
Filtering provides a fast and easy way to search for items in a list in Relativity. You can use filters to search for values in the fields on the active view, and across all records available in the searchable set. Filters are also available for item lists on tabs and pop-up windows.

The field type associated with each column determines the available filter types, such as text boxes, pop-up pickers, and drop-down lists. You do not need any specific security permissions to use filtering.

Showing and hiding filters in the item list

You enable filters by clicking an icon located at the top of the document list. You can:

  • Show/Hide filters (Show hide icon)—to display the field filters at the top of each column. This icon turns orange when you activate a filter. Click the icon again to hide the filters. Your filter settings remain unchanged.
  • Clear all (Clear all icon)—to remove the current filter settings. This option is only available after you set a filter.

The filter type determines the steps required to set the filtering criteria that it uses. See Filter types for details on filter types and their use.

Note: When you create or edit a field, you can select its Filter Type. See Fields.

After enabling filters, you are ready to enter criteria for the fields in your list.

Note: Before defining a new search filter, click the Clear All (Clear all icon) icon or the Clear All Conditions link in the Search Conditions panel to remove any filter settings. For example, say you create a filter on the Privileged field, but now want to search only by the Custodian field. If you do not clear the filter, Relativity filters your documents by both the Privileged and Custodian fields, and your results may include fewer documents than you expect.

To use a filter:

  1. If filtering is not enabled, do so by clicking the filter Show hide icon icon to display the filtering fields below the column headings. The icon will change to orange.
  1. Enter your filter criteria. The filter type determines how you enter the criteria and how to use operators to further define the filter. See Filter types for details on filter types and their use.

Screenshot of the filter option for the Custodian field.

  1. Press Enter to display the filter results.

The field column header displays the filter icon, letting you know which fields have filters applied. This persists whether you have the filters shown or hidden.

Scxreenshot of hte filter option for the Record Type field.

The Search Conditions panel also shows the filtering conditions.

The condition card showing a filter applied to the record type field.

You cannot edit the Search Conditions cards by clicking on them. However, you can clear all the conditions by clicking the link at the bottom of the panel.

Filter types

Relativity contains the following filter types:

  • Boolean—Yes/No fields.
  • Numeric—decimal, whole number, and currency fields.
  • List—single choice, single object, user, and fixed-length text fields.
  • Date—date fields.
  • Multi-list—multiple choice, multiple object, and single choice fields.
  • Text box—fixed-length text, long text, date, whole number, decimal, currency, and object fields.

Using Boolean filters

Boolean filters are available for Yes/No field types. To use a Boolean filter, click the drop-down menu and select Yes, No, or (Not Set) from the list. Click Apply to set the conditions. Click Select all to select all the options. Click Clear to remove the filter settings.

The filter options for the Has Native field.

Using numeric filters for numbers

The numeric filter is available for the following field types:

  • Decimal
  • Whole Number
  • Currency

To use a numeric filter, click the drop-down menu and select an operator. Operators include:

  • Equal to (=)
  • Not equal to (!=)
  • Greater than (>)
  • Less than (<)
  • Less than or equal to (<=)
  • Greater than or equal to (>=)

Enter a numerical value in the filter text box. After you enter the value in the text box, press Enter to apply the filter. For example, you might search for documents having a file size greater than 500000 bytes.

Screenshot of operator filter options.

When you click inside a filter text box, the Advanced link appears. Clicking this link opens the advanced filters screen for the filter type.

Clicking in a filter text box shows a link you can click for more advanced filtering options.

Here, you can adjust the operator and add conditions to further define the filter. Click Apply to set the conditions.

Condition card showing the is operator option.

Using List filters

The List filter is available for the following field types:

  • Single Choice
  • Single Object
  • User
  • Fixed Length Text

Note: For more information and restrictions for List fields, see the List and Dashboard settings section on the Fields page.

List filters are often associated with fields used for coding documents. The options displayed in the drop-down menu vary by the type and purpose of the associated field. For example, a field called Responsiveness might have the filter conditions of Responsive, Not Responsive, or Needs Further Review. Select the options that you want to filter for, and click Apply. Alternatively, you can click Select all to select all filters in the list. Click Clear to remove all selections. Click (Not Set) to show items where the field is empty (null).

Filter options for the Responsiveness field.

If there is a single filter choice you want to apply immediately, hover over the item's row and click Only when it appears on the right side.

