Confirm Privilege Status

The Confirm Privilege Status pipeline step provides an opportunity to optimize results for a specific project by allowing your end-client to confirm or correct decisions made by you and the AI regarding the privilege conferring status of domains and entities. Although optional, this is important as end-clients often have context that law firms or service providers don’t have regarding individual’s roles in the matter.


Following are requirements for the Confirm Privilege Status pipeline step:

  • You must perform the Apply Annotations action on the Confirm Privilege status pipeline step. Before performing the Apply Annotations action you and your end-client must populate the Final Privilege Status field on domains and entities based on the conditions outlined in Confirm Privilege Status. You can achieve this by manually populating the field, or by exporting the list of domains and entities and importing annotations done in Excel using the Import/Export application.
  • Domains or entities not annotated on the Final Privilege Status field will use the Annotator Decision field value and Prediction field values to decide whether an entity is Privilege Breaking, Privilege Neutral, or Privilege Conferring. The Apply Annotations action will apply these annotations to the AI to decide what communications are privileged.

Note: Before running the Apply Annotations action make sure you and your end-client have performed annotations on the domains and entities. Quality check the decisions made by your team for accuracy.


Once you have completed annotations for the Validate Attorneys pipeline step, you must apply annotations for Confirm Privilege Status.

To apply annotations for Confirm Privilege Status:

  1. Navigate to the Projects (Priv) page.
  2. Select the project you would like to interact with.
  3. Locate the Confirm Privilege Status step in the Pipeline Steps category.
  4. Click the Apply Annotations button within the Actions column next to the Confirm Privilege Status step.
    The Apply Annotations button will only be available when you have successfully completed Validate Attorneys.
  5. A pop-up window displaying annotation details will appear. Review the number of Domains with Final Privilege Status and Domains Missing Final Privilege Status.
    Click Confirm to indicate that you have performed annotations.
Note: This is your final chance to adjust the system’s understanding prior to populating privilege results. Domains or Entities missing a Final Privilege Status will first use their Annotator Decision field value. If that is not populated, it will use their Prediction field value as their status. If the field used is incorrect, it may result in privileged documents being predicted as Not Privileged due to the lack of a Privilege Conferring individual presence (lower recall) or a Not Privileged document being predicted as Privileged due to a misunderstanding of a Privilege Breaker (lower precision).
Note: Once you have applied annotations for the last annotation round, you will not be able to change the Annotator Decision.

The Confirm Privilege Status step status will change to Apply Annotations In Progress. The system will disable the Apply Annotations button until the status updates.

Upon the successful completion of the Confirm Privilege Status Apply Annotations action, the status on the step will change to Completed. You can move on to the Populate Privilege Results pipeline step.


If the status of the Confirm Privilege Status pipeline step becomes Apply Annotations Failed then there was an error in the action. Check the Error Details field within the pipeline steps category for more detailed error information including steps to resolve the issue.

Following is a list of the most common Confirm Privilege Status failures:

Error Cause Solution
Apply Annotations Failed There is a system failure that is causing the operation to timeout. Retry the action, and if the issue persists contact Relativity support.
Apply Annotations Failed Privilege Conferring Domains are missing Organization Name values or Privilege Conferring Entities are missing First Name or Last Name values. Populate the missing values and retry the action.

Once you resolve any errors you can rerun the Confirm Privilege Status pipeline step.