Staging Inventory Report

The Staging Inventory Report is a CSV formatted spreadsheet that displays folders, folder size, and file counts at the instance level. The report lists the top folder structure. You can download reports using the Relativity One Staging Explorer. RelativityOne automatically generates reports weekly.

Note: Staging Inventory Reports only report on file shares which have been moved to the new cloud storage architecture. Legacy file servers are not reported on. Please reach out to for more details.

To download and view a Staging Inventory Report:

  1. Open your instance using the Relativity One Staging Explorer.
  2. Navigate to the Temp\Inventory Reports folder in the Staging section (right-side of your screen.)
  3. Select the report you want to download.
  4. Click the Download button.
  5. From the Local section (left-side of your screen), navigate to the Inventory Files folder (or other folder if you saved the file in another location.)
  6. Double-click the report to open it in any CSV compatible software, such as Microsoft Excel.
    Note: The content-length column in the report is shown in Bytes.
    Staging Inventory Report

Client Domains

To download and view a Staging Inventory Report for a Client Domain:

  1. Open your instance using the Relativity One Staging Explorer.
  2. Navigate to the Client Domain share in the Staging section. Each Client Domain is assigned a letter, which is appended to the Tenant ID for your instance. For example, for Client Domain B, navigate to T025B\Temp\Inventory Reports folder in the Staging section (right-side of your screen.)
  3. Select the report you want to download.
  4. Click the Download button.
  5. From the Local section (left-side of your screen), navigate to the Inventory Files folder (or other folder if you saved the file in another location.)
  6. Double-click the report to open it in any CSV compatible software, such as Microsoft Excel.