RelativityOne Security Center

As organizations workforces are increasingly dispersed, you want to be sure you’re keeping your data secure. Security Center provides a single-threaded view into the most pressing areas of concern for securing your data. 

These areas include:

  • User 2-factor Authentication - 2-factor authentication (2FA) provides an additional layer of protection in the event that passwords are compromised. In Security Center, admins have the ability to track two-factor authentication usage and send users notifications to enable 2FA to make sure user endpoints are secure.
  • Login Map - the Login Map provides you with insight into where your users are accessing data from. You will be able to see logins across geographies and identify calls to action, such as logins that do not currently have 2-factor authentication set up.
  • User Activity—Security Center provides insight into the status of active and inactive users and allows you to disable or delete them to ensure your data is secure.
  • Lockbox access - transparency and trust are two core tenants of the security program at Relativity. Lockbox in RelativityOne ensures that Relativity support staff only have access to your workspaces when you give it to them. In Security Center, you can do real-time access audits of Lockbox/Relativity support and revoke access if needed.
  • Relativity employee workspace access - this report provides transparency and real time insight into Relativity Support activity in your Relativity instance to help you work with our Support teams. It offers a list of easy-to-read audits of Relativity staff activity that can be exported to CSV format for external review.
  • Threat Intel - the Threat Landscape Update (TLU) report is a review of the threat actors, malware, techniques, campaigns, and other threat information currently active that has an impact on the legal services industry. This report is published weekly.
  • Note: Only RelativityOne System Administrators have access to the Security Center dashboard.

See the following related pages:

Security Center dashboard

The dashboard in Security Center includes the following charts:

  • 2FA Enabled Users - this ring chart displays the percentage of users that have 2-factor authentication (2FA) enabled and the percentage that do not in your Relativity instance. When you click on the 2-factor Authentication tab it will filter to display users matching your selection.
  • User Activity - this ring chart displays the percentage of users that are active and the percentage that are inactive (those who haven't logged in for 30+ days) in your Relativity instance. When you click on the User Activity tab, it will filter to display users matching your selection.
  • Lockbox Access - this ring chart displays the percentage of workspaces that are accessible to Relativity staff and the percentage that do not grant Relativity staff access in your Relativity instance. When you click on the Lockbox Access tab, it will filter to display users matching your selection.
Lockbox feature Control Mechanism Enabled State
Customer Lockbox EnableCustomerLockbox instance setting (editable by System Admins) When enabled, System Administrators must be granted explicit access to workspaces.
Relativity Lockbox EnableRelativityLockbox instance setting (editable by System Admins) When enabled, Relativity employees must be granted explicit access to workspaces.
Lockbox Hardening Enabled or disabled by contacting Relativity support. When enabled, Relativity employees cannot modify user details or group memberships within workspaces.

Note: If all three lockbox controls are enabled, it will significantly enhance data protection. The risk of unauthorized data access increases with each control disabled.

Lockbox state

User 2-factor authentication

2-factor authentication (2FA) provides an additional layer of protection in the event that passwords are compromised. In Security Center, admins have the ability to track two-factor authentication usage and enforce 2FA to make sure user endpoints are secure.

The User 2-factory Authentication section displays a list of users, their email addresses, and whether they have 2FA enabled.

Notifying users who do not have 2-factor authentication (2FA) enabled

To send a system generated email to users who do not have 2-factor authentication enabled:

  1. In the User 2-factor Authentication section, select the checkbox to the left of the Artifact ID for users you want to notify.
  2. Note: The checkbox will only display for users that do NOT have 2-factor authentication enabled (meaning, 2FA Enabled is set to No). You can filter this list either using the 2FA Enabled Users chart above, or through the standard Relativity column filters and sorting functionality.
  1. Click Notify from the pull-down menu below the table. A window will display asking you to confirm whether you want to notify the selected users via email.
  2. Click Notify again.
  3. A confirmation window displays and a system-generated email will be sent to the selected users advising them to enable it. You will also receive a confirmation email at your listed Relativity user email address.
  4. Click Close to close the confirmation window.

