Using Find and Redact

You can apply markups to a spreadsheet, native PDF, or stored PDF in the Viewer while using the search capabilities of the Contextual Search card. To create a stored PDF, use Mass PDF. To learn more, see Mass PDF.

This feature finds terms in a spreadsheet, native PDF, or stored PDF document and applies a markup to the desired terms without having to run a Redact project or manually apply markups.

Note: The contextual search returns hits on comments and chart labels content in spreadsheet documents. These content types cannot receive markups using Find and Redact. To apply a markup to a comment or chart label, see Manual markups with spreadsheet files.

A Search for energy has three selected results in the Find and Redact section.

To search for terms and apply markups:

  1. Click the Contextual Search card icon.
  2. Enter the desired search terms.
  3. Click the Find and Redact section to view the markup options.
  4. Edit the markup options to determine the type and appearance of the applied markups.
    A message displays at the bottom of the Contextual Search card to help you track the Markup Scope option that is selected.
  5. Press Enter on your keyboard or click the Search icon in the Contextual Search textbox to search the document for matching terms.
  6. Optionally, you can filter the results with the following options:
    • Full—Select to display any terms that match the search terms and are fully redacted. If unselected, these terms will not display in the results.
    • Partial—Select to display any terms that match the search terms and are partially redacted. If unselected, these terms will not display in the results.
    • None—Select to display any terms that match the search terms and have not been redacted. If unselected, these terms will not display in the results.
  7. Either select each search term result that you would like to apply a markup to or click on the Checked (X) button and select All to apply a markup to all search term results.
  8. Click the Redact/Highlight button.
    A modal displays while the markups are applied. Once the job is done, Redactions complete displays at the bottom of the card. If you complete a new search using either the term or the term within a search string, the results will display their markup status to help you track whether each term match is not redacted, partially redacted, or fully redacted.
Note: A message displays when markups could not be applied to any results because it is either a comment or chart label. Locate results that did not receive a markup by refreshing the document and then searching for the same term again. Any terms that were previously selected and did not receive a markup are returned in the results.