Managing security and permissions

Security and permissions are of paramount importance in RelativityOne, as they play a crucial role in safeguarding sensitive legal and e-discovery data, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations, and maintaining the integrity of legal proceedings. Configuring security measures properly can help organizations strike a balance between data protection and the collaboration necessary for effective legal work.

  • Relativity Security—learn about our security team, Calder7, the certifications Relativity holds such as ISO/IEC 27001:2013 certification and FedRAMP Moderate ATO, and our fortress. This link directs you to our marketing site.

  • Security and permissions—manage security levels for users and system admins, and individual objects like views, tabs, and fields.

  • Instance security—apply permissions to system admin groups to limit or grant access to particular system admin objects.

  • Workspace security—configure security for a specific workspace.

  • Permissions scenarios —learn different configurations for different scenarios.

  • RelativityOne Security Center—provides a single-threaded view into the most pressing areas of concern for securing your data.