What's new in RelativityOne Sandbox

Learn about selected new or updated features that have recently been deployed to RelativityOne Sandbox environments.

Note: The date shown represents when the feature or change is available in RelativityOne Sandbox environments. Due to differences in deployment and update schedules, the features listed may be available before the date shown, or may not yet be available in all Relativity Sandbox environments. Features deployed to Sandbox environments will be deployed to RelativityOne production environments at a future date, based on that feature’s release plan. This page highlights noteworthy enhancements and changes available in Sandbox environments; not all changes to Sandbox environments will be described in this topic.

– denotes features that have been deployed to RelativityOne Production environment.

Now Coming in August: Document List Page – Inline Editing

2024-06-25 | List Page

You can now easily edit fields inline directly from the document list page, eliminating the need to enter a coding layout or use a mass action to make changes. For users with permission, this intuitive editing capability introduces a new "edit mode" that bolds and highlights editable fields, reduces the chance of accidental edits, and auto-saves to ensure your desired changes are captured.

Conduct Coverage Review in Review Center

2024-06-25 | Review Center | ☑

You can now easily conduct coverage review in Review Center. By simply toggling on "coverage mode" when you begin a prioritized review queue, Review Center will sort documents in alignment with coverage review workflows, serving up mid-ranked documents first so that the AI classifier can learn from those coding decisions and train as quickly as possible.

Redact Validation QC

2024-06-25 | Redact

We’ve introduced a new validation agent to Redact workflows in order to confirm that all markups are able to be burned in ahead of production. Redact has always checked natives for document-level compatibility, but now Redact will confirm at the markup-level so that there aren't any surprises at production time.

Name Normalization Improvements

2024-06-25 | Structured Analytics |

We've adjusted how Name Normalization merges entities, reducing the likelihood that separate entities are incorrectly merged. These changes include putting more emphasis on the proper names of email participants, a new workflow to allow customers to identify entities that should be merged, new logic that address "undefined" aliases, and a UI option to exclude specific emails from analysis.

Now Coming in September: Updates to RelativityOne Support Groups

2024-06-25 | Security Center

Support groups created in RelativityOne will now be named after the ticket ID, with a 'time to live' tied to the ticket's status. This ensures groups are automatically deleted once the ticket is closed, preventing accidental lockbox bypass and providing customers with clear visibility into why Relativity employees need access to their instance.

Track Exceptions as Errors and Warnings

2024-06-25 | Processing | ☑

You can now distinguish between expected issues (encryption, file corruptions, etc.) and unexpected (environmental, Input/Output problems, etc.) so you can better target remediation efforts after a job has completed. This creates a more targeted and specific workflow on error resolution, as you will be able to see which issues should be retried and which require manual resolution.

Now Coming in August: Publish Documents with Field Length Warnings

2024-06-25 | Processing

This latest enhancement allows documents with field metadata length issues to be published to RelativityOne without errors, excluding the problematic fields temporarily. This reduces friction and increases flexibility during the publish process, allowing you to get your documents into review faster.

New Collect Data Source: ChatGPT Enterprise

2024-06-04 | Collect |

Our newest Collect data source enables you to collect AI-generated conversational evidence directly from OpenAI’s ChatGPT Enterprise into RelativityOne. You can seamlessly capture all prompt and response data by custodian, metadata, attachments from DALL-E, and more. Conversations will automatically convert to RSMF — saving you time and accelerating the review process of data from one of the world's fastest growing AI platforms.

Specify Rank Cutoff During Validation

2024-06-04 | Review Center |

We've added the ability to specify a document rank cutoff in validation. This allows you to conduct validation and calculate precision and recall, driving additional efficiencies in Review Center's prioritized review workflows.

Post-Production Workflow

2024-05-07 | Productions | ☑

We are introducing a new post-production phase into the existing production workflow to simplify the process of running scripts. With this release, we will introduce a "Copy legacy documents fields" script and more will be available throughout the year.

Email Notification Improvements

2024-05-07 | Automated Workflows | ☑

We have added more granular control for when you receive email notifications from Automated Workflows, allowing you to set your preferred level of awareness.

Download Rendered PDF Documents

2024-05-07 | PDF Viewer | ☑

You are now able to download a rendered PDF directly from the Viewer. This feature, similar to the existing download Native function, allows you to pull down and share the rendered PDF outside of RelativityOne if desired.

