Relativity White Papers

These white papers explain various topics related to Relativity.

Active Learning in RelativityOne Review Center

This whitepaper provides an in-depth look at Review Center’s underlying technology so you can understand exactly how its AI helps you find relevant documents faster.
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Understanding Security in RelativityOne

This whitepaper covers Relativity’s comprehensive security program so you can know how to keep your data safe.
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A Focus on Security and Privacy in Relativity’s Approach to Generative AI

This whitepaper demonstrates how we are working tirelessly to provide you with the most secure experience possible with Relativity aiR.
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Sentiment Analysis: Relativity’s Approach to Developing Responsible AI Solutions for e-Discovery and Investigation

This whitepaper outlines how we developed sentiment analysis, a new RelativityOne capability that leverages AI algorithms to detect positive and negative tones and other emotions within data.
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AI vs Humans in the Field of Law: Three things every legal professional needs to know to survive and thrive in the age of AI

This whitepaper to covers how legal teams can leverage powerful AI whilst retaining the skills and insights that are inherently human.
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Courts Often Disfavor Full-Disk Imaging, But How Much is Too Much?

This whitepaper examines the concept of proportionality in e-discovery. We’ll look at case law and commentary on proportionality—and possibly save you some money—because it turns out full-disk imaging is not required for most e-discovery collections.
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AI for PI: Find and Redact Personal Information with AI-Powered Workflows

This whitepaper provides an overview of how AI-based personal information identification is a game changer for large enterprises and law firms.
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Transforming Your e-Discovery Practice by Moving to the Cloud

This whitepaper covers why forward-thinking law firms are moving to the cloud to transform their e-discovery practices.
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9 Questions Government Agencies Should Answer When Modernizing e-Discovery Technology

This whitepaper covers the most important topics government agencies should consider when modernizing e-discovery, including avoiding the most common pitfalls, maximizing ROI, and future-proofing e-discovery technology.
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Modernizing e-Discovery with AI and the Cloud for Government Agencies

This whitepaper provides an overview of how government agencies and constituents benefit from new e-discovery technologies.
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Understanding the Components of Computer-Assisted Review and the Workflow that Ties Them Together

This paper defines each step in the computer-assisted review process—highlighting key elements and their importance—and provides an example of an effective workflow.
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Active Learning in Technology-Assisted Review

This paper explores the technology behind the active learning workflow as well as how it works from beginning to end.
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