PI Detect and Data Breach Response Workspace Template

Note: The PI Detect and Data Breach Response Template is only available for PI Detect and Data Breach Response customers.

The PI Detect and Data Breach Response template has the PI Detect and Data Breach Response application pre installed and includes groups and processing fields specific to the application.


While PI Detect and Data Breach Response only require document IDs, date sent, and MD5 hashes, there are more optional fields that may be helpful when running a project. The PI Detect and Data Breach Response template has around 100 pre mapped processing fields. For more information on what these fields are, see documentation for Mapping processing fields.

PI Detect and Data Breach Response tab visibility

The following tabs show by default in PI Detect and Data Breach Response. Tab visibility is dependent on permission level. For permission levels and their visibility, see Workspace permissions.

  • Jobs
  • Data Settings
  • Privacy Workflow
  • Document Reports
  • Redact

An image of the PI Detect and Data Breach Response tab

Workspace permissions

The PI Detect and Data Breach Response Workspace Template includes four groups for different user levels meant for use with the PI Detect and Data Breach Response application. You can click on the desired groups in the application to see the assigned permissions. Following are descriptions of each group.

Note: These groups are preconfigured with permissions that give users access to specific PI Detect and Data Breach Response features as and other RelativityOne capabilities that may be helpful. We recommend reviewing these groups' permissions as there may be permissions you want users to have that have not been preconfigured.

DBR PID Template - Lead

This group is for users who need access to all PI Detect and Data Breach Response functionality.

Tab Access to features
  • PI and Entity Search Provider
  • Viewer – PI Detections panel
  • Viewer – Linked Entities panel
Review Queues
  • All
Review Center
  • All
Import/Export Job
  • All
PI Detect and Data Breach Response
  • Jobs
  • Ingestion Profile
  • Privacy Workflow
  • Document Reports
  • Redact
PI Detect and Data Breach Response – Privacy Workflow
  • Document Ingestion
  • Incorporate Feedback
  • Search
  • Excel Reports
  • Quality Control
    • Blocklisting
    • Entity Normalization Audit
  • Project Settings

DBR PID Template - Annotator

This group is for users who need access to annotate documents.

Tab Access to features
  • Viewer – PI Detections panel
  • Viewer – Linked Entities panel
Review Queues
  • All

DBR PID Template - FLR

This group is for first level reviewers.

Tab Access to features
  • Viewer – PI Detections panel
  • Viewer – Linked Entities panel
Review Queues
  • All

DBR PID Template - QC

This group is for QC reviewers.

Tab Access to features
  • Viewer – PI Detections panel
  • Viewer – Linked Entities panel
Review Queues
  • All

Change Log

Component Change Date updated Template version
Workspace permissions Updated permissions to reflect changes to Privacy Workflow tab. April 9, 2024 1.1.0
Template The PI Detect and Data Breach Response Template is available for PI Detect and Data Breach Response customers March 26, 2024 1.0.0