
A domain is the web address that comes after the @ symbol in an email address. aiR for Privilege extracts domains from communicating email addresses found across all email segments within email documents in the data set. Understanding the email address domains owned by law firms, public, or in-house provides data points that our AI uses to make more effective privilege conferring predictions.

During the Classify Domains pipeline step, our AI processes domains and categorizes them as Law Firm, 3rd Party, or Undetermined. These domains are populated on the Domains (Priv) tab, where you can confirm or deny the initial prediction. Annotating a domain on the Annotator Decision field as In-House, Law Firm, or 3rd Party changes how the entities communicating under these domains are classified in the Validate Attorneys pipeline step.


Domains can only be annotated when the Classify Domains pipeline step has a status of Ready to Apply Annotations or when the Confirm Privilege Status pipeline step has a status of Ready to Apply Annotations.

All Predicted Law Firm Domains relevant to the active project must have an Annotator Decision set to proceed.

Single domain annotation

To annotate Domains:

  1. Navigate to the Annotation (Priv)>Domains (Priv) tab.
  2. Search for domains that belong to the end-client first. See Suggested annotation workflow.
  3. On the Annotator Decision field, select In-House for these Domains.
  4. Filter the list to show Domains that you have not annotated by setting Annotator Decision to (Not Set).
  5. Select the Edit button on the first domain in the list.
  6. Review the Prediction field, AI Confidence field, and Domain Information section.
    Note: Consider visiting the domains website in your browser if you are unsure of how to classify the domain. Only perform if compliant with your company’s security policy.
  7. On the Annotator Decision field, select either Law Firm, 3rd Party, Public, or In-House.
    • Law Firm—if you select Law Firm, you must populate the Organization name field. The AI may try to predict the name. If it is wrong, you must correct it. Organization should be populated with the name of the firm. Remove any extraneous words such as LLP or any other incorporation status.
    • 3rd Party—another company.
    • Public—examples include Yahoo, Gmail, and others.
    • In-House—mark if missed in step 3.
    Note: Domains not annotated on the Annotator Decision field will take their Prediction value. Domains with an Undetermined Prediction value are treated as 3rd Party.
  8. On the Final Privilege Status field, optionally select either Privilege Conferring, Privilege Neutral, or Privilege Breaking.
  9. Select Save and Next to annotate the next domain.
    You have completed domain annotations when all domains have an Annotator Decision field value.
  10. See Classify Domains to complete the pipeline step.
Note: Alternatively, after completing step 3 you can filter the Prediction field to prioritize annotating those classified as Law Firm. You can then annotate the subset of returned Domains.

Mass domain annotation

To annotate Domains using the Mass Actions available:

  1. Navigate to the Annotation (Priv)>Domains (Priv) tab.
  2. Filter the list to show Domains that you have not annotated by setting Annotator Decision to (Not Set).
  3. Scroll through the list of Domains and review the Prediction and AI Confidence fields. Select all of the Domains you want to annotate as In-House.
    See Suggested annotation workflow.
  4. Use the Annotate as In-House mass action button at the bottom of the page.
  5. Confirm that you want to Annotate these Domains as In-House. This will update the Annotator Decision field on the items selected.
  6. Repeat steps 3-5 to mass annotate Domains as Public or 3rd Party using the Annotate as Public and Annotate as 3rd Party mass actions.
Note: There is no mass annotation option for Law Firm as you must also populate the Organization Name field for those domains. Follow the instructions under Single domain annotation

You have completed domain annotations when all domains have an Annotator Decision field value.

See Classify Domains to complete this pipeline step.

Annotate domains fields

The following fields appear when annotating Domains:

Field Field type Required Description Notes

Artifact ID

Fixed-length text N

A unique identifier for this specific domain.

This value will never change and is not editable.

By clicking on this value from a list, you will open the domain page where you can find more metadata on the domain.

Use this field to find a specific Domain.


Fixed-length text N

The domain extracted from the email addresses in the data set.

This information will not change and is not editable.



Single choice N

The prediction by the AI model as to whether a Law Firm or Third Party, owns the domain or if it is Undetermined.

This value will never change and you can not edit it.

  • Law Firm—belongs to a law firm entity that conveys legal advice.
  • Third Party—a third party email address that is specific to an organization.
  • Undetermined—unable to process for prediction.


Decimal N The confidence the AI model has in its prediction. This value will never change and is not editable. Use this field to sort the list of domains and prioritize annotations.

Annotator Decision

Single choice Y

This is the only annotation field for domains. Select Law Firm, In-House, Public, 3rd Party.

Used to confirm or correct the Prediction.


Total Sent + Received

Whole number N

The total sum of emails sent and received by email addresses belonging to this domain in the data set.

This information will not change and is not editable.



Yes/No N

Upon annotating and saving a domain this field populates with a check mark.

You can not edit this field.

Use this field in searches to find domains you have or have not annotated.

Include this field in dashboard widgets for visual representation of your annotation progress.

Privilege Project

Multiple object N

This field links to the project that found this specific domain.

This field is not editable.

A domain may link to multiple projects if it appears in multiple analyzed data sets.


Fixed-length text N

Occasionally required.

The name of the organization the domain belongs to.

Sometimes populated with an AI-generated prediction.

If you select Law Firm as the Annotation Decision, this field is required.

Final Privilege Status

Single choice N An aiR for Privilege Lead field used during the Confirm Privilege Status pipeline step. Select Privilege Conferring, Privilege Neutral, or Privilege Breaking. aiR for Privilege Annotators can ignore this field.

Suggested annotation workflow

Following is the suggested annotation workflow for Domains. These steps should be completed in priority order:


Expected annotation 

Content type 


How to locate 


In House Domain 

Client Domains (abbreviation) (partial name) (misspelling) 

Perform the following search across domains: 


Search Conditions for Step 1

Note: This image is an example of how Search Conditions should look. Be sure to add your own client to these searches.



In House Domain 

Mergers and Acquisitions 

Search the web for any recent mergers or acquisitions for the client. 

Perform the following search across domains: 

Search Conditions for Step 2

Note: This image is an example of how Search Conditions should look. Be sure to do your own research and add your own items.

In House Domain 


Search the web for any recent rebrands by the organization. 

Perform the following search across domains: 


Search Conditions for Step 3

Note: This image is an example of how Search Conditions should look. Be sure to do your own research and add your own items.

In House Domain 



Search the web for a recent SEC filing if the client is listed to find a robust list of subsidiaries. 

Perform the following search across domains: 


Search Conditions for Step 4



Email Service Providers 

Perform the following search across domains: 


Search Conditions for Step 5

Note: This image is an example of how Search Conditions should look. Be sure to add your own public domains to the Domain is like condition.

Law Firm 

AI Predicted Law Firm 

Perform the following search across domains: 


Search Conditions for Step 6


Law Firm 

Highly likely Law Firm 

Perform the following search across domains: 


Search Conditions for Step 7


Law Firm 

Law Firm by People’s Names 

Scan the list of Domains for people’s last names rather than words. 


Law Firm 



Perform the following search across domains: 

Search Conditions for Step 9

Scan the list of Domains for potential law firms. 


Law Firm 

Third Party 


Perform the following search across domains: 


Search Conditions for Step 10

Note: This image is an example of how Search Conditions should look. Be sure to do your own research and add your own items.

Scan the list of Domains for potential law firms. 


3rd Party 


All domains without an annotator decision after following the steps above.