Factors that affect processing throughput

This topic explains several factors that may affect processing throughput, or performance for processing discover and publish jobs. If you consistently experience lower-than-usual throughput, check to see if any of the following factors are impacting job performance.

Calculating processing discover throughput

Processing discover throughput is defined as the amount of concurrent processing work performed on a customer’s RelativityOne instance in a given time period. Processing discovery throughput is expressed in gigabytes per hour (GB/hr) and is calculated by adding the size of the data discovered from all of the processing jobs running on the instance, then dividing by the amount of time for the data to process, when at least one processing job was running.

For instance, in the image below, between 1 PM and 4 PM, there are three processing jobs running and 240 GB (80+120+40) of data is discovered in 2.5 hours (3 hours - 0.5 hours when no processing job was running). So, the processing throughput is 240/2.5 = 96 GB/hr.

Chart showing three processing jobs spanning a timeline in hours.

Discover job performance

The following content discusses common factors that may affect discover job throughput.

Factors related to the processing discover job

Factors related to the files in the processing discover job

Processing profile settings that may impact discover job performance

Publishing job performance

The following content discusses common factors that may affect publish job throughput.

Factors related to the processing publish job

Processing profile settings that may impact publish job performance