Other software support

This page covers additional supported file type (for processing) information for other software considerations. To view the Relativity supported and unsupported file type tables, see Supported file types for processing.

Multi-part forensic file considerations

When processing a multi-part forensic image, make sure the source location points to the root folder that contains all of the files that make up the image. If you select only the first file of the image, such as .e01, .l01, .ex01, .lx01, inventory and discovery fail with an unrecoverable error.

This is because inventory looks at where files reside in the processing source folder and does not copy them to the repository. If you only select the first file, that file only is copied to the repository during discovery. The workers attempt to extract from it and fail since the rest of the archive is not available.

When processing .e01 files, the following NTFS file system files are skipped:

  • Unallocated space files
  • Index $I30 files
  • $TXF_DATE files

For details on EnCase file type support, see the EnCase entry on the supported files types table.

Native text extraction and OCR

Processing distinguishes between text and line art in the documents you process. For these documents, processing will only OCR the line art. This means that Relativity does not skip OCR if a page has electronic text.

Accordingly, Relativity performs both native text extraction and OCR on the following file formats:

  • All vector formats—.svg, CAD files, Metafiles [.wmf, .emf], Postscript, Encapsulated postscript
  • .pdf, Visio, Publisher, MS Project, Hancom and JungUm files

All image formats, such as .tiff, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, and .png, do not have native text, so only OCR is performed. If the file has electronic text and images, native text extraction and OCR is performed.

Password-protected .rar files

Processing does not decrypt a file that gets its encryption directly from the .rar file that contains it. This means that if you attempt to process a password-protected .rar file where the Encrypt file names property is checked, Processing is unable to extract the files inside that archive.

Encrypt file names property checkbox

In addition, Processing can extract a single password-protected file from a .rar file, but not multiple password-protected files in the same archive.

The following table breaks down Processing's support of password-protected .rar files.

  • —Processing will decrypt the file.
  • Empty—Processing will not decrypt the file.
Archive type Single password-protected file Multiple password-protected files Encrypt file names property
Multi-part .rar    

Lotus Notes

Note the following about how Processing handles note storage facility files:

  • Processing does not perform intermediate conversion on .nsf files, meaning that they are not converted to .pst or .dxl files before discovering them. This ensures that document metadata is not missed during processing.
  • Processing preserves the original formatting and attachments of the .nsf file. In addition, forms are not applied, since they are designed to hide information.
  • Processing extracts the contents of .nsf files and puts them into individual message files using the Lotus Notes C/C++ API directly. This is because .nsf files do not have their own individual document entry file format. All of the original Lotus Notes metadata is embedded in the message, meaning if you look at the document metadata in an .nsf file within Lotus, all of the metadata listed is embedded in the message. In addition, the original Rich Text Format/HTML/Plaintext document body is written to the message. Relativity handles the conversion from .nsf to .msg files itself, and any errors regarding metadata or the inability to translate content are logged to the processing Errors tab. Relativity can process the following .nsf items as messages:
    • Contacts
    • Distribution lists
    • Calendar items
    • Emails and non-emails

This is an example of an original .nsf file before being submitted to the processing engine:

Original NSF file

This is an example of an .nsf file that has been converted to a message:

Converted MSG file

Lotus Notes supported versions

Lotus Notes are supported through Version 10.

Multi-part container considerations

When processing a multi-part container, the first part of the container must be included. If the first part of the container is not included, the Processing engine ignores the file.

Calendar file, vCard file considerations

Calendar files (.ics) and vCard files (.vcf) are de-duplicated not as emails but as loose files based on the SHA256 hash. Since the system now considers these loose files, Relativity is no longer capturing the email-specific metadata that it used to get as a result of .ics or .vcf files going through the system's email handler.

