
Choices are the predetermined values that you apply to single and multiple choice list fields. With the necessary permissions, you can create choices for workspace fields and admin fields.

In a workspace, you use choices in coding fields to allow users to record decisions on a document. For example, a Responsiveness field might have choices like Responsive, Not Responsive, and Not Sure. You can add and edit workspace choices directly within Field forms and the Choices tab. Within the Field forms, any saved single or multiple choice field contains the choice editor, so you can create and manage choices directly within the field. Within, the Choices tab you may also add single or multiple choices, reorder choices, and create parent and child choices.

From Home, choices are predetermined values applied to pre-workspace objects, such as workspaces, clients, and matters. These choices function the same as choices within a workspace.

Choice object relationship diagram

Accessing the Choice editor

With the Choice Editor, you can add and edit choices from the Fields tab, the Choices tab, and layouts.

Permission considerations for the Choice editor

In order for a group to be able to edit and add choices, you must grant them Edit and Add permissions on the Choice object.

If the Add Field Choice By Link box is checked, users can view the Choice editor through the Manage link on the layout, but they still cannot edit and add choices without those permissions.

Add Field Choice By Link permission

The Coding Layout with the Manage link displaying at the bottom of the Responsive field.

See Setting permissions on Relativity objects for more information.

Adding choices

Using the Choice editor, you can add a single or multiple choices to a field.

Editing choices

After you create a choice, you can edit the name and the details of the choice using the Choice editor.

Choice detail fields

The Choice Details editor has two tabs: Choice Settings and Advanced Settings.

Deleting choices

To delete a choice:

  1. Navigate to the Choice editor. See Accessing the Choice editor.
  2. Hover over the name of the choice that you want to delete.
  3. Click Delete.

You can also delete multiple choices using the Delete mass operation from the Choices tab. See Mass delete.

Performing mass operations on choices

You can perform mass Copy, Delete, and Export to File on choices from the Choices tab.

The Mass Operations menu expanded.

  • If you apply a mass operation on a parent choice, the mass operation is not automatically applied to the child choice.
  • When deleting a parent choice in the Choice editor, Relativity also deletes the children.
  • When using mass delete from a list page, you must delete all the children choices of a parent choice first before you can delete the parent choice.

See Mass copy, Mass delete, and Mass export to file.

Organizing choices

Using the Choice editor, you can reorder choices and create families of choices.

Fields in workspaces

  • Field - the single choice or multiple choice list field in which you want the choice to appear.
  • Name - the choice value that appears to users. For example, if you want the choice to read "Responsive," name it "Responsive." Choice names can be up to 200 characters.
  • Order - a number that represents the position of the choice in relation to the field's other choices. The lower the number, the higher the position on the list. Items that share the same value appear in alphanumeric order. Pane order can be any positive or negative integer, but you can't use decimals.
    Note: We recommend setting the tab order by 10's, starting with 10, then 20, 30, etc. Numbering in groups of 10 lets you later insert an item into any position without reordering all items (e.g., 10, 20, 25, 30, 40).
  • Parent choice - when you create a sub-choice, you can select a parent choice under which the current choice appears. Be aware that once you set your family of choices and tagged values, editing a parent choice causes inconsistencies.
    Note: If you need to change a parent choice, create a new choice family, mass edit the applicable documents, and then remove the old choice.

  • Relativity Applications - associate an existing application in your workspace to the new choice, in order to link to Relativity Dynamic Objects. See Building Relativity applications.
  • Keyboard Shortcut - designates a keyboard shortcut for the document choice you're editing or creating. You can use the shortcut to code and edit documents in the Review Interface. You need to be in edit mode before you can use keyboard shortcuts for choices. This setting is only available for document fields and consists of the following checkboxes. You have to use Ctrl and/or Alt or you get an <Invalid Keyboard Shortcut> warning next to the Key drop-down field:
    • Ctrl - sets the Control key as part of the combination used to trigger the keyboard shortcut.
    • Alt - sets the Alt key as part of the combination used to trigger the keyboard shortcut.
    • Shift - sets the shift key as part of the combination used to trigger the keyboard shortcut.
    • Key - sets the key you want to use in combination with the key specified in one or more of the checkboxes (Ctrl, Alt, and Shift).

Admin choices

From Home, choices are predetermined values applied to pre-workspace objects, such as workspaces, clients, and matters. These choices function the same as choices within a workspace.

To create or edit an admin choice:

  1. Click your name in the upper right corner of Relativity and click Home.
  2. Click the Choices tab.
  3. Click New Choice. If you want to edit an existing choice, click the Edit link next to the Choice name.
  4. Complete the fields on the form. See Admin fields.
  5. Click Save.

Admin fields

  • Field - sets the type of admin choice. You can select one of the following options:
    • Case status - choices available in the Status field on workspace objects.
    • Client status - choices available in the Status field on client objects.
    • dtSearch Index Share Location - choices available in the Index share field on dtSearch index objects.
    • File location - choices available in the Default file repository field on workspace objects.
    • Matter status - choices available in the Status field on matter objects.
    • Processing Source Location - choices available in the Select source for files to process field in processing set objects.
    • User type - choices available in the Type field under user information for user objects.
  • Name - the choice value that appears to administrators. For example, if you want the choice to read "Internal," name it "Internal." Choice names can be up to 200 characters.
  • Order - a number that represents the position of the choice in relation to the field's other choices. The lower the number, the higher the position on the list. Items that share the same value appear in alphanumeric order. Pane order can be any positive or negative integer, but you can't use decimals. You can click the View Order button to access the order of other choices.

Note: We recommend setting the tab order by 10's, starting with 10, then 20, 30, etc. Numbering in groups of 10 lets you later insert an item into any position without reordering all items (e.g., 10, 20, 25, 30, 40).

You can also add or edit an admin choice on the Choices tab. See Adding choices .