Retry Production Job

To retry multiple production jobs from the Production Queue tab, use the Retry Production Job mass operation.

See these related pages:

Security configuration

You must configure certain instance level permissions to use Retry Production Job.

To configure the security permissions:

  1. Navigate to the Instance Details tab.
  2. Click Manage Permissions.
  3. Click Edit Permissions for a group on the Group Management tab.
  4. Enable the following security permissions:
    Object SecurityTab VisibilityAdmin Operations
    • N/A
    • Queue Management (parent)
      • Production Queue (child)
    • Change Queue Priority
    • View Admin Repository
    Note: As long as you have the listed security permissions, you do not need view permissions to the workspaces or the production jobs to use Retry Production Job.

Retrying production jobs

To retry production jobs from the Production Queue tab:

  1. Navigate to the Production Queue tab.
  2. Select the productions jobs that you want to cancel.
  3. Click Retry Production Job from the mass operations bar. The Retry production job window opens.

  4. Click Ok.