Calculating folder size in Local/Staging panes

With the proper permissions, users can calculate the size of folders in the Local and Staging panes.


System Administrators or Client Domain Administrators need the minimum Instance-level security permission listed below to be able to calculate the size of a folder in the Local or Staging panes. Users must belong to a group that is added at the instance level to access the tab. For more information on how to set these permissions, see Setting instance permissions. Without this permission, the functionality is disabled. For more information on Staging Reports, see Staging reports.

Note: After granting these permissions to a user(s), close and reopen Staging Explorer for the changes to be implemented.

Admin operations

View Staging Reports

Calculating folder size

To calculate the size of a folder in the Local or Staging panes, complete the following steps:

  1. Launch the Staging Explorer.
  1. Select and open the drive that contains the folders for which you want to calculate size.
  2. Hover over the folder you want to calculate and click the Calculate Binocular icon (binoculars) button that displays under the Size column. The Calculating… status displays briefly under the Size column during calculation. When finished, the size of the folder displays in that column. Click the binoculars icon again to recalculate the column, if needed. More detailed information about the calculated folder, size, number of folders, and files displays at the bottom of the pane.
    • You can hold down CTRL to select multiple individual folders or SHIFT to select all the folders between the first one you selected and the next. With the folders selected, you can click any of their binocular icons to begin the calculation.
    • Calculated data is not persistent. When you change the directory or refresh it, all calculated size data is lost, and you will have to use the Calculate button again to view the data.
    • If the binocular icon has a slash through it and is grayed out, then the calculate size functionality is not available. This occurs when the selected folder is at the root level of the folder structure, as you cannot calculate the size at the root folder level. Simply select a folder at least one level lower to enable the icon and functionality. This can also occur if you do not have the proper permissions listed above to use the Calculate Size functionality.

Calculate binoculars and size data