Analysis statuses and results

There are various analysis states you'll need to understand when running Contracts Analysis. Reviewed here are the statuses and details around the analysis and the functions of the Management Console, the processing status, the Contracts analysis document list, and supported file types. All are in the Contracts Analysis Set layout.

Analysis statuses

To review the status of your analysis set, navigate to Contracts Analysis Set in the Contracts tab and click on the name of your analysis set.

Management console

The following options appear on the management console:

  • Analyze—initiates the analysis.
  • Retry Errors—restarts the analysis if errors were detected. This should be the initial troubleshooting step to restart the analysis if not all documents were analyzed due to an error.
  • Refresh Page—provides the most up-to-date status of the analysis. Click this icon to refresh the page instead of the refresh button in your browser.

Processing status

This section includes details about the progress of analyzed documents, status results, the last error of an analysis.


Provides a general status update on the progress of analyzed documents. Statuses include the following:

  • Waiting
  • Processing
  • Completed
  • Completed with errors
  • Canceled OR Canceling


Provides more details for Status results. Details include the following:

  • Document(s) remaining—the number of documents in the analysis queue.
  • Document(s) processing—the number of documents to be analyzed.
  • Document(s) completed—the number of successfully analyzed documents.
  • Document(s) canceled—the number of canceled documents prompted by the user.
  • Document(s) excluded—the number of excluded documents due to an Unsupported File Type.
  • Document(s) with errors—the number of documents with errors that weren't analyzed.

Contracts analysis document

The Contracts Analysis Document list found at the bottom of the analysis set page displays all the documents included in the analysis. Documents sort by control numbers and display their analysis status based on the last analysis run.

In the Job Status column, you can click into the status for more details. For example, you can click into the job status to see reasons for excluded documents or errors. For errors specifically the Suggestion field and a longer error message indicate what may have gone wrong.

Supported file types

The Supported File Types list lets you whitelist file types for Contracts analysis. PDFs and Word documents are best for analysis. However, the full list of 94 supported file types is visible upon creating a new Contracts analysis set. To add file types to the list of those that Contracts will run analysis on, click the Link button.

Note: Contracts will exclude contracts that aren't Contracts-supported file types. It will not exclude contracts for the sole reason that they do not have the Relativity native file type populated. If this value is blank, Contracts will still analyze the document. If it's populated, Contracts will adhere to your supported file type selections.


The Contracts Classification and Contracts Segmentation views included with Contracts are starting points to review Contracts analysis results. If you'd like to customize these views, copy and edit them or create your own custom views to meet your project needs.

Contracts Classification view

Since there are no section documents in the Contracts Classification view, you can see what contracts analysis has done for you at the root agreement level. This view lets you take the first step in prioritizing review by knowing what's in your data set.
An image of the Contracts Classification view.

Fields included in Contracts Classification view:

• Control Number

• Contract Title

• Contract Type

• Contract Type Confidence Score

• Contract Type Confidence Group

Contracts Segmentation view

The Contracts Segmentation view includes all sections found across the data set, and groups them by their root agreements in the Document Parts family identifier field.
An image of the Contracts Segmentation view.

Fields included in Contracts Segmentation view:

• Control Number

• Document Type

• Contract Title

• Contract Type

• Section Warnings

• Section Warnings Details

• Section Heading

• Section Type

• Section Type Confidence Score

• Section Type Confidence Group

Copy and edit a Contracts view

To copy an existing view and edit it to meet your project needs:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Admin tab and select Views.
  2. Select the view you'd like to copy, select the mass action button at the bottom of the page and click Copy.
    An image showing what your screen should look like before copying a view.
  3. The newly duplicated view will be visible in the list with a (1) next to its name.
  4. Rename the view and add or remove fields as necessary.

Create a custom view

To create a custom view:

  1. Navigate to the Workspace Admin tab, and select Views.
  2. Click New View.
  3. Select Document for the Object Type field.
  4. Add a Name for your view.
  5. Add the desired Fields and set their viewing order.
  6. Set all other configurations and click Save.

Create a view that maintains grouping of sections to root agreements

To create a document list view that displays all sections in their original sequence nested below their root agreement:

  1. Select the desired view name from the views drop-down, then click the Edit pencil icon.
  2. Navigate to the Advanced Settings section, and configure the settings as following:
    • Visualization Type: Indented List
    • Group Definition: Document Parts
    • Indentation Method: Conversation Index
    • Indentation Definition Field: Section Start
    • Display Field: Artifact ID
    • Relativity Applications: Contracts
  3. Click Next.
  4. Add new fields to the layout, set the viewing order, and click Next.
  5. Leave the Set Conditions section as is and click Next.
  6. Adjust Set Sort to Ascending using the Document Parts field, then click Save.

Exporting results

Relativity offers a variety of ways to export data from a document list. To mass export:

  1. Navigate to the Relativity document list and select a view that includes all your desired fields for export.
  2. Select files to export by clicking on the check boxes located in the row counter column labeled with #.
  3. Click the Mass Action button and select Export to File, or click the check box in the column headings to select all.
  4. Select the desired export settings and click Run.
    The exported file will save locally to your computer.

For more detailed instructions on exporting data, see Mass export to file.

Export all sections in a contract

If you want to transfer the contract you are reviewing to a new workspace, you should retain all the sections and their locations and tags respective to their Root Agreement or parent. Section segments and tags save to a few fields that need attention if exporting contracts to a new workspace.

Export the following fields to retain Section Headings, Section Type, and all Section Segments in respective to its parent contract.

  • "Control Number"
  • "Document Parts"
  • "Document Type"
  • "Contracts Section End"
  • "Contracts Section Start"
  • "Section Heading"
  • "Section Type"
  • "Section Type Confidence Group"
  • "Section Type Confidence Score"
  • "Contract Title"
  • "Contract Type"
  • "Contract Type Confidence Group"
  • "Contract Type Confidence Score"
  • "Extracted Text"