Prepare Project

The Prepare Project pipeline step organizes the documents in the linked saved search for AI analysis using both the project settings and general settings. This pipeline step links all the documents in the saved search to the project so that if the saved search changes the documents included for analysis will not change.

The Prepare Project step also retrieves and organizes information from the Client Brain depending on your general settings and the known items if populated. Changes to these items after running the Prepare Project step on a project are not reflected for that specific project.


Before running this step, complete the Pre project checklist. Failure to do so may results in errors.


Upon the successful completion of the Prepare Project step Relativity will bill you for the documents included in the projects. See Billing for more details.


The Run action is the only action for the Prepare Project pipeline step.

To run Prepare Project:

  1. Navigate to the Projects (Priv) page.
  2. Select the project you want to interact with.
  3. Locate the Prepare Project step in the Pipeline Steps category.
  4. Click the Run button within the Actions column next to the Prepare Project step.
    Note: If there is already a project in progress, Run will error out. Only a single aiR for project within a workspace can be In Progress at any given time. Complete any in progress projects before starting another project in the same workspace.
  5. Select Continue within the confirmation modal review the billing estimates and select Continue.

The Prepare Project step status will change to Run In Progress. The system will disable the Run button until the status updates.

Upon the successful completion of the Prepare Project Run action, the status on the step will change to Completed and you can move on to the next pipeline step.


If the status of the Prepare Project pipeline step becomes Run Failed then there was an error in the action.
Check the Error Details field within the Pipeline Steps category on the page for more detailed error information including steps to resolve the issue.

Following is a list of the most common Prepare Project failures:

Status Error details Solution
Run Failed Prepare Project cannot run because you already have an In Progress project in this workspace. Currently, aiR for Privilege can only run one project per workspace at a time. Complete your In Progress project before you attempt to run Prepare Project on a new project.
Run Failed The saved search selected contains documents used in previous projects. New projects cannot include documents that have already been run through aiR for Privilege. Remove the documents used in previous projects from your saved search by filtering using the Privilege Project field.
Run Failed The required fields within this project’s General Settings (Priv) and/or Privilege Project Settings are not populated. To run Prepare Project successfully, all required fields for your settings must be completed.

Navigate to the General Settings (Priv) tab under the Setup tab and ensure all required fields are populated.

Navigate to the Settings tab within your project page, click Edit, and ensure all required fields are populated.

Run Failed

The saved search selected cannot be used because it contains too many documents. To run Prepare Project successfully, your saved search must contain fewer than 500,000 documents.

Note: An increase to the document limit is coming soon.

Remove documents from your saved search.

Run Failed

The saved search selected contains documents without a value in the Record Type field. To run Prepare Project successfully, all documents must have an assigned Record Type. Ensure that all documents in your saved search have an assigned Record Type and try again. 

Populate the Record Type field for all the documents included in the saved search.

Run Failed

The saved search selected does not contain any documents with Email set as the Record Type. To run Prepare Project, your saved search must contain at least one document with its Record Type set as Email (not case sensitive). Confirm that there are emails in your saved search with Email assigned as the Record Type and try again. 

Include at least one document that has a Record Type field of email in the saved search.

Run Failed

The saved search selected contains documents without Extracted Text. To run Prepare Project successfully, all documents must have Extracted Text. Remove documents without Extracted Text from your saved search and try again. 

Remove documents that do not have a value in the Extracted Text field from the saved search.

Run Failed

The saved search selected contains documents with Extracted Text Sizes over the limit. To run Prepare Project successfully, the Extracted Text Size for each document must be below the maximum KB stated in the documentation. Remove documents where the Extracted Text Size exceeds the maximum KB allowed and try again. 

Remove documents that have Extracted Text Size values greater than 170KB from the saved search.

Run Failed

The saved search selected contains documents with an unpopulated Extracted Text Size in KB field. To run Prepare Project successfully, all documents must have a value assigned for the Extracted Text Size in KB field. Review which documents are missing an Extracted Text Size in KB value and either assign values or remove those documents from your project’s saved search. 

Remove documents that do not have a value in the Extracted Text Size field from the saved search.

Run Failed The Saved Search selected contains documents with Extracted Text Sizes under the minimum. To run “Prepare Project” successfully, the Extracted Text Size for each document must be above the minimum KB stated in the documentation. Please remove documents where the Extracted Text Size is below the minimum KB allowed and try again. Remove documents that have Extracted Text Size values smaller than 0.05KB from the saved search.

Once you resolve any errors you can rerun the Prepare Project pipeline step.