RelativityOne - Case Rollup

The RelativityOne - Case Rollup script is a billing script that reports on peak billable data for all cases in a Relativity environment; this can be used in environments where the auto-emailed statistics feature is not possible.

Note: You must run this script in Admin mode and not from within a workspace. Otherwise, you will receive a warning and the script won't complete.


After clicking Run on the Script console, enter values for the following fields:

  • Usage Period Year (YYYY)—the year you wish to report on.
  • Usage Period Month (MM)—the month you wish to report on.
  • Replace Case Name With Artifact ID—determines whether the name of the case is replaced by the case artifact ID in the report results.
  • Replace Matter Name With Hash Value—obfuscate the matter names in billing metrics.
  • Replace Client Name With Hash Value—obfuscate the client names in billing metrics.


After you run the script, the RelativityOne - Case Rollup report is displayed for the specified month and year.

The report includes the following columns:

Column Definition
Case Artifact ID Unique artifact ID associated with a workspace in the environment.
Case GUID The case Globally Unique Identifier (GUID) associated with the workspace to that environment.
Year & Month The year and month of the reported data.
Usage ID The usage ID given to the workspace. This is a unique identifier which combines instance, workspace artifact ID, year, and month.
Case ID Unique identifier for the workspace across all environments which combines Instance and workspace artifact ID.
Instance The name designated as the instance name.
Relativity Case Name The name given to the workspace in Relativity.
Name The instance name and the workspace name; if the workspace name is obfuscated, it is replaced by the workspace identifier.
Account The name designated as the account name.
Status Column currently not used.
Client Status The current status of the client. This value is automatically inserted by the system based on a setting in the database.
Peak Status The peak status of any workspace in the environment. If any workspace was active during the reported month, the status is Active; otherwise, it is Inactive.
File Count The peak count of the total number of files in the workspace.
File Size

The peak total file size of files in the workspace in GB. This value only counts items in the file table and doesn't include container files in the repository. Therefore, not everything in the file repository is necessarily included in this value. For example, the file size total doesn't take into account working files/copies generated by a processing job. This value also doesn't count the SQL database.

LDF Size The peak database log data file (LDF) size of the workspace in GB.
MDF Size

The peak database primary data file (MDF) size of the workspace in GB.

Note: If your MDF is split into multiple NDFs, the sum of all NDF sizes is returned.

SQL FT Size The peak size of the disk space that is allocated to the index (the file group) in GB. This will be within 5-10% of the actual size of the index. To estimate the actual size of the Full Text index, reduce the value reported by 5-10%.
CA Native Size Size of all Native documents indexed with Content Analyst for first time, during the reported month.
CA Native Documents Number of Native documents that were indexed with Content Analyst for first time, during the reported month.
CA Image Documents Number of documents with images and without natives run through a Analytics Index or Structured Analytics Set for the first time during the reported month.
CA Text Only Documents Number of documents without an image or native that were run through a Analytics Index or Structured Analytics Set for the first time during the reported month.
CA Total Documents Total number of all documents run through a Content Analyst Index for the first time, during the reported month.
DtSearch Index Size Column currently not used.
Document Count The peak total document count in the workspace.
Activity Status Indicates that the workspace is active (based on workspace view actions in the audit history for the given month).
Time Executed Date on which the report was generated.
Archive Status Indicates a status of Archived if an ARM workspace restore is in progress. Otherwise the status is Online.
Tenant Name The name of the tenant client associated with the workspace. Relativity populates this value only when you enable tenancy for a client. If you remove the associated workspace from Relativity, this column displays the word Deleted. For more information, see Multi-tenancy.
Tenant Client Artifact ID The unique Artifact ID associated with a tenant client. Relativity populates this value only when you enable tenancy for a client. If you remove the associated workspace from Relativity, this column displays the word Deleted. For more information, see Multi-tenancy.
Relativity Integration Point Pushed Documents True/False value indicates if documents were pushed from a workspace using Integration Points.
ECA Application Installed True/False value indicates if the ECA application is installed to a workspace.
Time Executed UTC The UTC time when the report is generated.
Data Generated UTC The time when the Case Statistics Manager agent ran to generate the metrics used by the Case Statistics report.
Prior CA Year Month The prior month for the Analytics data. For example if the report is running in October, the metrics are from September.
Prior CA Native Size GB Size of all Native documents indexed with Content Analyst for first time, during the prior month.
Prior CA Native Documents Number of Native documents that were indexed with Content Analyst for first time, during the prior month.
Prior CA Image Documents Number of documents with images and without natives run through a Analytics Index or Structured Analytics Set for the first time during the prior month.
Prior CA Text Only Documents Number of documents without an image or native that were run through a Analytics Index or Structured Analytics Set for the first time during the prior month.
Prior CA Total Documents Total number of all documents run through a Content Analyst Index for the first time, during the prior month.
Client Artifact ID Unique artifact ID of the client associated with the workspace. If the workspace is deleted, no value is reported.
Client Name The name of the client associated with the workspace. If the workspace is deleted, no value is reported.
Matter Artifact ID Unique artifact ID of the matter (through client) associated with the workspace. If the workspace is deleted, no value is reported.
Matter Name The name of the matter associated with the workspace. If the workspace is deleted, no value is reported.
Document Count Text Only The peak count of Documents that do not have an associated File record.
Total Billable File Size The peak of the summed size of all Files that are Billable within a given month range.
Data Grid File Size The peak of the summed size of all Data Grid Files within a given month range.
Image File Size The summed size of all Imaging Files that are Billable. Value is taken from the same day as the peak Total Billable File Size.
Native File Size

The summed size of all Native Files that are Billable. Value is taken from the same day as the peak Total Billable File Size.

Production File Size The summed size of all Production Files that are Billable. Value is taken from the same day as the peak Total Billable File Size.
Current File Count The last recorded value of File Count within a given month range.
Current File Size The last recorded value of File Size within a given month range.
Current Billable File Size The last recorded value of Total Billable File Size within a given month range.
Current Native File Size The last recorded value of Native File Size within a given month range.
Current Image File Size The last recorded value of Image File Size within a given month range.
Current Production File Size The last recorded value of Production File Size within a given month range.
Current Document Count Text Only The last recorded value of Document Count Text Only within a given month range.
Current Data Grid File Size The last recorded value of Data Grid File Size within a given month range.
Audit Record Count The peak count of Audits.
Audit Size The peak count of the size of Audits.
Client Number The billing number for the client and is recorded when you create a new Client in Relativity.
Matter Number A unique number that identifies the matter. The matter number is recorded when you create a new Matter in Relativity and is associated with a Client.
Is Repository Workspace Indicates whether this workspace is currently in Repository or not
Linked Billable File Size GB Total data that has been promoted out of this Repository Workspace into another workspace via links
Linked Native File Size GB Data linked to Native files that has been promoted out of this Repository Workspace into another workspace via links
Linked Image File Size GB Data linked to Image files that has been promoted out of this Repository Workspace into another
Linked Production File Size GB Data linked to Production files that has been promoted out of this Repository Workspace into another
Cold Storage State Shows the current Cold Storage position of the workspace including whether it's moving in or out