Mass Save as List

To save a group of documents as a list, follow this procedure. The same steps apply to other objects with Lists enabled. Always begin by clicking the tab of the object for which you want to save a new list. Mass Save as List is available from the mass operations bar.

Note: You cannot use mass operations on Data Grid-enabled fields.

To save a group of documents as a new list or replace an existing list:

  1. Navigate to the Documents tab.
  2. Display the documents you want to save to a list by selecting a folder, view, saved search, or performing a document search.
  3. From the mass operations bar on the document list, choose whether to save Checked items or All items in the current returned set.
  4. Select Save as List. The Save as List pop-up window opens.
  5. Create new list
  1. Complete all required fields.
    • Action - creates a new list or replace the contents of an existing list. Select one of the following options:
      • Create new list - creates a new list with the list name specified in the Name field.
      • Replace existing list - replaces an existing list with the currently selected objects. Select an existing list from the Select Item - List window.
    • Name - stores the name of a new list. Type the new list name.
  2. Click Save.