Manually group contract families

You can group amendments, addendums, exhibits, schedules, and other related documents to root agreements. Each document analyzed is assigned a unique identifier in the Contracts Related Documents field. You can manually apply this identifier to many documents to group them as related in the Contracts Viewer.

Grouping related documents to root agreements

To group related documents that are already in Relativity:

  1. Create a layout and view that both contain the following fields:
    • Contracts Related Documents
    • Contracts Related Order
  2. In the Documents tab, filter to display the documents you want to group together. Use the Check All box in the top-left corner of the list results to select all the documents.
  3. Locate the root agreement, and copy the value from the Contracts Related Documents field. You can skip this step if you plan to use custom values.
  4. Using the Mass Action button at the bottom of your list, click Edit.
  5. In the Edit Documents window, select the layout created in step one from the drop down menu.
  6. Locate the Contracts Related Documents field and paste in the ID from your master version, described in step 3.
  7. Select the corresponding check box to the left of the field.
  8. Click Save.

Now that all the related documents have the same Contracts Related Documents value, they will show up in the Related Documents pane in the Contracts Viewer. The number near the Related Documents icon indicates the total number of documents related to the master.

Create a custom order

Once the documents are grouped together, you can configure the order in which they are displayed in the Related Documents pane in the Contracts Viewer.

To create a custom order in the Contracts Related Documents pane:

  1. In Relativity, select Edit in the Mass Action drop-down menu. Locate the Contracts Related Order field in the pop-up window.
  2. Give the root agreement an order of 0.
  3. Continue ordering the remaining documents. Using increments of 10 is best.

Ordering scenarios

Following are scenarios that can occur when using ordering and solutions for each scenario.

Scenario 1

Five Documents with the same Contracts Related Documents ID all have a Contracts Related Order that is blank or zero.

Solution: The top document on the left pane will be the lowest Artifact ID. The four in the Related Documents pane are ordered by Artifact ID, with lowest on top.

Scenario 2

Five Documents with the same Contracts Related Documents ID all have a Contracts Related Order of zero through five.

Solution: The top document on the left pane has a Contracts Related Order of zero, and the four in Related Documents are listed from one to five, with one on top.

Scenario 3

Five Documents with the same Contracts Related Documents ID all have a Contracts Related Order of blank or zero, except one, which has a Contracts Related Order of 10.

Solution: The top document on the left pane is the one with a Contracts Related Order of ten, and the four in Related Documents will be will be ordered by Artifact ID, with lowest on top.

Grouping related documents to root agreements using Import/Export

Using the Contracts Related Documents field, you can group related documents to root agreements with Import/Export:

  1. Open your .csv load file. In the field mapping statement, add Contracts Related Documents and Contracts Related Order as fields to import.
  2. Navigate to rows representing your documents, and add the same ID to all documents that you need to group.
  3. Use Contracts Related Order to set the top-down display order of your related documents in the Contracts Viewer by adding a 0 to the first document, and 1, 2, 3, and so on for all subsequent documents.
  4. Import your document load file via Import/Export.
    Be sure to use the Auto Map Fields function, or manually add Contracts Related Documents and Contracts Related Order fields on the Field Mappings dialog box.
  5. Once complete, navigate to the document list view in Relativity. The Contracts Related Documents and Contracts Related Order fields now contain the values from your Import/Export load file.

Open the Contracts Viewer to see all your Related Documents in the left pane.