
Set up users, groups, and workspaces from anywhere with the RelativityOne app for iOS.

All lists are searchable. Pull down on the device and a search bar appears.

Note: All users within groups that have the View Admin Repository security permission has access to the Admin section of the app.
Note: This functionality is not available in RelativityOne Government environments.


The Users tab is the default admin tab. The first thing an admin sees is the user list. From the user lists, you can view, add, and edit users. An admin can also send a user an invitation email, manage login methods, and view the groups the user is associated with.

To create a user, follow the steps below.

  1. In the User list, tap +.
  2. Complete the fields on the form. See Admin.
  3. Tap Save.

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An image of the Users tab on mobile.

Within a user's profile, an admin can:

  • Edit the user's profile - update the user's information by editing the fields. For more information, see Admin.
  • Send the user an invitation email - send an invitation by tapping Send User Invitation Email and confirm in the pop-up modal.
  • Manage the user's login methods - update the current login method by tapping on the method. Create a new login method by tapping +. For more information on managing user's login methods, see Managing user authentication methods.
  • View groups - view the groups the user is associated with in all workspaces within the instance.
Note: You cannot use the RelativityOne mobile app to send password reset emails. You must use the web app to perform this action.


View, create, and organize groups from the RelativityOne mobile app for iOS. From the groups list, tap a group to view the users in the group and add new users.

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An image of the Groups tab on mobile.

To create a new group, tap + in the top right corner on the Groups tab. Once tapped, a pop-up modal displays and you can start creating the group. To create the group, you'll need to add the following information:

Group information

  • Name - the group’s name, which is the only required field for creating a group. This field must be between 1 and 50 characters.
    Note: As your Relativity environment grows, arbitrary group names like "Group 1" can produce a confusing administrative workflow. Name each group according to their purpose and permission level, such as "ACME Co. Reviewer" and "ABC Corp. Administrators."

  • Client - a required field that makes the group a child object of the chosen client.


  • Keywords - (Optional) a field where extra group information may be recorded.
  • Notes - (Optional) a field where extra group information may be recorded.

Once the group information is added, tap Save.

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An image of the New Group menu on mobile.

To add users to a group, locate and tap into the desired group. In the group list of users, tap +. After tapping, a list of already created users are available to add to the group. Tap one or more users to add. Once all users are selected, tap Save. The user is then processed and a confirmation email is sent to the user. The user will immediately have the group's permissions.

To remove a user, locate and tap into the desired group. Swipe left on the name of the user to open up a confirmation pop-up modal. In the pop-up modal, tap Remove.


From the Workspaces tab, tap into a workspace. Within the workspace, you can manage a workspace's groups, copy permissions from one group to another, or start reviewing documents.

Tap Group Management to view the list of groups within the workspace. Within the group list, you can add or remove a group.

To add a group, tap the + icon. Select one or more groups within the instance that you want to add to the workspace. Tap Save.

To copy permissions to a group:

  1. Tap the name of the group that needs the updated permissions.
  2. Tap Copy From to open a list of other groups in the workspace you can copy permissions from.
  3. Select and tap on the group you want to copy permissions from.
  4. Tap Save.
  5. Tap Copy to confirm that you want the permissions copied.

Once confirmed, the group will have the same permissions of the other group.

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An image of the Copying Permissions pop up on mobile.

To remove a group from the group list, swipe left on the name of the group. In the pop-up modal, tap Remove.

Tap Review documents to start reviewing. After tapping Review Documents, you can choose to view documents, saved searches, and folders. Tap one to take you into the workspace.

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An image of the Workspaces list on mobile.