Case workspace quick reference guide

Use this guide to familiarize yourself with the case workspace. For more information on workspace navigation, see Tab navigation quick reference guide and Review interface quick reference guide.

Case workspace areas
1 New document Add new documents to Relativity using Simple File Upload.
2 View bar Determines which documents and fields are displayed in the document list.
3 Add Widget button Add a new Pivot or Cluster widget to the dashboard.
4 Dashboard functions Where you can save your current dashboard.
5 Export Dashboard button Click to export this dashboard's charts to Excel for further customization.
6 Document browser menu Determines whether the browser displays folders, tags, or saved searches.
7 Sampling button Use sampling to create a randomized sample of the documents.
8 Document list controls Determines how your documents are displayed and allows you to navigate through them.
9 Document Preview View documents in the document list before launching the Viewer.
10 Browser Browse through documents using folders, saved searches, or the field tree.
11 Document list The central location for viewing and acting on your documents.
12 Search panel Create and set search and filter conditions for your documents.
13 Save search button Click to save the current search conditions on your list as a new saved search.
14 Mass operations bar Select an option from the menu to take mass action on some or all documents in the document list.
15 Total items Displays the total number of documents in the set.