
Collect offers comprehensive reporting capabilities that you can use to view information about collections. You can set options to generate these reports based on matter and collection as well as other combinations.

Note: If you've developed and used a new data source plugin using the Collection API, the Targeted Collection Activity Report reports on the new data source or sources accordingly.

Running reports

You can generate these reports in the collection console within a collection project. Click on the name of a report to download. Locate the Collection Summary and Collection Details report in the collection console. Locate the Results and Error report in the Data Sources table on the Collection Details page.

When generating a report, Relativity downloads different files through your browser.

Collection Summary report

The Collection Summary report includes the target, target status, number of items collected, and the collection size. The report is grouped by custodians. Grouping by custodians makes it easy to sort the targets for each custodian with subtotals for each custodian. Grand totals are at the end of the report. The report downloads as a PDF file.

This report also includes filters that were used at any point in the collection. For example, if a modification date that is greater than or equal to 1/1/2010 is added at the criteria level, then that filter is listed in the summary report table. If no filter criteria was specified for the job, the report lists a "No Filter Criteria Applied" message.

Group-type data sources are also included in the list of data sources. This section is at the beginning of the report. For example, if you collect from Outlook calendars, Outlook mailboxes, and Slack, all collection summaries are included in the report.

The short message grouped collections lists the custodians involved in the collect, along with the data sources. The top of the report includes the custodian list. This section's title is "Short Message Grouped Collections." The report table includes the data source, target status, the number of items collected, and the collection size in gigabytes.

Collection Details report

The Collection Details report includes two files: the first file includes the successfully collected results of all items and their metadata. The second file includes the errored collection data. The error file includes as many of the items and as much of the items' metadata as it can. The report downloads as a CSV file.

This report, both files, is also stored in the assigned Entra ID file share. It is included in the collection output.

Results report

The Results report link for each target downloads as a CSV or XML file that contains a list of all individual items collected. These items include emails, files, or other data. It contains all of the associated metadata for each item. If no items were collected the file is empty.

The Results report is a CSV file download of the results collected from Bloomberg, Box, iManage, Microsoft, Refinitiv Ikon, Slack, or X1 targets.

The Results report is an XML file download of the results collected from a Google target.

Hash identifier - SHA-256

Inside the spreadsheet there is an electronic fingerprint named SHA-256. When collecting documents, Microsoft adds the SHA-256 hash identifiers and then stores the hashes. A user can verify the original file by matching the SHA-256 identifiers. For more information, see Microsoft's Retention Policies.

The SHA-256 is included in the Results report file and the Collection details report files.

Errors report

A Comma Separated Values file download of the errors that occurred during the collection from the target. If no errors occurred, the file is empty.

If the application is reporting errors with requests, creating objects, or parsing, check for correct permissions, check for healthy connections, and check if the fileshare is working. If the setup is correct, start diagnosing errors.


The report file lists one error per line. Each item is listed with an error ID alongside the message of the error that caused the item failure. Per-item errors only occur in the download phase of the collection; if an error occurs before (for example, if data is unavailable during our check) or after (for example, the worker cannot write the results.csv file to the fileshare) then there will be no record in the errors.csv report.

Graph Error Codes

The Graph Error Codes category of error codes will occur if there is an issue with Graph when downloading an item. For more information, see Microsoft's Graph Errors documentation. There are different error categories. Handle each category error following instructions below. If the suggested resolutions don't fix the issue or if the code is not listed, contact Relativity Support.


Transient errors appear in the report if the Microsoft Graph API has received too many requests in too short a time. If these errors appear, then the collection is putting too much pressure on external services. Retry the collection later.

  • activityLimitReached
  • quotaLimitReached
  • serviceNotAvailable

These errors deal with authentication of the Collect application. Check the Microsoft Azure application associated with the collection source instance and ensure it has the proper permissions.

  • accessDenied
  • notAllowed
  • unauthenticated

For more information, see Accessing Microsoft 365 tenants.


Modification errors appear when data changes between discovery and download. For example, moving data would cause a modification error. Restart the collection to resolve the error.

  • itemNotFound
  • resourceModified

The Microsoft Graph API prevents Relativity from collecting items marked as malware. Items marked as malware will always error. Relativity doesn't collect these files. To download these items, you must download them manually.

  • malwareDetected

The other error codes shouldn’t appear in Errors file, as they either deal with the uploading of data (which Collect doesn't do) or they deal with a malformed request, which indicates a bug. If they appear, contact Relativity Support.

HTTP Errors

This error category occurs alongside Graph errors, as well as in a few other cases. For example, an HTTP error occurs when a file stream doesn't download. If the suggested resolution does not fix the issue or if the code is not listed, contact Relativity Support.

Of the HTTP error codes, here are examples of some that may appear:

  • 400: Bad Request—the application requested a resource improperly. If this occurs, contact Relativity Support.
  • 401: Unauthorized—the application doesn't have the proper permissions and the app key is correct.
  • 403: Forbidden—the application doesn’t have the permissions and the app key is correct. These may also be associated with attempting to download a file with malware (see malwareDetected).
  • 404: Not Found—an item was moved between discovery and downloading. Restart the collection.
  • 429: Too Many Requests— the application has received more requests than it can handle. Retry the collection later.
  • 504: Gateway Timeout—this is related to the stability of the tenant being collected from. Retry the collection again later.
  • 509: Bandwidth Limit Exceeded—the application cannot support the amount of bandwidth needed. Retry the collection again later.
Other Errors

InvalidOperationException ("The item's downloaded hash does not match Microsoft's reported hash value.") – this occurs if the downloaded item's hash identifier and Microsoft's hash identifier differs. This error usually indicates something happened with the download that caused the data to become corrupted and can represent a transient error. Retry running the collection.

ArgumentExceptions ("Non-file attached to...") - these exceptions occur when something other than a file is attached to an event or message. Relativity does not collect these items.

There are messages indicating that there was an issue creating a VCard, MIME, or iCal object. These indicate that there was an error translating Microsoft's response on these items into files, and are usually bugs in the Collection application. contact Relativity Support.

There are messages indicating problems writing files to the file share. In this case, download went correctly, but there is an issue with the Relativity File Share preventing the write. contact Relativity Support.