PDF Queue

PDF Queue is a sub-tab of Queue Management. From this screen, you can monitor all PDF jobs across an instance of Relativity that are not yet complete.

PDF Queue Table

PDF Queue columns

  • Workspace ID—the ID of the workspace that contains the products set used for the job.
  • Job ID—the unique ID assigned the job.
  • Job Type—the type of job submitted. For example, Single, Mass, or Delete.
  • Input File Type—the type of file submitted. For example, Native, Image, or Production.
  • Status—the current stage of the production job.
  • Staged Documents—the number of staged documents.
  • Submitted Documents—the number of documents that were originally submitted.
  • In Progress Documents—the number of documents in progress.
  • Errored Documents—the number of documents that errored during the process.
  • Completed Documents—the number of completed documents during the process.
  • Total Documents—the total number of documents processed.
  • Skipped Documents—the number of documents skipped.
  • User Artifact ID—the unique ID of the user starting the job.
  • Submitted Date—the date and time when a PDF job was run.

Cancel a PDF job

To cancel a PDF job:

  1. Select the job(s).
  2. Click the Cancel PDF Job button.
  3. Cancel PDF Job
  4. Click Yes, Cancel PDF Job on the confirmation modal.
  5. Cancel Confirmation Modal