Importing entities with Import/Export

You can add multiple entities by uploading a .csv or .dat file via Import/Export.

Importing legal hold entities

Use the following basic steps for importing entities through Import/Export. For a detailed Import/Export procedure, see Importing an RDO load file.

To import RDO data:

  1. Use tabs, search, or the quick nav bar to navigate to the Import/Export Job page.
  2. On the Import/Export Job page, click the New Import/Export Job button to start a new job.
  3. On the Choose workflow dialog, the Import button is selected by default. Next, click the Structured (Processed) Data workflow box to import a document load file to your workspace.
    Note: If Express Transfer has been activated, the Express Transfer section will display a status of Active. See Activating and deactivating Express Transfer for more information.
  4. On the Choose the Load File type dialog, click the RDO box to import a load file to your workspace.
  5. If Express Transfer is not Active, skip this step. If it is Active, click Select on the Select data to Import dialog to browse to your local drive and select the folder with the files that you want to upload. In the case of universal naming convention (UNC) paths (for example, \\ServerName\SharedResourceName\FilePath), you can copy and paste the path into the Select Folder address bar in the dialog box to access the desired folder.
    •  You can choose only one folder with files to transfer.
    • We recommend using a local drive instead of a mapped or external drive to avoid potential slowness and connection issues with the file import process.
    • You should not zip the data when importing data with Express Transfer active.
    • When you select a folder to upload, Express Transfer will transfer all the data from the selected folder, including sub-folders, to the staging area, regardless of the specific job configuration.
  6. On the Choose load file and location dialog, complete the fields data, then click Continue:
  1. On the Load File Settings dialog, select the delimiters and encoding values of the load file for the import, then click Continue. The File Column Headers Preview pane will help you to choose the proper settings.
  1. On the Fields Mapping dialog, select the load file fields to import and map them to the workspace fields, then click Continue. To automatically map fields, click Auto Map Fields, and the fields from the load file will be mapped to any existing fields of the exact same name in the workspace.
    Note: To import RDO data into a workspace, you must map the document identifier, whether it be Name, Control Number, or another field. If you do not, the import mode options will be limited and you will be unable to proceed with the import.
  1. On the Import Settings dialog, configure your import job by selecting from which line number you want the load file to begin importing and how you want the records to be imported.
  1. (Optional) Click Precheck Load File on the Import settings dialog to run a validation process on the load file to check for errors prior to importing it. All detected errors are displayed in the Precheck window. Click the down arrow next to any error message to view its details. Click Cancel to discontinue importing the file so that you can correct the errors in the source file(s) and repeat the importing steps, or click the Import button to start importing the load file with the errors. The following validations are performed during Precheck:
    Note: The Precheck Load File summary dialog displays a maximum of 1,000 errors for each error category and will display a message indicating the total number of errors found. For example, if an error category has 2,000 errors, only the first 1,000 will display in the drop-down list.
  1. (Optional) Click Save Settings on the Import settings dialog to save the job configuration settings entered thus far to its own profile file (.ie file extension) on your computer so that you can reuse these settings when creating a new import job with Import/Export in the future.
    Note: Import/Export saves job configuration settings to its own profile file format (.ie file extension). Comparing to the legacy .kw* standard, it brings more flexibility as you now can apply saved job settings across various workspaces. The .ie profile file format is not supported in other RelativityOne data transfer tools.
  2. Click Import.
  1. Review the importing progress on the Importing dialog. Click the Cancel button if you need to stop the import job before it completes. Click the Close button when the importing process is complete.

Caution: If you imported data without activating Express Transfer, keep the Importing dialog open until the data is successfully past the Transferring stage. Closing the dialog earlier will terminate the data transfer.

  1. When the import is complete, the Import Summary displays. If no errors were found in the load file, go to the next step. If errors were found, the number and other information will be listed. You can do either of the following:
    • To proceed without correcting the errors, go to the next step.
    • To manually correct them now, click the Download Error Load File button. Review the errors and correct them as needed. When done, upload the file with the corrected data by clicking the Select button on the Import Summary screen next to New Load File and navigating to the file on your local drive. Once selected, click Import to import the job with corrected data.
    Note: Only records that imported without errors will appear in the workspace.
  2. Click Finish to close the dialog .

You can review the Import/Export Job page to see more information about the job. Refer to Import/Export Job tracking and historyfor details.

Legal Hold entity load file

To load entities via Import/Export, create a load file that contains at least the following:

  • Entity's full name
  • Entity's email address