Express Transfer Updates

2024-05-07 | Import/Export |

Our latest enhancements to Import/Export are designed to offer more flexibility during the import process. As part of this improvement, Express Transfer will now upload only the materials linked in the selected load file, rather than uploading the contents of the entire folder. Additionally, it now ignores case sensitivity in the load file paths and file names, greatly reducing the time and effort required to prepare load files.

Track Coding Decisions with Review Center Coding Field

2024-04-09 | Review Center |

We’ve implemented a new field in Review Center called Review Center Coding to help users track coding decisions made on documents in queues. You will now be able to easily see which documents were reviewed in which queues, when, and by which reviewer.

Automatic Teams to RSMF Conversion

2024-03-05 | Short Message | ☑

Teams messages will now be automatically detected from your PST files during Processing and converted to RSMF with all the metadata needed for your review.

Load File Enhancements

2024-03-05 | Import/Export | ☑

Our latest Import/Export enhancement unifies load file import jobs, eliminating the need for varied file formats for each workflow. Now, load files (.opt and .dat) can be uploaded directly, while load files and .zip archives are uploaded separately. Additionally, we’re introducing load file precheck functionality for image and production load files.

Staging Reports

2024-03-05 | Management Console | ☑

You can now generate staging reports directly in the Management Console to get information on the size and breakdown of your staging area folder structures. Reports will be exported into Excel files for all your billing needs outside of RelativityOne.

SharePoint Integration

2024-02-06 | Collect | ☑

You can now Collect all data from within a SharePoint folder directly into RelativityOne without selecting a specific custodian. This integration allows you to easily access more potentially relevant data without the hassle of running collections for each custodian.

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New Security Alert types

2024-02-06 | Security Center | ☑

We are introducing four new security alert types aimed at helping service providers better secure their client domains. The alerts will identify specific types of client domain boundary violations and provide quick remediation steps.

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Lockbox visibility state

2024-02-06 | Security Center | ☑

The lockbox states are now automatically surfaced and controllable in the Security Center, allowing you to more easily configure these states depending on your needs.

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Enhanced job insights

2024-02-06 | Processing | ☑

We are updating our Processing set layout to provide individual progress bars and descriptions to subphases of Processing jobs. It will also be easier to display statistics associated with each Processing job enabling greater transparency into your jobs for easy troubleshooting.  

Note: this capability will be available via a Preview button on the upper right corner of the Processing set layout so you can begin getting used to it. We will inform you when this becomes the default experience.

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Streamline your redaction workflow with facade redactions 

2024-01-09 | Redact | ☑

Marking up and producing natives just got easier with facade redactions. With this streamlined workflow, you no longer need to run a production preparation project for native documents, you can toggle markup transparency within the viewer, and you no longer need to manage redacted natives in a locked state for production. 

Project rules support dtSearch syntax 

2024-01-09 | Redact | ☑

With this new capability, you can create Redact project rules that follow support terms written in dtSearch syntax such as stemming, fuzzy searches, proximity, and more to quickly and automatically redact your next batch of spreadsheets, PDFs or images.

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Find and redact for PDFs

2024-01-09 | Redact | ☑

Our newest markup action extends the searching capabilities in the viewer, allowing you to find text within a PDF and redact it in a few clicks instead of manually drawing your markup. Search your PDFs for key terms or other important information, then quickly draw a redaction over selected search hits with your preferred markup type, style, and scope.

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Document deletion optimization 

2024-02-20 | Processing

We have made several improvements to the document deletion process. Now, when you delete a file that was ingested via Processing, all occurrences of the document, including duplicates, within the same processing data source will also be deleted. You also have the option to choose whether to delete all occurrences of the document from other data sources, preventing automatic republication of duplicates to the workspace. 

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Import/Export automated custodian mapping

2024-01-09 | Data Transfer | ☑

Our most recent improvement in Import/Export allows for automatic custodian mapping based on folder names. When new custodians are detected, they will be added to the entity and associated with the data source, eliminating the need for manual custodian assignment. 

