Running a report

To run a report in Legal Hold, navigate to the Reports tab.

Note: Legal Hold reports are run with the permissions of the user running the report.

From the Reports tab,

  1. Select the report you want to run from the Select Report list. See Report types.
  2. Select the projects you want to report on from the Select Projects list.
    • If you're running the Custodian Change report, you will need to have the View All Audits permission set.
    • If you're running the Custodian Change report, enter a Start Date and End Date for the date range.
  3. Select one of the following options from the Generate Reports console.
    • Generate Report—generate the selected reports dynamically.
    • Schedule Report—schedule the selected report to run at a set, recurring basis. See Creating a scheduled report.

    If you click Generate Report, the report appears dynamically with the following report options:

    A report with the Export drop-down menu open.

    • Print—opens a print dialog to select printing options.
    • Export—export the report in the selected file type format (PDF, XLSX, XLS, CSV, RTF, PNG).
    • Close—closes the report modal.