Lockbox report

The Lockbox Report script will list out all workspaces where anyone at Relativity ODA LLC has current access to along with the name of the group that the Relativity ODC LLC user is linked to.

Special considerations

Consider the following when working with the Lockbox Report script.

  • In compliance with data security policies, Relativity staff will not add or remove themselves to/from groups that have workspace access privileges on any RelativityOne instance. Access changes must be made by system administrators on the customer side.
  • RelativityOne support and operations teams will attempt to address customer tickets without requiring access to the specific workspace where the issue was reported. When those attempts are unsuccessful, Relativity staff will ask the customer to drive resolution through a shared web conference session or grant a customer lockbox bypass to the relevant workspace.
  • This report is provided so that customers can easily determine all the open grants, and can remove Relativity staff access as soon as the customer business need has been addressed.

Running the script

To run the script:

  1. Click your name in the upper right corner of Relativity, and click Home.
  2. Navigate to the Relativity Script Library tab.
  3. Click the Lockbox Report link.
  4. On the script details page, click the Run Script button.
  5. In the Run Script window, click Run again.

For additional assistance, contact Relativity Customer Support.


After the script executes, the Results section contains the following information:

Column Description
Workspace Artifact ID The artifact ID of the workspace.
Workspace Name The name of the workspace.
Workspace Created On The date the workspace was created.
Relativity Inclusive Group The name of the group that contains the Relativity ODA LLC user.