Confirm Privilege Status

Note: The Confirm Privilege Status annotation steps should be performed by an aiR for Privilege Lead and your end-client. Getting feedback from an end-client allows for you to have greater confidence in the decisions made and ensure no outside context is missed.

Confirm Privilege Status annotation occurs on the Entities and Domains object, and is intended to identify unique scenarios where an entity or domain may play a legal role but still be privilege neutral (playing a business role) or breaking (is opposing counsel) for this specific matter.

The following precedence logic determines what annotator decisions take priority in determining how each entity, and their linked aliases, are viewed by the AI:

Annotation Precedence logic
Privilege Conferring

A Privilege Conferring annotation on a domain will make any non-annotated entities that contain aliases with that domain to be Privileged Conferring.

Entity Annotator Decision value of Legal Role will cause an entity to be Privilege Conferring.

Entity Prediction value of Legal Role will cause an entity to be Privilege Conferring.

Privilege Neutral

Entity Annotator Decision value of Not Legal Role will cause and entity to be Privilege Neutral.

Entity AI Predicition value of Not Legal Role will cause an entity to be Privilege Neutral.

Privilege Breaker A Privilege Breaker annotation on a domain forces all entities that contain aliases with that domain to be Privilege Breaker regardless of any other annotation decisions.

Note: The Final Privilege Status field can also be annotated by exporting Entity and Domain lists to annotating in Excel and import back into RelativityOne with an overlay. This should be done using the Import/Export application. This can be helpful for end-client annotations.

To annotate entities for Confirm Privilege Status:

  1. Navigate to the Annotation (Priv)>Entities (Priv) tab.
  2. Update the view to Confirm Privilege Status – Attorneys.
  3. Select the Edit button on the first entity in the list.
  4. Review the Annotator Decision, Prediction, and Entity information.
  5. On the Final Privilege Status field, select either Privilege Conferring, Privilege Neutral, or Privilege Breaking.
  6. Select Save and Next to annotate the next entity.
    You have completed Confirm Privilege Status annotations for entities when all entities on the Confirm Privilege Status – Attorneys view have a Final Privilege Status field value.
    You should spot check entities on the All Entities (Priv) view to ensure no attorneys were missed.

Note: See the precedence logic above to better understand how entities not annotated on the Final Privilege Status field are considered by the AI.

To annotate domains for Confirm Privilege Status:

  1. Navigate to the Annotation (Priv)>Domains (Priv) tab.
  2. Update the view to Confirm Privilege Status – Law Firms.
  3. Select the Edit button on the first domain in the list.
  4. Review the Annotator Decision, Prediction, and Domain information.
  5. On the Final Privilege Status field, select either Privilege Conferring, Privilege Neutral, or Privilege Breaking.
  6. Select Save and Next to annotate the next entity.
  7. Update the view to Confirm Privilege Status – Third Party.
  8. Spot check Third Party domains and annotate on the Final Privilege Status field as Privilege Conferring or Privilege Breaking.
    You have completed Confirm Privilege Status annotations for domains when all domains on the Confirm Privilege Status – Law Firms view have a Final Privilege Status field value.

See Confirm Privilege Status to complete the pipeline step.