Transferring (promoting) data between workspaces

Note: We’ve streamlined our Staging boundaries to more effectively separate staging data from workspace and system data. With this change, you can no longer write to or access data outside of the four defined staging area folders. The four defined staging area folders: ARM, ProcessingSource, StructuredData, and TenantVM.
Folders removed in the update include FTA, Temp, Export, and dtSearch. In addition to any other folders you manually created. Refer to the Staging Area topic and Staging Area FAQ in Community for more details.

You can use Integration Points to transfer (promote) data from one Relativity workspace to another Relativity workspace. This can be thought of as a one-way sync process from a source workspace to a destination workspace and not a back and forth syncing process between them.

Once you have tagged documents for inclusion in or exclusion from the data you want to transfer to review, you can access Integration Points to start the job or jobs that will send those documents to the review workspace.

This topic provides details on Integration Points as it is used to transfer data between workspaces. For information, see Integration Points.


For large data transfer workflows, we recommend configuring integration point jobs into batches. The following suggestions can be used when creating job batches:

  • When using Tag Documents with Job Name option, the job document count should be no more than 500,000.
  • When Tag Documents with Job Name is not selected, no limit on document count applies.
  • The recommended number of fields to be mapped should not exceed 100. Additionally, it is best to map as few long text fields as possible.

Exporting to a Relativity workspace

In addition to exporting to a CSV and load file, you have the option of transferring (exporting) data from a source workspace to a destination workspace in Relativity. You can do this by selecting Relativity as the destination for the data that you intend to transfer and then selecting a specific workspace where you want that data to go. This is the most efficient way to move documents from one workspace to another. Since it's a one-step process, it does not require you to export and re-import your data.


Consider the following when exporting data from a source to a destination workspace using Integration Points:

  • You can transfer document objects and non-document object metadata to a destination workspace. The non-document object must already exist in the destination workspace for non-document object metadata to be transferred.
  • You can move original images, native documents, or metadata. You are not required to have Integration Points installed on the destination workspace.
  • The data transfer process supports transfer of non-document objects linked to the Relativity Applications installed in the destination workspace. For example, if you want to push entities object to another workspace, make sure that the proper application is installed there, for example Legal Hold. You need to have the Relativity Application permission in both the Workspace Security and Object Security sections set to View.
  • The export process sorts documents and images by name, which is typically the Control Number. This process takes into account entire names, which means that for names with numbers, it is advised to preserve the number of digits in the names by filling with leading zeros. For example:
    • Test2_1, Test2_2, Test2_10 will be sorted as: Test2_1, Test2_10, Test_2
    • Test2_01, Test2_10, Test2_02 will be sorted as : Test2_01, Test2_02, Test2_10
  • If transferred fields have associative objects, these objects need to be transferred first to ensure successful promotion of fields having references to them.
  • The data transfer process will not transfer custom objects created by users in a workspace.
  • The data transfer process cannot transfer complex objects that have relationships to other objects, such as Search Terms Report (STR), structured analytics sets, and Integration Points profiles, because related objects' ArtifactIDs may be different in the source and destination workspaces.
  • When the Copy Images radio button is selected, the field mapping section is disabled because only the control number is required and available in this scenario. If you want to transfer other field metadata, you must create a new integration point without choosing to copy images.
  • Integration Points uses the following delimiters to configure the Import API for the destination workspace. Other delimiters typically configured with the Import API are not utilized:
    • Multi-value delimiter: ASCII 029
    • Nested-value delimiter: ASCII 030


To create an integration point specifically for exporting a workspace, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to the Integration Points tab.
  2. Click New Integration Point.
  3. Complete the fields in the Setup layout. For more information, see Setup fields.
  4. Click Next to advance to the Connect to Source layout.

Setup fields

Connect to Source

Continue to create your import integration point by connecting Relativity to the data source by following the steps below:

  1. Complete the fields in the Connect to Source layout. For more information, see Connect to Source fields.
    Connect to Source
  2. Click Next to advance to the Map Fields layout.

Connect to Source fields

Map Fields

Map the attributes or fields so that Integration Points imports the targeted data into specific Relativity fields by following the steps below:

Map fields

  1. Map fields in the Field Mappings wizard. For more information, see Field Mappings.
  2. Complete the fields in the Settings category. For more information, see Settings fields.
  3. Click Save to save this integration point with these export settings.

Field Mappings

Settings fields

Mapping saved searches

The Map Saved Searches button automatically maps the fields from the saved search. It also maps the object identifier fields, even when such field is not selected in the saved search. If any unsupported fields are manually mapped, clicking the Save button displays a pop-up modal stating that the job might fail.

Once Relativity saves the integration point, you will be able to run it and export the data based on the settings you specified. See Running the export job for details.

Working with transferred documents

To view the documents you transferred to the destination workspace, for which Tag Documents with Job Name option was enabled:

  1. Navigate to the destination workspace.
  2. Click the Documents tab and make sure you are on the Folders browser.
  3. Note the following fields on Documents view (if these fields are not yet added to the view, edit it and add them in the Fields tab):
    • Relativity Source Case—the name of the workspace from which the tagged documents were transferred to the destination workspace.
    • Relativity Source Job—the name of the Integration Point job that you used to transfer the tagged documents to the destination workspace.
  4. If option Create Saved Search had been selected for the transferred documents, you can also view them in the created saved search. To do so:
    1. Navigate to the Saved Search browser.
    2. Locate Integration Points folder and expand it.
    3. Click on the saved search with the name of the Integration Point job that transferred the documents.

You can now review these documents and apply coding decisions for responsiveness and/or issues designation.

Reusing coding decisions

You can re-use the coding decisions you made on reviewed documents and transfer them back into the source workspace through another Integration Point. For example, you could run another transfer job to conduct a privilege overlay on documents in the source workspace.

To do this, follow the steps below:

  1. Select the saved search you created to transfer documents back to the source workspace.
  2. Navigate to the Integration Points tab.
  3. Create a new integration point that specifies the following values, which differ from those you entered for the transfer job you ran previously:
    • Destination Workspace—select the original source workspace, specifically the workspace from which you previously transferred documents to the review workspace.
    • Saved Search—select the saved search you created to transfer documents back to the source workspace.
    • Field Mappings—map only Control Number (Object Identifier) and Privilege Designation.
    • Overwrite—select Overlay Only.
  4. Click Run.

Calculating integration point job statistics on-demand

You can calculate the number of documents, as well as images and natives if applicable, to be transferred in the scope of a particular Integration Point.

  1. Navigate to the General tab of Integration Points > Integration Points Details for a particular integration point job.
    Integration Points details page

Note: Before the first calculation for this integration point, you will see the "Press 'Calculate statistics' button" message in the Total of Documents field.
Highlighted the Press Calculate statistics button message in the Total of Documents field

  1. Click the Calculate statistics button under Transfer Options in the right-hand panel.
    Arrow pointing to Calculate statistics under Transfer Options console

A message box displays indicating that this action will launch the calculation of Saved Search or Production content, depending on the chosen Integration Point, and that this operation can be time consuming, depending on the size of the content. The statistics calculation will run in the background so you can still use other Transfer Options or leave this page and return to it for the results later.

Calculation results appear on the details page and depend on Integration Point content. The total number of documents with a date/time mark of the last calculation will display. Depending on the transferred content, the total number and size of images or natives may also display.

Sample of calculated results showing total of documents and total of natives