Ingest documents

Note: Billing for Data Breach Response will begin when documents are ingested using the steps below.

After the PI Detect and Data Breach Response application is installed into your workspace, documents will need to be ingested before reviewing results. To ingest documents you will need to create a saved search containing all documents to send to Data Breach Response and create an ingestion job.

Caution: PI Detect and Data Breach Response projects cannot be run in the same workspace. Attempting to run separate Data Breach - Ingestion and Personal Information - Ingestion jobs will cause the application to error.


Before ingesting documents, the following prerequisites must be met:

  • Ingestion requires a saved search as input. For each ingestion job, a different saved search must be used. We recommend creating a list in Relativity containing the documents and generating a saved search from the list. For more information, see Saved search and Lists.
    • We recommend adding the PI_Exception field when creating your saved search. This field will help identify any documents that encountered exceptions during the ingestion job.


The Privacy Workflow tab will not load until you run an ingestion job for the first time.

Creating a new ingestion job

To create a new ingestion job:

  1. Navigate to the Data Breach Response and Personal Information Application.
  2. Click Jobs.
    An image of the Jobs tab found under the PI Detect and Data Breach Response application tab.
  3. Click New PI Jobs.
    An image of the New PI Jobs button found on the Jobs page.
  4. Enter a Name for the Job.
  5. Select Data Breach – Ingestion or Data Breach- Report as the job type.
    Note: There are two types of Jobs for Data Breach and Personal Information: Ingestion and Report.
    • Ingestion jobs will transfer files from RelativityOne to the dedicated Data Breach Response instance.
    • Report jobs will pull the document report back to RelativityOne once the Data Breach Response pipeline has successfully completed.
  6. Select the Saved Search containing all documents to send to Data Breach Response.
  7. Note: Data Breach Response does not currently support concurrent Jobs in the same workspace. Once a Job is sent to Data Breach Response, a new job cannot be started until results from the current Job are published to the Workspace.
  8. Select Data Settings.
  9. Click Save.
    An image of the Save button found at the top of the New PI Job page.
  10. Caution: Selecting Save after setting up an ingestion job will cause usage and costs to be calculated.
    See Cost explorer for more details about the information that will be displayed. See Understanding cost in Relativity for information about how costs are calculated.
  11. Once the job has been saved, the ingestion job will be automatically started.
    It can take several minutes to hours to complete depending on how large the data set is.

Once the job has transitioned its status to Completed, the document ingestion pipeline in Data Breach Response has been started successfully. At this time, you can navigate to the Privacy Workflow tab to see the in-progress document ingestion process, located in the Document Ingestion tab of the left-hand navigation panel. This screen details each step of the ingestion process and if any failures occurred.

Job-level states

Following is a list of job-level states and descriptions:

Job status Description
Queued The agent has not picked up this job to process yet.
Running An agent is currently processing this job. During this state, the job will be split into batches.
Waiting The job is waiting for all the batches to get into a terminal state. A terminal state is defined by a batch being in Completed or Errored state.
Completed All of the batches for this job are complete.

Ingestion job states

Following is a list of ingestion job states and descriptions:

Batch Status Description
Preparing Application

Prepares the application backend for a project. This batch only runs during the first ingestion job and will not run for subsequent jobs.

Note: This batch may take up to 30 minutes to complete and may be retried if it fails.

Data-upload (pending)

Initial State.
Data-upload (ready-to-send) Notifies Data Breach Response that the records are Ready to Send.
Data-upload (ready-to-receive) Preparing records in batch to transfer and send to Data Breach Response.
Completed Ingestion job is complete, and documents have successfully transferred to Data Breach Response.

Report job states

Following is a list of report job states and descriptions:

Batch Status Description
Analysis (Working) Data Breach Response pipeline is running; reports are not ready .
Analysis (ready-to-send) Downloads reports published by Data Breach Response.
Completed Data Breach Response results have successfully been published to RelativityOne.

Error codes

Following is a list of error messages and corresponding codes:

Message Name
Unknown error occurred Error Code 0
Unrecognized step encountered Error Code 1
Unrecognized state encountered Error Code 2
Cannot transition to given step Error Code 3
Cannot transition to given state Error Code 4
BatchId already taken Error Code 5
Zip file could not be extracted Error Code 6
Zip file did not have the mandatory single file Error Code 7
Problem with file upload Error Code 8
An error occurred in file upload Error Code 9
Missing one or more required parameters Error Code 10
Unknown workspace ID Error Code 11
Unknown saved search ID Error Code 12
Unknown batch ID Error Code 13
Unexpected API call given the current state Error Code 14
Unknown exception importing to Relativity Error Code 15
Relativity import count mismatch Error Code 16
No More Report Rows Error Code 17
Privacy Ingestion Pipeline Failed to Start Error Code 18
Cargo Validation Failed Error Code 19
Header Mapping Validation Failed Error Code 20
Cargo Creation Failed Error Code 21
No Valid Documents Error Code 22