Document Report

The Document Report provides project leads with a breakdown of each document within the data set and the personal information found within that document.

An image of the Document Reports tab

Table contents

The following columns are standard in the Document Report:

Column Description
Document ID The ID of the document.
File Extension The file extension of the document.
FL Reviewer If the document was marked complete during First Level Review, the username of the First Level Reviewer will populate this column.
QC Reviewer If the document has been marked complete during QC Review, the username of the QC Reviewer will populate this column.
Duplicate Indicates whether the document is a duplicate. Column values can be “Y:” or “N.”
Duplicate Of If a document is a duplicate, the Document ID that it is a duplicate of will populate in this column.
Flags Contains the names of flags applied to the document, if any.
PI Count The number of annotations within the document.
Total Unique Entity Count

The number of unique entities found on the document.

Note: This count does not include individuals that are not linked to any personal information.

Total Complete Address Count The number of full addresses within the document.
PI Confidence AI-generated score of how likely it is that a document contains an accurate PI prediction.
PII Review Complete Indicates that PII Review is complete
Upload Date The date the document was uploaded into the instance.
Comments Any comments made on the document during review.
First Level Reviewer Date If the document has been First Level Reviewed, this column contains the date that it was marked complete.
PI Type

The Document Report will report as a column each type of Personal Information annotated across the document set.

If the Show PI toggle is off, these columns will populate with the count of that PI found within the document. If the Show PI toggle is on, the PI values will appear in the report.

Note: For documents with a large amount of personal information the column will populate with “Document has too many PI items to display (count of PI)” if the Show PI toggle is turned on.

Personal Information If a document has been marked complete during review, this column populates with the value of the Personal Information selection on the coding panel.
Documents This column has an icon that lets the user to open the document in a new tab.