Transcript reports

You can export the different annotations and items that have been linked to the transcript(s), including Case Dynamics items.

Creating a transcript report

To create a transcript report:

  1. Navigate to the Documents tab.
  2. Select multiple or a single transcript(s) to report on.
  3. Click the mass operations button and select Transcript Report. A pop-up appears.
  4. Select one of the following report types:
  5. Fill out the applicable fields and select Export.

Annotations Digest

The Annotations Digest report exports a PDF with the selected annotations that contains the following information:

  • Case Name
  • Transcript Name
  • Type of annotation with total number of annotations selected
  • Individual representations of each annotation with corresponding page and line numbers
  • Case Dynamics items
  • Time and date of digest generation

To run the Annotations Digest, fill out the following fields:

  • Include All Annotations - select all or which annotation types and Case Dynamics items you would like to include. In the bottom section of the report pop-up, you can choose to include or exclude specific annotations.
    Note: Beginning January 2018, comments within notes are included when you select Notes, so you can see the full dialogue on printed transcripts.
  • Include Entire Question and Answer - select Yes/No to include the nearest question and answer in the selected annotation.

The Export X Transcript section

Key Terms

The Key Terms report exports a PDF with the chosen key terms that contains the following information:

  • Case Name
  • Transcript Name
  • List of key terms
  • Individual representations of each key term with corresponding page and line numbers, including the additional lines above and below the term
  • Time and date of digest creation

Key terms are highlighted in the report.

To run the Key Terms report, fill out the following fields:

  • Include Entire Question and Answer - select Yes/No to include the nearest question and answer in the selected annotation.
  • Additional Lines Above & Below - enter the additional lines (up to 10) you would like to include above and below the line where the term is located.
  • Key Terms - enter the key terms you would like to run the report on, with each term on a separate line.

The Export X Transcript modal