Best practices, limitations, and data transfer performance considerations

The following are some good practices, limitations, and performance factors to consider when using Staging Explorer.

Best practices

The following are some best practices to consider when using Staging Explorer:

  • Depending on your system and network connection, it may be beneficial to separate substantially large data sets into smaller batches for transmission in order to improve speed and processing workflow.
  • When downloading huge data sets, be sure to use a local drive as the destination. External drives are not recommended.
  • When transferring huge data sets, we recommend using a local drive where the Staging Explorer is installed as the transfer source and destination to avoid additional transfer steps. Transferring to and from a mapped network drive is not recommended as it introduces an extra connection between it, Staging Explorer, and RelativityOne, which may cause slowness and connection issues.
  • Relativity does not store any information about file paths due to privacy concerns.


The following are some limitations to consider when using Staging Explorer:

  • Only one Windows user can run an instance of Staging Explorer on a machine at a time.
  • The maximum number of active transfers for one instance of the Staging Explorer is 3. See Updating Transfer Settings.
  • The Client Domain Admin group does not have Staging Explorer access by default. A System Admin needs to add the correct permissions.
  • Enforced FIPS Policy may block some encryption algorithms which may cause errors in applications. We recommend using validated cryptographic algorithms approved by Windows Platform FIPS.
  • Transfers from mounted disk images are not supported.

Data transfer performance considerations

There are many variables that can degrade or improve the performance of data transfers for desktop applications, such as Staging Explorer. Transfer rates when using desktop applications are influenced by several variables and results may vary based on factors such as RAM, CPU, local drive specifications, network drive specifications, and available bandwidth at the time of the transfer.