Hovering over a list item in a drop-down menu shows the option to quick select the item.

Click the Advanced filters (Advanced filters icon) icon to the right of the Select all - Clear options to launch the advanced filters dialog. This dialog has more operators and you can add or remove list items to the field's drop-down menu. Click Apply to set the conditions.

Screenshot showing how to add list items to a drop-down menu.

Using date filters

The date filter is available for Date field types to filter on dates and date ranges.

The following operators are available:

  • (All)
  • (Not Set)
  • Is
  • Is before
  • Is before or on
  • Is after
  • Is after or on
  • Between

For example, if you only want to view items sent before or on January 21, 2024 7 AM, do the following:

  1. Select the is before or on operator.
    Selecting an operator for a date filter.
  2. Use the calendar interface to select the date, January 21, 2024. You can enter the date directly into the text boxes, or use the forward and back arrows to scroll through the calendar months.

Note: When you select the Between operator, two calendars display in the drop-down date filter, allowing you to pick the starting and ending dates and times.

  1. Enter the time of 7:00 AM.
    Note: Filtering on fields using the date and time format does not support using @Today. If you do not enter a specific time, Relativity enters the default time of 12:00 AM.

    Filter options for a calendar field.
  2. Click Apply to set the conditions. Only items sent on or before 7 AM on January 21, 2024 appear in your document list.

Click the Advanced (Advanced filters icon) link at the bottom of the calendar interface to launch the advanced filters screen. This screen has more operators where you can add additional date and time conditions. Click Apply to set the conditions.

Condition card showing filter options for a date time field.

Using multi-list filters

The multi-list filter is available for the following field types:

  • Multiple Choice
  • Multiple Object
  • Single Choice

Using multi-list filters, you can select multiple conditions from a drop-down menu. These filters are often associated with fields used for coding documents.

To apply a multi-list filter, click the drop-down menu to display the conditions list. Select the conditions that you want to filter on. Click Select all to select all filters in the list. Click Clear to remove all selections. Select (Not Set) to show items where the field is empty (null). Click Apply to set the conditions.

If there is a single filter choice you want to apply immediately, hover over the item's row and click Only when it appears on the right side.

Screenshot of the only option for a filtered field.

To find a specific list item in a large list, use the search box to enter a term. The list filters automatically as you type.

Adding drop-down menu options for a field.

Click the Advanced filters (Advanced filters icon) icon to the right of the Select all - Clear options to launch the advanced filters screen. This screen has more operators where you can add or remove list items to the field's drop-down menu. Click Apply to set the conditions.

Condition card showing the any of these operator.

Using text box filters

The text box filter is available for the following field types:

  • Fixed-length Text
  • Long Text
  • Date
  • Whole Number
  • Decimal
  • Currency
  • Object

You can use text box filters to search on specific terms, numbers, and dates. Enter one or more terms in the filter text box. Connect multiple terms using the following operators:

  • AND
  • OR
  • IS SET
  • = (equal)
  • >= (greater than or equal to)
  • <= (less than or equal to)

When entering terms and operators directly into a text box filter, you must use the proper syntax. See Text box filter search examples for more information.

You can also use the advanced text box filter feature to build more advanced filter queries on the selected text field. See Using advanced text box filtering.

Text box filter search examples

Using operators, you can perform text searches by entering search strings directly into the filter text box. Additionally, you can use the advanced filtering feature to build more detailed queries. See Using advanced text box filtering for more information.

Search operators

The following table lists examples of valid search strings using search operators.

Valid search strings Description of search results
cubs OR sox

Matches either cubs or sox or both.

cubs AND sox Matches both cubs and sox. Both terms must appear for a successful match.
cubs OR sox AND kcura Matches either cubs or sox or both, and kcura.
percent sign ( % )
Acts similar to a wildcard, or the is like operator in a query.
%chard matches Richard, Pritchard.
underscore ( _ ) Acts as a wildcard for a missing character. Do not use the underscore to check a field's value. It is slower and more resource-intensive than using the percent sign (%).
= with term Matches an exact phrase.
cubs sox Matches an exact phrase, cubs(space)sox.
IS SET Returns only items where the field has a value.
IS NOT SET Returns only items where the field does not have a value (null).

The following table shows examples of invalid search strings.

Invalid search strings Description of search results
cubs AND The AND operator requires a right search term.
cubs OR The OR operator requires a right search term.
AND cubs The AND operator requires a left search term.
OR cubs The OR operator requires a left search term.

