aiR for Review security permissions

This page contains information on the security permissions required for interacting with aiR for Review. For more information on setting permissions, see Workspace security.

Note: aiR for Review is currently in limited release. For information about the general release, contact your account representative.

See these related pages:

Running the aiR for Review mass action

To run the aiR for Review mass action, you need the following permissions:

Object Security Other Settings
  • aiR for Review Prompt Criteria - View, Edit, Add
  • Mass Operations - aiR for Review

You must also belong to at least one user group other than the Workspace Admin Group.

Viewing the aiR for Review Jobs tab

There are two versions of the aiR for Review Jobs tab: one at the instance level, and one at the workspace level. The instance-level tab shows all jobs across all workspaces, and it includes several extra columns to identify the workspace, matter, and client connected to each job.

The following permissions allow users to see the job list and click on each job to view Prompt Criteria details. Users with access to this tab can also cancel in-progress jobs.

Instance-level permissions

To view the instance-level aiR for Review Jobs tab, you need the following permissions:

Object Security Tab Visibility
  • Admin Repository - View
  • aiR for Review Prompt Criteria - View
  • aiR for Review Jobs

Assign these permissions under the Instance Details tab.

Viewing Prompt Criteria at the instance level

To view Prompt Criteria details for a job, you also need some permissions within that job's workspace:

  • You must belong to more than just the Workspace Admin Group within the workspace.
  • You must have aiR for Review Prompt Criteria - View rights within that job's workspace.

If you do not have these, you will be able to see jobs from that workspace, but you will not be able click on those jobs to view their Prompt Criteria.

You can also use item-level permissions to restrict access to a specific job's aiR for Review Prompt Criteria. For more information, see Levels of Security in Relativity.

Workspace-level permissions

To view the workspace-level aiR for Review Jobs tab, you need the following permissions:

Object Security Tab Visibility
  • aiR for Review Prompt Criteria - View
  • aiR for Review Jobs

Assign these permissions under the Workspace Details tab within the chosen workspace.

You can also use item-level permissions to restrict access to a specific job's aiR for Review Prompt Criteria. For more information, see Levels of Security in Relativity.

Clearing and restoring job results

To clear or restore job results using the aiR for Review Jobs tab, you need the following permissions:

Object Security Tab Visibility
  • Document - View, Edit
  • aiR Relevance Analysis - View, Edit
  • aiR Issue Analysis - View, Edit
  • aiR Key Analysis - View, Edit
  • aiR for Review Jobs

If you have Edit permissions for only one of the analysis types, you will only be able to clear or restore results of that type.

For more information on clearing and restoring results, see Managing jobs and document linking.

Viewing highlights in the Viewer

To see aiR for Review results highlighted in the Viewer, you need the following permissions:

Object Security
  • aiR Relevance Analysis - View
  • aiR Issue Analysis - View
  • aiR Key Analysis - View

If you only have access to some of these, you will only see highlighting for those analysis types.