Mass delete optimization

2023-12-05 | Processing |

We have optimized the mass delete modal to provide more details into the settings you can configure and surfaced the “create audit snapshot” setting directly in the modal. This delivers additional clarity into the mass delete process and improves performance by up to 10%.

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ARM Restore UI changes

2023-12-05 | Data Transfer |

The latest enhancements to the ARM interface will simplify your Restore workflow. When you create a Restore job, you now only need to select Client and Matter. The rest of the settings will be chosen automatically – decreasing the possibility of incorrect configurations.

Automatic Slack to RSMF conversions

2023-10-31 | Short Message | ☑

Your Slack imports will now be automatically detected during Processing and converted to our short message format with all the metadata needed for your review. 

Seamless fact creation in the new coding pane

2023-10-31 | Case Dynamics | ☑

We've revamped the coding pane for Case Dynamics to provide you with a more intuitive and seamless fact creation process. Updates include auto-suggested dates, creating new facts or updating existing facts from highlighted excerpts within the document, and custom fact colors and labels. 

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Validation on prioritized queues

2023-10-31 | Review Center | ☑

Statistical validation of prioritized review queues is now available in Review Center, allowing you to seamlessly validate the results of AI-backed workflows. Simply select a sample size from the prioritized queue and assign a reviewer group to review the sample. Once the coding of that sample is complete, you’ll be presented with recall, elusion, and richness statistics to help you determine the best next steps for your team.

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Workspace Recycle Bin

2023-10-31 | Matter Administration | ☑

You can now quickly access and restore workspaces you've deleted within seven days by navigating to our recycle bin within the workspace list. This will allow you to easily self-correct in case you accidentally delete a necessary workspace, removing the need for you to contact support with these requests.

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Name Normalization Improvements

2023-10-31 | Analytics | ☑

We’ve made multiple enhancements to improve your name normalization experience and results. This includes the option to run the analysis only on latest email received in an email chain and the ability to assign up to 500 aliases to a particular entity in a single operation.

Item-Level Security Visibility

2023-10-05 | Permissions | ☑

Easily see if objects in RelativityOne have item-level security enabled by navigating to the object security tab to view and edit permissions as necessary.

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Collection of Inactive M365 Outlook Mailboxes

2023-09-14 | Collect |

We now support the collection of inactive M365 Outlook mailboxes. Minimize potential data handling errors and save time by collecting these inactive mailboxes directly to a Processing source location in RelativityOne and eliminate the need to manually import your data. 

PDF Placeholders

2023-09-01 | Document Transformation |

In the event a user does not require a document to be converted to PDF, they now have the option to create a placeholder PDF instead.

Document ID Branding

2023-09-01 | Document Transformation |

We've enhanced our document rendering capabilities when working with PDFs to allow you to sequentially number document IDs, as well as brand those numbers on each document. This will allow you to more easily produce documents in the correct number order.  

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Page-Level Document IDs

2023-09-01 | Document Transformation |

As part of our enhanced PDF rendering capabilities, you can now add document IDs on both the document and page-level, giving you more flexibility with numbering the documents before production.  

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Sync Workflow Modifications to Identical Workflows

2023-08-31 | Automated Workflows |

You can now seamlessly apply changes to automated workflows that are identical throughout projects in RelativityOne. After making adjustments in the template workflow, click Workflow Sync and the Sync to Workspaces tab to select the other linked workflows you want to pass modifications on to.

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Mass Permissions Updates for a Single Group

2023-08-31 | Permissions |

We're introducing a new feature to simplify managing Permissions. Administrators can now group batched permissions changes together, making it easier to edit, assign and make multiple permissions edits quickly. This user-friendly enhancement helps you save time and effort in managing permissions.

Filtering by Queue Label

2023-08-24 | Review Center |

We’ve introduced the ability to filter by Queue Label on the Review Center dashboard so users can more easily manage multiple queues and review the specific ones needed at a given point in time. The Queue Label field is included on the queue settings and allows admins to create and assign labels as they see fit. 

New Queue Summary Card

2023-08-24 | Review Center |

Better understand and access details on your document queues though the newly enhanced Queue Summary, now available on the Review Center Dashboard. The fresh design puts key settings like the reviewer group, saved search and review field at the forefront, while allowing you to click and expand the section to view all queue settings. Leverage this new, intuitive delivery of additional queue context to manage your projects with ease.

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