Alphabetical filtering

The following table lists examples of valid search strings you can use to filter text alphabetically.

Alphabetical filtering Description of search results
>= c Matches any term or phrase where the first letter is c or later in the alphabet.
<= c Matches any term or phrase where the first letter is c or earlier in the alphabet.
= cubs sox Matches the exact phrase cubs(space)sox.
cubs BETWEEN sox Matches terms or phrases where the first letter of the phrase falls between c and s in the alphabet.

Dates and numbers

The following table lists examples of valid date and number searches, and the expected result set. When entering dates, do not place a zero (0) in front of single-digit values. For example, use 7/21/2024 and not 07/21/2024.

Valid search strings Description of search results
>= 7/24/ 2024 Matches 7/24/ 2024 and later dates.
<= 7/24/ 2024 Matches 7/24/ 2024 and earlier dates.
= 7/24/ 2024 Matches the exact date of 7/24/2024.
>= 7/27/ 2024 1:23 PM Matches 7/27/ 2024 1:23 PM and later dates and times.
<= 7/27/ 2024 1:23 PM Matches 7/27/ 2024 1:23 PM and earlier dates and times.
= 7/27/ 2024 1:23 PM Matches the exact date and time of 7/27/ 2024 1:23 PM.
7/24/ 2024 BETWEEN 8/24/ 2024 Matches dates that include and fall between 7/24/2024 and 8/24/2024.
7/24/ 2024 1:23 PM BETWEEN 8/24/ 2024 3:45 PM Matches dates and times that include and fall between 7/24/ 2024 1:23 PM and 8/24/ 2024 3:45 PM.
7/27/ 2024 Matches the exact date of 7/27/ 2024.
>= 100 Matches numbers that are greater than or equal to 100.
<= 100 Matches numbers that are less than or equal to 100.
= 100 Matches 100 exactly.

The following table includes examples of invalid data and number search strings.

Invalid search strings Description of search results
> 7/24/ 2024 You must use the equal sign with the greater than operator (>=).
< 7/24/ 2024 You must use the equal sign with the less than operator (<=).
>= 0/24/ 2024 The search string starts with 0 for the month. Instead of 01/01/2024, use 1/1/2024.
= 0/24/ 2024 The search string starts with 0 for the month. Instead of 01/01/2024, use 1/1/2024.
07/24/ 2024 BETWEEN 8/24/ 2024 The search string starts with 0 for the month in the starting date. Instead of 01/01/2024, use 1/1/2024.
7/24/ 2024 BETWEEN 08/24/ 2024 The search string starts with 0 for the month in the ending date. Instead of 01/01/2024, use 1/1/2024.

Using advanced text box filtering

You can use the following operators with advanced filtering:

  • Is
  • Is not
  • Is set
  • Is not set
  • Is less than
  • Is greater than
  • Is like
  • Is not like
  • Contains
  • Does not contain

To use advanced text box filtering:

  1. Click inside the filter text box for a column. The Advanced link appears.
  2. Click the Advanced link.
  3. Choose an operator (such as is greater than.) See Fixed-length, long, or extracted text operators for a list of definitions of the available operators.
    Condition card showing the is operator.
  4. Enter a value into the query text box(such as 100.) The filter returns items where the value of the field is greater than 100.
  5. (Optional) Click Add condition to add a new filter condition. For example, you may want to also return items where the text field contains the word privilege.
    Note: Multiple conditions are automatically connected with an OR operator.
  6. Click Apply to set the conditions.

Changing item sets per page

You can use the set selector menu to change the number of items that appear per page. The set selector menu is at the top of the document list. The option you select remains the default setting during your session until you select another option.

Screenshot of paging options for selecting how many records to display in the list.

Saving filters as a search

To save your filtered item set as a saved search:

  1. Click the Save Search button located at the bottom of the screen.
  2. Select or enter the following required information:
    • Name—enter a title for the search. The title appears in the saved searches browser.
    • Owner—select Public to make the search available to all users or choose a specific user from the list. Click Me to select your name from the list, making the search private. (You must have the appropriate privileges to view searches.) See Controlling the visibility of saved searches.
    • Search Folder—click the Select button to launch a pop-up window where you can save the new search to a specific folder on the saved searches browser. Highlight the folder where you want to save the search, and click OK to select it.
  3. Add to or change the search criteria as needed. See Create and edit a saved search.
  4. Click Save.