Enforcing 2-factor authentication (2FA)

To enforce 2-factor authentication for users:

  1. In the 2-Factor Authentication section, select the checkbox to the left of the Artifact ID for users.
  2. Note: The checkbox will only display for users that do NOT have 2-factor authentication enabled (meaning, 2FA Enabled is set to No). You can filter this list either using the 2FA Enabled Users chart above, or through the standard Relativity column filters and sorting functionality.
  3. Click Enforce 2FA from the pull-down menu below the table. A window will display asking you to choose the method of enforcing 2FA for the selected user(s) Default Password Provider login method.
    Enforce two-factor authentication
  4. Choose from the following 2FA Mode options:
    • Always required - 2FA will always be required for the selected user(s) Default Password Provider login method.
    • Required only for non-trusted IPs - 2FA will be required for login with non-trusted IPs for the selected user(s) Default Password Provider login method after defining trusted IP ranges.
      Note: See the section on Password Outside Trusted IP in Authentication documentation.
  5. Choose a Method for enforcing 2FA.
    • Authenticator App - Enable Two-Factor Authentication will be set to True for the selected user(s) Default Password Provider login method. For authenticator app, users will follow the instructions on the app or enter the app's passcode. You will also receive a confirmation email at your listed Relativity user email address.
    • Email - For email, the system will email a passcode to the user during logon, and it's different each time. You will also receive a confirmation email at your listed Relativity user email address.
      Note: The link in the email sent to users is valid for 5 minutes, and only the most recently-sent email can be used. The link expiration time is not configurable. See the section on Two-factor authentication in Authentication documentation for more information.
  6. Click Enforce 2FA again.
  7. A confirmation window displays.
  8. Click Close to close the confirmation window.

Login map and activity details

The login map and activity details grid provide you with insight into where your users are accessing data from. You can review a 7-day summary of Relativity user logins across geographies and identify calls to action, such as examining logins that do not currently have 2-factor authentication or SSO set up.

Refer to the following for more information:

Login map controls

Controls Icon Description
Home button Home icon Clicking the Home button returns you to the initial view of logins across the world.
+/- button
mouse scroll button
Zoom in/out Click on the country or use your mouse's scroll button to zoom in or out on the view for the selected area or use the + or - control on the map.
Login clusters Geographical login icon

The circles graphically depict geographical clusters of logins for your instance of Relativity.

  • Red - <50% of logins are 2FA or SSO.
  • Yellow - 50-99% of logins are 2FA or SSO.
  • Green - 100% of logins are 2FA or SSO.

Clicking on a circle will zoom in on that cluster of login data.

7-day login summary key - Displays the number and percentage of your organization's logins that are 2FA-enabled (for example, 29 out of 50 2FA-enabled (58%) for North America).

Using the login map

The initial view is across the entire world and displays a key with a login summary for each of the major geographical areas (such as North America, Europe, or Asia). Circles are shown for each of these major geographical areas that visually depict these geographical clusters of logins.

The Login Map

To drill down on the displayed login data:

  1. Click on the cluster shown for a geographical area (such as the Pacific Southwest) to zoom in on the selected geographical area's data. The Login Activity Details grid below will update to show only users within the selected area.
    Login map showing a geographical area
  2. Click on a cluster for a country (such as Australia) to zoom in and show multiple clusters of data within that country. The Login Activity Details grid below will update to show only users within the selected country.
    Login map showing a country
  3. Click again on one of the regional clusters shown within the country (such as New South Wales) to zoom in and show clusters of login data within that state or province. The Login Activity Details grid below will update to show only users within the selected region.
    Login map showing a state or province
  4. Click again on one of the clusters shown within a city (such as Sydney) to center on that city. The Login Activity Details grid below will update to show only users within the selected city.
    Login map showing a city

The Login Activity Details grid

Below the login map, the Login Activity Details grid lists which users have logged in from the selected map region. Use the Login Timestamp to select a date range to adjust your search. Additionally, the Login Method and Continent columns have a drop down menu listing available search criteria. The name of the grid and its contents update automatically to match any region you select above on the login map.

The Login Activity Details grid

User activity

The Security Center in Relativity gives you the ability to monitor and manage user activity. This includes both active, and inactive users, who haven't logged in for 30 days or more. From there, you can disable or delete those users to help keep your data secure.

