Staging reports

You can now access Staging Reports from the Management Console. With the correct permissions, System Administrators and Client Domain Administrators can create a CSV report on a Staging folder and its subfolders, to find out the number and size of files and folders. Additionally, you can monitor and download reports from the Report List.

Security permissions

System Administrators or Client Domain Administrators need these minimum Instance-level security permissions to see the Management Console tab and Staging Report within. Users must belong to a group that is added at the instance level to access the tabs. For more information on how to set the right permissions, see Setting instance permissions.

Tab visibility

Admin operations

Management Console and Staging Reports

View Staging Reports

Using staging reports

  1. Navigate to the Staging Reports.
  2. Navigate to the folder for which you want to generate a Staging Report. Then, click the 'Generate Report' button to open the wizard for configuring report generation settings.
    Staging Reports tab
  3. Configure each of the following settings:
    1. Choose the Report Generation Type to determine whether the report will be generated using pre-collected data up to 7 days old (fast option) or if data will be collected on demand (slower option). In some cases, only the ‘Last Recorded Sizes’ option will be available.
    2. Select File Level Details to include individual records for every file in the selected folder structure. This option can only be selected with a Folder Report Export Depth of 'Full Report'.
    3. Select the Folder Report Export Depth to choose the level of depth for reporting. For example, selecting ‘Selected Folder Only’ will generate a single line in the CSV file, showing the details of the selected folder.
      Configure Report settings
  4. Once the report is completed, it can be downloaded from the Report List.Staging Reports list


  • Staging Reports are retained in the report list for 7 days.
  • The 'Last Recorded Size' feature is not available for FTA, Files, Temp, Export, and dtSearch folders in RelativityOne instances exceeding 50 client domains.
  • CSV Reports have a limitation of 1 million records. The job will halt during report generation once 1 million records have been added to the CSV report. The limit can be reached with 1 million folders or files, depending on whether file level details have been included.
  • Generating reports may take an extended period depending on the number of files and subfolders.
  • Track progress using the ‘Report List’ - Job statuses do not update automatically as progress continues. Refresh the page to view the latest status.

Staging report output

The CSV file you download will follow this format:


  • FolderName - The name of the folder that the report is based on
  • DataCaptureDate - The date when the data for the report was gathered
The CSV file will contain the following information:
  • Name - The name of the folder or file.
  • Size (B) - The size of the folder or file expressed in bytes.
  • Files - A count of files contained within a folder.
  • Folders - A count of subfolders contained within a folder.
  • Directory Level - A number indicating the depth of the folder relative to the selected folder
    • Example: Selected Folder - Directory Level: 0, Subfolder of Selected Folder - Directory Level: 1, and so forth.
  • Status - If there was an issue calculating the size and/or count of a folder/subfolders, the field will show 'Completed with Errors'.