Active Learning performance baselines
If you have Active Learning and Review Center installed in your workspace, you can view data for previous projects on the Active Learning History tab. Please note that uninstalling Active Learning removes the project data.
For more information, see:
This page is meant to be used as a reference to track the overall performance of Active Learning in RelativityOne. It should not be used as a benchmark of what you expect to see in a production client environment or Relativity Server environment due to differences in data, infrastructure, and configuration. The results may not scale linearly. Exceeding these limits may result in failure or degraded experience using Active Learning.
Active Learning project size recommendations
These recommendations are the result of extensive testing in RelativityOne. For the best user experience, we advise adding a maximum of 9 million total documents and a maximum of 1 million coded documents to an Active Learning project .
Max documents in classification index | Max coded documents | Max concurrent reviewers |
9 million | 1 million | 150 |
Data set details
These tests were run on a subset of the following data set in a RelativityOne environment. Results may vary.
Data set name | File count | Average extracted text size (KB) | Total Extracted Text size (GB) |
Real World | 9,154,516 | 30.18 | 276.25 |
Classification index population + build results
A classification index is required for an Active Learning project. This performance run includes population of all documents and building. Start time was measured as the time the first document was sent to the Analytics server, and end time was measured as when the last document became available in Active Learning.
Index size (Documents) | Pre-coded documents | Population rate (GB/hr) | Population time (h:mm:ss) |
Index build (h:mm:ss) |
Total operation time (h:mm:ss) | Documents/hr |
1,000,000 |
10 |
13 | 3:03:29 | 0:13:30 | 3:16:59 | 304,878 |
Active Learning index build results
Once the Active Learning model completes its initial build, the model builds at maximum every 20 minutes to include new coded documents. The documents were randomly coded 50% responsive and 50% non-responsive using Relativity's sampling feature.
The test scenarios in the following table use an index that contained 1,000,000 documents.
Note: The results listed below were measured after the initial model build completed and do not include the population stage as the documents have already been added to the index.
Coded documents | Index build time (h:mm:ss) | |
Build 1 | 10 | 0:13:30 |
Build 2 | 100,000 | 0:27:17 |
Build 3 | 200,000 | 0:31:02 |
Build 4 | 300,000 | 0:38:29 |
Build 5 | 400,000 | 0:50:52 |
Build 6 | 500,000 | 0:56:21 |
Build 7 | 600,000 | 1:06:27 |
Build 8 | 700,000 | 1:09:29 |
Build 9 | 800,000 | 1:09:33 |
Build 10 | 900,000 | 2:45:09 |
Build 11 | 1,000,000 | 3:24:16 |
The test scenarios in the following table use an index that contained 9,154,516 documents.
Coded documents | Index build time (h:mm:ss) | |
Build 1 | 10 | 1:38:30 |
Build 2 | 100,000 | 2:59:32 |
Build 3 | 700,000 | 5:14:47 |
Build 4 | 800,000 | 7:39:47 |
Build 5 | 900,000 | 6:50:19 |
Build 6 | 1,000,000 | 6:25:35 |
Update ranks results
In an Active Learning project, you can manually update the document ranks and ensure the rank categorization field is up to date. Once you click Update Ranks, you can monitor the update progress via a fly-out modal. You can update ranks again only after the current modification is complete. Update ranks performs faster on subsequent updates than on the initial update.
Project size (documents) | Initial update ranks | Subsequent update ranks |
Operation time (h:mm:ss) | Operation time (h:mm:ss) | |
200,000 | 0:02:48 | 0:01:59 |
400,000 | 0:06:12 | 0:04:42 |
600,000 | 0:09:42 | 0:07:02 |
800,000 | 0:13:48 | 0:11:39 |
1,000,000 | 0:22:24 | 0:15:14 |
9,154,516 | 5:47:36 | 3:39:54 |