In the User Activity section of the Security Center, you can see a list of your instance users, along with their last login date and activity status (active [Y] or inactive [N]). To export user activity data in CSV format, click the Download CSV button at the top of the grid. The timestamp displayed in the Last Login column is captured in UTC time.

Note: A user who has never logged into RelativityOne after their user account was created is considered inactive in the Security Center.

Disabling users

To disable users:

  1. In the User Activity section, select the checkbox to the left of the Artifact ID for inactive users you want to disable.
  2. Note: Active and inactive users can be selected. Disabling or deleting active users will result in their RelativityOne access being revoked.
  1. Select and click Disable from the pull-down menu below the table. A window will display asking you to confirm whether you want to disable the selected users.
  2. Click Disable again.
  3. A confirmation window displays and the selected users will be disabled. You will also receive a confirmation email at your listed Relativity user email address.
  4. Click Close to close the confirmation window.

Deleting users

To permanently delete users:

  1. In the User Activity section, select the checkbox to the left of the Artifact ID for inactive users you want to delete.
  2. Note: Active and inactive users can be selected. Disabling or deleting active users will result in their RelativityOne access being revoked.
  1. Select and click Delete from the pull-down menu below the table. A window will display asking you to confirm whether you want to permanently delete the selected users.
  2. Click Delete again.
  3. A confirmation window displays and the selected users will be deleted. You will also receive a confirmation email at your listed Relativity user email address.
  4. Click Close to close the confirmation window.

Lockbox access

Transparency and trust are two core tenants of the security program at Relativity. Relativity Lockbox ensures that Relativity support staff only have access to your workspaces when you provide it to them. In Security Center, you can do real-time access audits of Relativity support staff access and revoke access, if needed.

The Lockbox Access section displays a list of workspaces where Relativity staff currently have access along with information about the total Relativity staff granted access and the total groups granted access. For information about individual actions, see Relativity employee workspace access.

Viewing Relativity staff access to a workspace

To view Relativity staff access in a selected workspace:

  1. In the Lockbox Access section, click the Expand button in the Relativity Employee List column for a workspace to view a list of the specific Relativity staff users that are granted access to the workspace.
  2. Note: Only workspaces accessible to Relativity staff users display in this list.
  1. Click Hide to collapse the expanded section.

Removing Relativity staff access to a workspace

To remove Relativity staff access to a workspace:

  1. In the Lockbox Access section, select the checkbox to the left of the workspace Artifact ID's you want to select.
  1. Click Remove Access below the table. A window will display asking you to confirm whether you want to permanently remove access for all Relativity staff to the selected workspaces.
  2. Click Remove Access again.
  3. A confirmation window displays and the selected workspaces will no longer be accessible to Relativity staff users. You will also receive a confirmation email at your listed Relativity user email address.
  4. Click Close to close the confirmation window.

Relativity employee workspace access

The Relativity Employee Workspace Access grid provides real time insight into Relativity Support activity in your Relativity instance. It offers a list of easy-to-read audits of Relativity staff activity in all active workspaces you have created. You can also export the audits to CSV format for external review.

This grid reports on individual actions taken by Relativity staff. For a list of workspaces where Relativity staff have been granted access, see Lockbox access.

Note: The Relativity Employee Workspace Access grid shows Relativity staff actions in all active workspaces you or your organization have created, as these workspaces are the most likely to contain sensitive data. It does not list actions taken in default administrative workspaces such as Admin Case.

Access data columns

The columns shown in the Relativity Employee Workspace Access grid are as follows:

  • Audit ID — the unique ID of the action taken. This ID is also used by the Audit application. For more information, see Audit.
  • Timestamp — the date and time the action occurred.
  • User — the name of the Relativity employee associated with the action.
  • Action — the type of action taken.
  • Workspace — the name of the workspace where the action took place.
  • Description — a brief description of the action.

Relativity Employee Workspace Access grid

By default, the Relativity Employee Workspace Access grid shows access data for the previous week. To specify a date range other than the previous week, enter a new date in either the From or the To field, then click Refresh.

To export the access data to CSV format, click the Download CSV button at the top of the grid.

Threat Intel

Our Cybersecurity team, CALDER7, provides a weekly report that can be downloaded or viewed in our Threat Intel tab. For more information, refer to our Threat and prevention team.

Threat intel report