Sentiment analysis security permissions

This page contains information on the security permissions required for working with sentiment analysis. For more information on setting permissions, see Workspace security.

See these related pages:

Running the sentiment analysis mass operation

By default, only users in the system administrators group have access to the sentiment analysis mass operation. Other groups will need the permissions manually assigned to them.

To run the sentiment analysis mass operation, you need the following permissions:

Object Security Tab Visibility Mass Operation
  • Sentiment Analysis Job - View, Edit, Add
  • Sentiment Analysis Results - View, Edit, Add
  • Documents
  • Detect Sentiment

Viewing sentiment analysis jobs and results

By default, only users in the system administrators group have access to the sentiment analysis tabs. Other groups will need the permissions manually assigned to them.

To view the Sentiment Analysis Jobs and Sentiment Results tabs, you need the following permissions:

Tab Visibility
  • Sentiment Analysis Jobs
  • Sentiment Results