Populate Privilege Results

The Populate Privilege Results pipeline step uses decisions made within prior pipeline steps and generative AI to decide whether a document is Privileged or Not Privileged. The Populate Privilege Results pipeline step will complete, but actual results will continue to come in over time. You will be able to find these results on the documents analyzed by checking whether the Priv::Prediction field is SET.


You must perform the Run action on the Populate Privilege Results pipeline step. The Run action will make predictions on whether a document is Privileged or Not Privileged and populate these results on the documents analyzed.


To run Populate Privilege Results:

  1. Navigate to the Projects (Priv) page.
  2. Select the project you would like to interact with.
  3. Locate the Populate Privilege Results step in the Pipeline Steps category.
  4. Click the Run button within the Actions column next to the Populate Privilege Results step.
    This will only be available when you have successfully completed Confirm Privilege Status.

The Populate Privilege Results step status will change to Run In Progress. The system will disable the Run button until the status updates.

Upon the successful completion of the Populate Privilege Results Run action, the status on the step will change to Completed. However, the results will not immediately begin to populate in the workspace. There may be a delay of a few days between the completion of this step and when results begin to incrementally populate the workspace. The time taken for results to populate depends on the size of the dataset being analyzed.

Results will appear in fields prefixed with Priv::.
See Privilege results for information on how to interpret the results.


If the status of the Populate Privilege Results pipeline step becomes Run Failed then there was an error in the action. Check the Error Details field within the pipeline steps category for more detailed error information including steps to resolve the issue.

Following is a list of the most common Populate Privilege Results failures:

Status Error details Solution
Run Failed There is a system failure that is causing the operation to timeout. Retry the action, and if the issue persists contact Relativity support.

Once you resolve any errors you can rerun the Populate Privilege Results pipeline step.