobs.
  • Transfer progress bar—displays the percentage of transfer completion.
  • Starting—this status indicates the job is beginning to transfer data.
  • In Queue—this status indicates the job is waiting until the first job is complete.
  • Cancel a job—to cancel a job that's in progress, click the Actions button next to the transfer line and then click Cancel.
  • If no transfers were triggered, the tab displays a message that there are no jobs at the moment and directs you to RelativityOne to start a new job.

To check more details about the job, visit the Import/Export Job page in RelativityOne. Refer toImport/Export Job tracking and history for more information.

History tab

The History tab displays information about the status of previous transfer jobs that were executed.

Express Transfer History tab

  • Finished—a full green bar and 100% indicates that the transfer successfully finished. To view details about the job, click the job name link or click the Actions button next to the transfer line and then click View details. See Viewing and copying details of Express Transfer jobs.
  • Job Failed (with red exclamation mark icon)—displays in red and indicates that the transfer has failed and the number of items that failed. The reason for the failure is displayed next to the icon. You can perform a manual retry for a failed transfer by clicking the Actions button next to the transfer line and then clicking Retry failed files. Jobs older than seven days cannot be restarted. See Express Transfer reporting jobs failed or completed with errors for more information. To view job details, click the Actions button next to the transfer line and then click View details.
  • Completed with Errors (with warning symbol icon)—indicates that the transfer has completed but encountered errors. The number of skipped files is displayed. You can skip failed files by clicking the Actions button next to the transfer line and then clicking Skip failed files. See Express Transfer reporting jobs failed or completed with errors for more information. To view job details, click the Actions button next to the transfer line and then click View details.
  • Cancelled—indicates that the transfer has been cancelled from within RelativityOne Import/Export or from within the Express Transfer desktop application. To view more information about the job, click the Actions button next to the transfer line and then click View details.

To check the full history, visit the Import/Export Job page in RelativityOne. Refer to Import/Export Job tracking and history for more information.

Filtering Express Transfer jobs

To filter your jobs based on the type of transfer (Import or Export) on the In Progress or History tabs, click the drop-down arrow and select Import or Export. By default, all transfer types are displayed.

In Progress tab showing filtering options All, Export, and Import

Viewing and copying details of Express Transfer jobs

To obtain information about a particular Express Transfer job, click the Actions button next to the transfer line and then click View details.

Express Transfer History tab

The Job details window displays the transfer information. Click the copy button Copy icon if you need to copy and paste the information to the clipboard to use it elsewhere.

Express Transfer View Job Details