Importing data through Integration Points

Integration Points provides you with the ability to import a CSV file, LDAP, or load file directly into your workspace, and schedule future or recurrent import jobs.

Note: Although importing and exporting a load file is possible in Integration Points, Import/Export is the main application recommended for a stable and efficient load file import and export.

All Integration Points jobs are fully editable after run.

Note: Changing root folder permissions during import is not a supported workflow.

Creating an import Integration Point

The general workflow for creating Integration Points to import data are listed below. For specific details and parameters surrounding each type of integration point you need to create, refer to the other sections in this topic:

  1. Navigate to Integration Points in your workspace.
  2. On the Integration Points tab, click New Integration Point.
  3. Set up the new integration point parameters.
  4. Connect to the data source by setting up the connection parameters.
  5. Map the import fields.
  6. Click Save.

Once you save the integration point, you can run the import job. For more information, see Manually running the import job.

Importing a CSV file

Importing LDAP

Importing a document load file

Importing an image load file

Importing a production load file

Importing from Microsoft Entra ID

Note: Microsoft has renamed Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) to Microsoft Entra ID. This site has been updated to reflect the name change, where applicable. Refer to Microsoft documentation for more information.

Manually running the import job

Once you have created an Integration Point, you can manually run an integration point by selecting the Integration Point, and clicking Run from the console. This lets you run an integration point instantly, as opposed to scheduling an integration point to run.

Click OK on the run confirmation message.

The Run button turns to red and gives you the option of stopping the job you just kicked off, as long as that job has a status of Pending or Processing.

If necessary, monitor the progress of the promote job by viewing the Status field in the Status view at the bottom of the layout. You will see any of the following status values:

  • Pending—the job has yet to be picked up by an agent.
  • Validation—an agent is validating the job to make sure it has the required settings, such as access to the source and destination objects (saved searches, workspaces, etc.). If validation fails, the status changes to "Validation failed," and Relativity logs an error. If the validation succeeds, the job moves on to a status of "Processing."
  • Validation failed—the job validation has failed, resulting in an error, the details of which are saved in the Job History Errors tab.
  • Processing—the agent has picked up the job and is in the process of completing it.
  • Completed—the job is complete, and no errors occurred.
  • Completed with errors—the job is complete and errors have occurred.
  • Error - job failed—a job-level error occurred and the job did not complete because it failed.
  • Stopping—you clicked the Stop button, and the stop job has yet to be picked up by an agent.
  • Stopped—the job has been stopped.

Downloading the error file

If your integration point encounters any errors during its run, the Download Error File link on the Transfer Options console is activated. This gives you the option of downloading an Excel file containing all the errors found in the integration point. Note that this option is available for load file imports only and is not visible for other providers.

To download this file, click the Download Error File link in the Transfer Options console.

Then open the downloaded file in the bottom left corner of your screen.

You now have the option of manually fixing the errors, saving the modified file in your DataTransfer\Import folder, and creating a new integration point to import those fixed files, seeing that they did not make it in with the original import. When doing this, simply ensure that the Import Source field of the new integration point refers to the file you just added.

Disabling a scheduled Integration Point job

To disable a scheduled integration point , simply turn off the scheduler.

  1. From the Integration Points landing page, click the Integration Point Name that you wish to disable.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. In the Scheduling section, select No for Enable Scheduler. This disables the scheduling mechanism for that integration point.

Scheduler date format considerations

The integration points scheduler accepts non-U.S. date formats to further accommodate, for example, users in Australia.

In this case, the default language in your browser settings is set to English (Australian) or any other language that would display a non-U.S. date format of Day/Month/Year instead of Month/Day/Year.

Relativity then properly displays the date when you select it for the Start and End Date fields in the Scheduling category.

This date format will also appear anywhere else in Relativity where a date is displayed, such as on the saved Integration Point Details layout and the Date Last Modified field on the Document list.

Automatically stopping a scheduled job that repeatedly fails

In some cases, a scheduled job may fail each time it is executed, such as when a job needs reconfiguring, and it may take some time before you become aware of these failed attempts. To mitigate this situation, you can configure an instance setting which will specify the maximum number of consecutive failed attempts encountered before the job is automatically stopped. For example, you may want to stop the scheduled job after four consecutive failed attempts at running.

  1. Navigate to the Instance Settings page.

  2. Create a new instance setting with the following settings.

    • Name—enter MaxFailedScheduledJobsCount.
    • Section—enter kcura.IntegrationPoints.
    • Value Type—select Integer 32-bit.
    • Value—enter the number of consecutive failed attempts to be executed before the scheduled job is stopped.

The integration point's Scheduling tab will display the failed jobs with a Job Type of "Scheduled Run," Job Status of "Error - job failed," Items Transferred of "0," and Total Items based on the number of items in that job. The system will attempt one more run after the configured maximum number of consecutive failed attempts before it stops the scheduled job and the Total Items column will be blank.

The "Next Scheduled Runtime (UTC)" field on the Scheduling tab will be blank, letting you know that job is not scheduled to run again. You will need to correct the error(s) before it will run again as scheduled.

When you go to the Job History page to view the job, you will see the system-generated error description explaining why the scheduled job was stopped.