Invite users

You can use the Invite operation to send out invitation to newly-created users to log in to Relativity and set their passwords. The mass operation is available from the mass operations bar. This feature is useful when you setting up a large number of reviewers in a new case.

Note: You cannot use mass operations on Data Grid-enabled fields.

To send invitations to multiple users:

  • Navigate to the Users tab.
  • From the mass operations bar, choose whether to select Checked items or All items in the current returned set.
  • Select Invite in the mass operations drop-down menu.
  • The Invite Users dialog opens.
    Invite Users window
    If any of the users can't be invited, they are listed in the dialog. The reasons may include:
    • The user you are inviting doesn't have a valid login method. To correct this, assign the user a login method. For more information, see Managing user authentication methods
    • You don't have edit permissions to the user(s) that you are inviting. Make sure you have edit permissions to the users.
  • Click Ok. The invitation emails are sent to the users.