Note: We’ve streamlined our Staging boundaries to more effectively separate staging data from workspace and system data. With this change, you can no longer write to or access data outside of the four defined staging area folders. The four defined staging area folders: ARM, ProcessingSource, StructuredData, and TenantVM.
Folders removed in the update include FTA, Temp, Export, and dtSearch. In addition to any other folders you manually created. Refer to the
The following minimum security permissions are required to use the Staging Explorer. All permissions are set in
Object security | Tab visibility | Admin operations |
Not applicable |
* this permission is needed for non-admin users only.
** this permission is not required to run Staging Explorer, but is required to send and receive an email notification when a transfer finishes or fails. For more information, see Updating Transfer Settings.
*** this permission is needed to utilize Calculate folder size function in Staging Explorer. For more information, see Calculating folder size.
Note: If a user has access to multiple client domain workspaces and you only want them to be able to view specific fileshares in the Staging pane of the Staging Explorer, the user must be in a group, other than the System Administrator group, that is added to at least one workspace built on the resource pool with the associated fileshares. Refer to User access permissions to fileshares for more information.