Production sets

When you want to produce documents in a case workspace, you can create a production set that defines the markup set for redactions, the document numbering, the appearance of the numbering, and other settings that Relativity uses when you run the production.

You can then view the produced images in the Review Interface by selecting Production mode and the production set.

See these related pages:

Creating and editing a production set

Before you can run a production, you must create a production set, and then add documents to it via a saved search. Use the following steps to create or edit a production set:

  1. Navigate to the Production tab.
  2. Click the Production Sets tab.
  3. Click New Production.
  4. To edit an existing production set, click the edit link next to the production set name.
    Note: The name of a production can be changed at any point in the production process.
  5. Add or edit the fields in the following sections as necessary. Required fields are orange.
  6. Save the additions or updates.
    Note: If you imported a production, the page numbering is set by the imported Opticon file. Any markup set selection, branding, or other settings on the Production Set form are not applied to the imported production. The images produce exactly as they were imported.

Basic Settings

When you add or edit a production set, you can begin by modifying the settings in the Basic Settings section of the Production Set form.

The Basic Settings section contains the following fields:

Basic settings

  • Name- (required) the name of the production set you are creating.
  • Date Produced - the date that the documents were produced. You can select any date in this field. If you do not select a date, Relativity automatically sets this value with the date that the Production was completed.
  • Email Notification Recipients - sends email notifications when a production fails or completes. To send the email messages to multiple recipients, enter email addresses separated by a semicolon.
  • Imported - indicates if the production is open to receive imported production documents.
  • Scale Branding Font for Viewer- (required) scales up the branding text size to be consistent with Relativity 7.5 behavior for optimal viewing of images in the Viewer when set to Yes. Set this field to No to use the default font scaling when printing images. This field is read-only after you run a production set.
  • Branding Font - (required) the font type that will be use on the branded text.
  • Branding Font Size- (required) the font size for branding added to a page. The font type is Arial.
  • Placeholder Image Format - (required) brands the Placeholder image as the file type selected. This field is set to TIFF by default, but users have the option to brand placeholder images as JPEG files too.
    Note: Click on the tool tip icon next to Basic Settings for more information on the image file types (see image below).

    Tool tip
  • Copy Production on Workspace Create - (required) if the current workspace is used as a template the production is copied into the new workspace when the field is set to Yes. This option copies the production and associated data sources.
  • Wraps Branding Text - if the content of two adjacent footers or headers are likely to overlap.


On the Production Set form, you can define multiple options that control how numbering is applied to images in your production.

Relativity provides the following numbering types for productions:

Numbering type Description
Page level numbering Generates a new incremental number (also known as a Bates number) on every page across your production documents. This number is branded on the images in your production.
Document level numbering Generates a new document number for each document, which is branded on the images in your production.
Original image numbering Retains the identifiers originally associated with your images. For example, you may want to retain the Bates or other numbers already assigned to images uploaded to Relativity. Relativity utilizes these values to create the production and attachment numbers.
Existing production numbering Re-uses the Bates numbering fields from a previously-run production set, changes the images of the documents produced, or produces only a subset of documents contained in the existing production.
Document field numbering Uses any fixed-length text field on the Document object for your numbering. Reflective fields are not available for this numbering option.


In the Branding section of the production set form, you can set branding options for headers and footers. You can position headers and footers to the left, center, and right on the images in your production.

Note: If you experience slowness viewing this page, reduce the instance setting ChoiceLimitForUI until the drop-downs become popup pickers. Changing this instance setting affects all workspaces in an environment.

Select a Type for each header or footer position where you want information branded in the image.

The following Types are available:

An image of the Branding section and options

  • Production Bates Number - displays the Bates number associated with each document page.
  • Production Number - displays the document number associated with each page. (Available for Document level numbering and Original image numbering only)
  • Field - uses the value in the selected document field for branding on each image created for a document.
  • Note: Relativity restricts the following field types from branding for document images in a production: user, multiple object, and reflective field types.
  • Free Text - uses any combination of text, tokens, and carriage returns that you define. However, Relativity doesn't support multi-reflected, multi-object, relational, file, user, and system fields for branding. You can use carriage returns to position the header or the footer closer to the top and bottom margins respectively. Use tokens to include field data as follows:
    Note: If you enter a field ID that represents a field that doesn't exist or is not a document field you cannot produce the production.
    • Production Number: {!PRODNUM!}
    • Any Data Field: {!FIELD:ARTIFACTID!} as in the example {!FIELD:1040549!}. You can brand multiple fields by separating the entries with carriage returns.
  • Original Image Number - uses the original page ID assigned by Relativity as follows:
    • Numbering used in load file is applied when an image load file was used to import the data. Beginning on September 28, if you run a production with image placeholders, the original image number is replaced with the Document Identifier field.
    • Document ID, page ID, and a hash value are applied in combination when images were created using the Image-on-the-fly functionality.

