aiR for Case Strategy Advanced Access

This application uses generative AI to identify key facts in your case and provides document summaries to expedite the building of your case strategy.

Before you begin

  • Install the Case Dynamics application before using aiR for Case Strategy.

Installing aiR for Case Strategy

aiR for Case Strategy is available as a secured application from the Application Library. You must be a participant in the Advanced Access program. aiR for Case Strategy is not available for repository workspaces.

To install the application:

  1. Navigate to the Relativity Applications tab in your workspace.
  2. Select Install from the application library.
  3. Select the aiR for Case Strategy application.
  4. Click Install.

For more information on installing applications, see Relativity applications.


The following permissions are needed to use aiR for Case Strategy:

Object Security
  • aiR for Case Strategy Prompt Criteria - View, Edit, Add

  • Fact - View, Edit, Add

Generate facts

You can generate facts using aiR for Case Strategy either by selecting a saved search from the Case Home tab or by selecting documents on the Documents tab.

To generate facts using a saved search:

  1. Navigate to the Case Home tab.
  2. Click Create a Fact Chronology.

    The Generate Facts modal

  3. Select a Saved Search to determine which documents are used to generate facts.
  4. Complete the fields in the modal. For tips on how to write for the prompts, see General writing guidelines.
    Note: Each Generate Facts field has an individual limit of 4,096 characters except for the Prompt Criteria Name field which has a limit of 256 characters.
  5. Click Generate Facts.

To generate facts by selecting documents:

  1. Navigate to the Documents tab.

  2. Manually select the documents to use for generating facts. The mass operations bar, which allows you to select all documents in the list, is not currently compatible with aiR for Case Strategy.

    Note: To ensure high performance, there is a limit of 500 documents at a time. To learn more, see Size limitations.

  3. Click the Generate Facts button.

    The Generate Facts modal

  4. Complete the fields in the modal. For tips on how to write for the prompts, see General writing guidelines.

  5. Click Generate Facts.

Inline editing

Advanced Access participants can use inline editing on the Case Home tab to edit cells on-the-fly without needing to open each fact individually. Eligible fields for inline editing are identified with a yellow highlight at the top of the column. To learn more about how inline editing works on the Documents tab, see Inline editing in the document list.

Click the Inline Editing icon to enter and exit edit mode. While in edit mode, you can edit any eligible fields.

Document Preview panel

The Document Preview panel is now available from the Case Home tab. You can use the Document Preview panel to view documents without having to open them in the Viewer. To learn more, see Document and item list navigation.

The Case Home tab is open and the user opens the Document Preview panel, changes to Extracted Text Viewer, and then hides the Document Preview panel.

aiR Facts view

Once you've generated facts using aiR for Case Strategy, you can view the results using the new aiR Facts view on the Facts tab. aiR Facts is a default view and cannot be edited.

Optionally, you can create a copy of the aiR Facts view and add or remove fields to create a custom view that suits your needs.

To create a custom view, do the following:

  1. Navigate to the Views tab.

  2. Select the aiR Facts view from the list.

  3. Select Copy from the mass operations toolbar.

  4. Click Ok.
    The Air Facts 1 view is created and it is an editable view that contains all of the aiR Facts fields which you can further customize.

  5. Select the Air Facts (1) view from the list.

  6. Click Edit.

  7. Edit the Name field to ensure your new custom view has a recognizable name.

  8. Ensure the Fields tab is selected and then add or remove fields as desired from the Selected section. Each field in the Selected section will display in the custom view.

  9. Once you've finished editing the fields, click Save.

  10. Navigate to the Facts tab.

  11. Click on the Views drop-down menu and select the view you created to begin using it.

aiR Fact view fields

The following fields display in the aiR Facts view:

  • Primary Fact Date—denotes the date when the fact occurred, or the start date for an event that occurred between certain dates, including time.

  • Fact—a brief title for the fact.

  • Description—a field for describing each fact in greater detail.

  • aiR Issues—displays the issues that aiR for Case Strategy has associated with each fact. The issues that might be associated with a fact is determined by what you entered in the Issues field.

  • aiR Entities—displays the entities that aiR for Case Strategy has associated with each fact. The entities that might be associated with a fact are determined by what you entered in the People and Aliases field.

  • Document Summary—displays an AI-generated synopsis of each document.

  • Fact Documents—displays the Control Number for each document. You can link a fact to more documents manually to also display their Control Numbers in this field.

  • Citation—the portion of the document that is used to support each fact.

  • Fact Score—an AI-generated score for each fact on a 0-4 scale.

    • 4—Very important; the fact is crucial and has a strong impact on proving the user's case.

    • 3—Important; the fact has a significant impact and is very relevant to the case.

    • 2—Moderately important; the fact has some impact and is somewhat relevant.

    • 1—Slightly important; the fact has minimal impact but might still be somewhat relevant.

    • 0—Not important; the fact has no relevance to the case.

  • Arguments for Fact Score—an AI-generated rationale for each Fact Score to help you understand the scores better.

  • Helpful/Harmful—displays an AI-generated rationale on whether a fact is helpful, harmful, or is neutral towards your case.

  • Keep Fact—this Yes/No field can be used for QC'ing facts and recording whether a fact is useful without having to delete it.

  • Prompt Criteria Name—Displays the name entered in the Generate Facts modal. This field has a character limit of 256 characters.

General writing guidelines

For all of the setup tabs, we recommend:

  • Write as if "less is more." Instead of pasting in a long review protocol as-is, summarize where possible and include only key passages.

  • Phrase things in a positive way when possible. Avoid negatives ("not" statements) and double negatives.

  • Do not include explanations of the law.

  • Do not give the LLM commands, such as “you will review XX." Instead, simply describe the case.

  • Use whatever writing format makes the most sense to a human reader. For example, bullet points might be useful for the People and Aliases section, but paragraphs might make sense in another section.

  • The LLM has essentially “read the whole Internet.” It understands widely used slang and abbreviations, but it does not necessarily know jargon or phrases that are specific to an organization.

Size limitations

Based on the limits of the underlying large language model (LLM), aiR has size limits for the documents and prompts you submit.

The documents and Prompt Criteria have the following size limits:

  • Each Generate Facts field has an individual limit of 4,096 characters except for the Prompt Criteria Name field which has a limit of 256 characters.

  • Each document's extracted text should be under 150KB if possible. aiR has a hard limit of 300KB extracted text per document, but due to how the LLM processes document size, it sometimes rejects documents that are smaller than 300KB. To avoid this, we recommend treating 150KB as the upper limit.

  • Each document's extracted text, when combined with the Prompt Criteria, must be less than 20,000 words.