The following table breaks down which metadata values the system populates for .ics files:

Processing engine property name Relativity property name
Author Author
DocTitle Title
Email/AllDayEvent [other metadata]
Email/AllowNewTimeProposal [other metadata]
Email/BusyStatus [other metadata]
Email/CommonEnd [other metadata]
Email/CommonStart [other metadata]
Email/ConversationTopic [other metadata]
Email/CreatedOn Email Created Date/Time
Email/DisplayTo [other metadata]
Email/DomainParsedBCC Recipient Domains (BCC)
Email/DomainParsedCC Recipient Domains (CC)
Email/DomainParsedFrom Sender Domain
Email/DomainParsedTo Recipient Domains (To)
Email/Duration [other metadata]
Email/EndDate Meeting End Date/Time
Email/IntendedBusyStatus [other metadata]
Email/IsRecurring [other metadata]
Email/LastModified Email Last Modified Date/Time
Email/Location [other metadata]
Email/MessageClass Message Class
Email/MessageType Message Type
Email/NetMeetingAutoStart [other metadata]
Email/ReminderMinutesBeforeStart [other metadata]
Email/SentRepresentingEmail [other metadata]
Email/SentRepresentingName [other metadata]
Email/StartDate Meeting Start Date/Time
EmailBCC [other metadata]
EmailBCCName [other metadata]
EmailBCCSmtp BCC (SMTP Address)
EmailCC [other metadata]
EmailCCName [other metadata]
EmailCCSmtp CC (SMTP Address)
EmailConversation Conversation
EmailFrom [other metadata]
EmailImportance Importance
EmailSenderName Sender Name
EmailSenderSmtp From (SMTP Address)
EmailSensitivity Email Sensitivity
EmailSubject Subject
EmailTo [other metadata]
EmailToName Recipient Name (To)
EmailToSmtp To (SMTP Address)
SortDate Sort Date/Time
Subject [other metadata]

The following table breaks down which metadata values the system populates for .vcf files:

Processing engine property name Relativity property name
DocTitle Title
Email/BusinessAddress [other metadata]
Email/BusinessAddressCity [other metadata]
Email/BusinessAddressCountry [other metadata]
Email/BusinessAddressPostalCode [other metadata]
Email/BusinessAddressState [other metadata]
Email/BusinessAddressStreet [other metadata]
Email/BusinessPostOfficeBox [other metadata]
Email/BusinessTitle [other metadata]
Email/CellNumber [other metadata]
Email/CompanyName [other metadata]
Email/ConversationTopic [other metadata]
Email/Country [other metadata]
Email/Department [other metadata]
Email/DisplayName [other metadata]
Email/DisplayNamePrefix [other metadata]
Email/Email2AddrType [other metadata]
Email/Email2EmailAddress [other metadata]
Email/Email2OriginalDisplayName [other metadata]
Email/Email3AddrType [other metadata]
Email/Email3EmailAddress [other metadata]
Email/Email3OriginalDisplayName [other metadata]
Email/EmailAddrType [other metadata]
Email/EmailEmailAddress [other metadata]
Email/EmailOriginalDisplayName [other metadata]
Email/FileUnder [other metadata]
Email/Generation [other metadata]
Email/GivenName [other metadata]
Email/HomeAddress [other metadata]
Email/HomeAddressCity [other metadata]
Email/HomeAddressCountry [other metadata]
Email/HomeAddressPostalCode [other metadata]
Email/HomeAddressState [other metadata]
Email/HomeAddressStreet [other metadata]
Email/HomeNumber [other metadata]
Email/HomePostOfficeBox [other metadata]
Email/Locality [other metadata]
Email/MessageClass Message Class
Email/MessageType Message Type
Email/MiddleName [other metadata]
Email/OfficeNumber [other metadata]
Email/OtherAddress [other metadata]
Email/OtherAddressCity [other metadata]
Email/OtherAddressCountry [other metadata]
Email/OtherAddressPostalCode [other metadata]
Email/OtherAddressState [other metadata]
Email/OtherAddressStreet [other metadata]
Email/OtherPostOfficeBox [other metadata]
Email/PostOfficeBox [other metadata]
Email/PostalAddress [other metadata]
Email/PostalCode [other metadata]
Email/PrimaryFaxNumber [other metadata]
Email/PrimaryNumber [other metadata]
Email/State [other metadata]
Email/StreetAddress [other metadata]
Email/Surname [other metadata]
EmailConversation Conversation
EmailSubject Subject
Subject [other metadata]