    • original document numbering
      In the above example, SSHACKLET_0000112 is the Document ID, 0 is the page ID, and 5b419b77-abe4-4ed6-a68a-197f99390895 is the hash value.
  • Document Identifier + Page Number - uses the document identifier with the page number appended to it. This option sets the first page number to 1 even when the document contains only a single page. The following pages are numbered incrementally. In addition, the page number is padded with up to four digits as illustrated below.
    tab padding
    Note: Depending on the settings for the header and footer, Relativity prevents the image from being cut off by adding approximately five extra pixels to its edges.
  • Advanced Formatting - uses any combination of fields from the Advanced Formatting drop-down list, free-form text, and carriage returns. The Advanced Formatting option also supports a scripting language that you can use to create conditional branding based on production, document, and page fields. See Advanced Formatting for Branding.
    Advanced Formmatting

Beginning in January 2019, branding text wraps by default if the content of two adjacent footers or headers are likely to overlap with each other. If you copy a production made prior January 2019, the branding on the new production may look different than the original production, especially if the original production had additional spacing or new lines to prevent the stamps from overlapping. To keep text from wrapping by default across your entire Relativity instance, contact Support.


In Sorting, you can select a field that determines how your production is sorted. Note that you can sort a production set by more than one field at a time. You can also use a descending or ascending sort order. By default, the sort order is Artifact ID, which is the load order of the documents. When you perform a sort, family groups are not kept together. The sorting applies to all data sources added to the production set. Sorting is only applicable when Production Numbering is set to the following:

  • Page level numbering
  • Document level numbering

Note: If you experience slowness viewing this page, reduce the instance setting ChoiceLimitForUI until the drop-downs become popup pickers. Changing this instance setting affects all workspaces in an environment.

production sort options

Note: If no sort order is specified, the documents will be stamped in order of Artifact ID ascending. The production numbering sort order doesn't determine the order of documents in the document list view.

Note: If you would like to keep family group together in sort order, you must set Field 1/5 to Family Group following with other sorting criteria.

Post Production

Post Production is an alternative workflow to running scripts after production. In Post Production, you can select additional actions to run automatically once production has completed. Post Production allows for better progress tracking, runs automatically, and provides visibility on the Production Set Console.

The Copy Bates to Document Fields action is supported in Post Production.
An image of Post Production options.

Once a production is completed, information stored from the production is copied to the following fields as configured.

  • Begin Bates Field — choose the field that you want to copy from Production:BeginBates
  • End Bates Field — choose the field that you want to copy from Production:EndBates
  • Begin Bates Attachment Field — enabled only when Attachment Relational Field has been selected. Choose the field that you want to copy from Production:BegAttach
  • End Bates Attachment Field — enabled only when Attachment Relational Field has been selected. Choose the field that you want to copy from Production:EndAttach

Note: Create dedicated Fixed-Length Text fields for this operation or select fields with the purpose of having bates populated. Selecting one of the template fields may result in production failure.


The Other section displays additional fields added to the form after the production set was saved:

production other options

  • Restriction override by - displays the name of the user who clicked the Override and Continue button when running the production without removing conflicts. This user must have the Override Production Restrictions permission.
  • Restriction override on - lists the date and time when the production restrictions were overridden.

Viewing production set details

Production set details options

You can use the options available on the detail view for production sets to edit permissions, view audit information, preview the production, and perform other tasks. You can access these options through the buttons at the top of the page.

Use the following buttons to complete tasks as necessary:

  • Edit - re-displays the production set form so you can update values in the fields. See Creating and editing a production set.
  • Delete - removes the production set from Relativity. When you delete a production, the production is immediately removed from the Production sets tab. However, you may still see the Bates numbers from the production in the Documents tab. Relativity deletes the Bates numbers, the production data source, and any other remaining production information during off hours.
    If you don't want to lose the previously recorded Bates numbers, run the Assign Legacy Document Bates Fields script. After you click Delete, a confirmation message displays with the Dependencies button.
    Note: When deleting a production the production images are deleted, not the original images.
  • Back - redirects you to the item list on the Production Sets tab
  • Edit Permissions - displays a security page where you can set user permissions on a production set. You can edit rights only on the current production set. By default, the Production Set tab is secured according to the workspace-level rights. See Relativity object security for more information.
  • View Audit - displays the history for the production.

The Production Set details options view also shows Production Status Information, Basic Settings, Numbering, Branding, Sorting, Other, and the Production Data Source. Once the production is run, you can also view the First and Last Bates Values associated with the production.

Previewing a production

In the Production console, click the Preview Production button to preview the newly saved production before running the production. Preview the production to confirm that all basic settings, numbering, branding, sorting, and other options are correct. For more information, see Production console .

(Click to expand the image)

Preview production

Tracking multiple redaction sets

If you need to track multiple redaction sets on the same document, you can use the following workflow:

  • Create multiple redaction sets by defining different markups. See Markups.
  • Use each markup to redact the same document.
  • Create a production and select a specific markup.

When you select the markup, it controls the redactions branded during production, so you can track multiple redaction sets on the same document, and generate different productions.